Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of Network to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Network-pre.223 Author: pre Time: 2 May 2018, 3:19:58.805873 pm UUID: 6308303d-2839-b54d-9e44-90d16685e6be Ancestors: Network-pre.222 Makes MIMEHeaderValue objects aware of qencoding by resolving the encoding issue at creation time. =============== Diff against Network-pre.222 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: MIMEHeaderValue class>>forField:fromString: (in category 'instance creation') ----- forField: aFName fromString: aString "Create a MIMEHeaderValue from aString. How it is parsed depends on whether it is a MIME specific field or a generic header field." + | decodedString | + decodedString := [aString decodeMimeHeader] + on: InvalidUTF8 , NoConverterFound do: [:e | aString]. (aFName beginsWith: 'content-') + ifTrue: [^self fromMIMEHeader: decodedString] + ifFalse: [^self fromTraditionalHeader: decodedString] - ifTrue: [^self fromMIMEHeader: aString] - ifFalse: [^self fromTraditionalHeader: aString] ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MIMEHeaderValue class>>fromMIMEHeader: (in category 'instance creation') ----- fromMIMEHeader: aString + "This is the value of a MIME header field and so is parsed to extract the various parts. + This assumes a string without any special encodings (e.g. q encoding)." - "This is the value of a MIME header field and so is parsed to extract the various parts" | parts newValue parms | newValue := self new. parts := ReadStream on: (aString findTokens: ';'). newValue mainValue: parts next. parms := Dictionary new. parts do: [:e | | separatorPos parmName parmValue | separatorPos := e findAnySubStr: '=' startingAt: 1. separatorPos <= e size ifTrue: [parmName := (e copyFrom: 1 to: separatorPos - 1) withBlanksTrimmed asLowercase. parmValue := (e copyFrom: separatorPos + 1 to: e size) withBlanksTrimmed withoutQuoting. parms at: parmName put: parmValue]]. newValue parameters: parms. ^ newValue ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MIMEHeaderValue class>>fromTraditionalHeader: (in category 'instance creation') ----- fromTraditionalHeader: aString + "This is a traditional non-MIME header (like Subject:) and so should be stored whole. + This assumes a string without any special encodings (e.g. q encoding)." - "This is a traditional non-MIME header (like Subject:) and so should be stored whole" | newValue | newValue := self new. newValue mainValue: aString. newValue parameters: #(). ^newValue. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: MIMEHeaderValue>>asHeaderValue (in category 'printing') ----- asHeaderValue + | strm result | - | strm | strm := WriteStream on: (String new: 20). strm nextPutAll: mainValue. parameters associationsDo: [:e | strm nextPut: $; ; nextPutAll: e key; nextPutAll: '='; nextPutAll: e value]. + ^ ((result := strm contents) anySatisfy: [:c | c isAscii not]) + ifTrue: [QEncodingMimeConverter mimeEncode: result] + ifFalse: [result] + ! - ^ QEncodingMimeConverter mimeEncode: strm contents! Item was changed: ----- Method: MIMEHeaderValue>>mainValue (in category 'accessing') ----- mainValue + ^ mainValue! - ^ [mainValue decodeMimeHeader] - on: InvalidUTF8 , NoConverterFound do: [:e | mainValue]! |
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