Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of Network to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Network-tfel.185.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Network-tfel.185
Author: tfel
Time: 23 September 2016, 5:02:31.408724 pm
UUID: 8a7f87c3-69e4-e44d-9ff8-ab1737aa78ed
Ancestors: Network-tfel.184
becomeModal was deprecated
=============== Diff against Network-tfel.184 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SuperSwikiServer>>showQueryAsPVM: (in category 'testing') -----
showQueryAsPVM: resultStream
| answer gif whatToShow projectName fileName firstURL wrapper currX currY maxX maxY rawProjectName |
"SuperSwikiServer testOnlySuperSwiki queryProjectsAndShow"
resultStream reset; nextLine.
answer := RectangleMorph new
borderWidth: 0;
borderColor: Color blue;
color: Color paleBlue.
currX := currY := maxX := maxY := 10.
[resultStream atEnd] whileFalse: [
rawProjectName := resultStream nextLine.
projectName := rawProjectName convertFromEncoding: self encodingName.
fileName := resultStream nextLine convertFromEncoding: self encodingName.
gif := self oldFileOrNoneNamed: rawProjectName,'.gif'.
gif ifNotNil: [gif := GIFReadWriter formFromStream: gif].
currX > 600 ifTrue: [
currX := 10.
currY := maxY + 10.
gif ifNil: [
gif := AlignmentMorph newColumn
hResizing: #shrinkWrap;
vResizing: #shrinkWrap;
borderWidth: 8;
borderColor: Color red;
color: Color lightRed;
addMorph: (StringMorph contents: 'No GIF for ',projectName);
firstURL := self url.
firstURL last == $/ ifFalse: [firstURL := firstURL, '/'].
whatToShow := ProjectViewMorph new
image: (gif asFormOfDepth: Display depth);
lastProjectThumbnail: gif;
setProperty: #SafeProjectName toValue: projectName;
project: (DiskProxy
global: #Project
selector: #namedUrl:
args: {firstURL,fileName}
answer addMorphBack: (whatToShow position: currX @ currY).
currX := currX + whatToShow width + 10.
maxX := maxX max: currX.
maxY := maxY max: currY + whatToShow height.
maxX = 10 ifTrue: [
^self inform: 'No projects found for your criteria'
answer extent: (maxX @ maxY) + (0@10).
wrapper := ScrollPane new extent: (answer width + 10) @ (answer height min: 400).
wrapper color: Color white.
wrapper scroller addMorph: answer.
+ wrapper
- wrapper
- becomeModal;