A new version of Network was added to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Network-topa.70.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Network-topa.70
Author: topa
Time: 4 May 2010, 2:40:49.919 pm
UUID: 910cd7d2-0bf9-4f74-95ec-4f290a58235d
Ancestors: Network-ar.69
Allow for Urls that might contain passwords/usernames with
"dangerous" characters.
=============== Diff against Network-ar.69 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: HierarchicalUrl>>privateInitializeFromText: (in category 'parsing') -----
privateInitializeFromText: aString
| remainder ind specifiedSchemeName |
remainder := aString.
schemeName ifNil:
[specifiedSchemeName := Url schemeNameForString: remainder.
specifiedSchemeName ifNotNil:
[schemeName := specifiedSchemeName.
remainder := remainder copyFrom: schemeName size + 2 to: remainder size].
schemeName ifNil:
["assume HTTP"
schemeName := 'http']].
"remove leading // if it's there"
(remainder beginsWith: '//')
ifTrue: [remainder := remainder copyFrom: 3 to: remainder size].
"get the query"
ind := remainder indexOf: $?.
ind > 0
[query := remainder copyFrom: ind + 1 to: remainder size.
remainder := remainder copyFrom: 1 to: ind - 1].
"get the authority"
ind := remainder indexOf: $/.
ind > 0
[ind = 1
ifTrue: [authority := '']
[authority := remainder copyFrom: 1 to: ind - 1.
remainder := remainder copyFrom: ind + 1 to: remainder size]]
[authority := remainder.
remainder := ''].
"extract the username+password"
(authority includes: $@)
[username := authority copyUpTo: $@.
authority := authority copyFrom: (authority indexOf: $@) + 1
to: authority size.
(username includes: $:)
+ [password := (username copyFrom: (username indexOf: $:) + 1 to: username size) unescapePercents.
+ username := username copyUpTo: $:].
+ username := username unescapePercents].
- [password := username copyFrom: (username indexOf: $:) + 1 to: username size.
- username := username copyUpTo: $:]].
"Extract the port"
(authority includes: $:)
[| lastColonIndex portString |
lastColonIndex := authority findLast: [:c | c = $:].
portString := authority copyFrom: lastColonIndex + 1 to: authority size.
portString isAllDigits
[port := Integer readFromString: portString.
(port > 65535) ifTrue: [self error: 'Invalid port number'].
authority := authority copyFrom: 1 to: lastColonIndex - 1]
ifFalse:[self error: 'Invalid port number']].
"get the path"
path := self privateParsePath: remainder relativeTo: #() .!