The Trunk: NetworkTests-eem.60.mcz

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The Trunk: NetworkTests-eem.60.mcz

Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of NetworkTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: NetworkTests-eem.60
Author: eem
Time: 9 October 2020, 1:20:30.75953 am
UUID: 82de62f4-5a28-47ff-93f6-b712a39d43e9
Ancestors: NetworkTests-eem.59

Add a TCP version of the testSocketReuse test which shows a bad bug in macOS that had to be oatched in the VM.

=============== Diff against NetworkTests-eem.59 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SocketTest>>testSocketReuse (in category 'tests') -----
+ "Test for SO_REUSEADDR/SO_REUSEPORT. Should probably be called testUDPSocketReuse.
+ c.f. testTCPSocketReuse"
  | udp1 udp2 sendProc recvProc  |
  | address port opt send1 recv2 received sent |
  address := #[255 255 255 255]. "broadcast"
  port := 31259.
  udp1 := Socket newUDP.
  udp1 setOption: 'SO_REUSEADDR' value: 1.
  self assert: 0 equals: udp1 socketError description: 'Error occured while setting SO_REUSEADDR'.
  opt := udp1 getOption: 'SO_REUSEADDR'.
  self assert: opt first isZero & opt last isZero not description: 'SO_REUSEADDR couldn''t be set'.
  udp1 setOption: 'SO_REUSEPORT' value: 1.
  self assert: 0 equals: udp1 socketError description: 'Error occured while setting SO_REUSEPORT'.
  opt := udp1 getOption: 'SO_REUSEPORT'.
  self assert: opt first isZero & opt last isZero not description: 'SO_REUSEPORT couldn''t be set'.
  udp1 setPort: port.
  self assert: port equals: udp1 localPort.
  udp1 setOption: 'SO_BROADCAST' value: 1.
  send1 := UUID new.
  udp2 := Socket newUDP.
  udp2 setOption: 'SO_REUSEADDR' value: 1.
  self assert: 0 equals: udp2 socketError.
  udp2 setOption: 'SO_REUSEPORT' value: 1.
  self assert: 0 equals: udp2 socketError.
  udp2 setPort: port.
  self assert: port equals: udp2 localPort.
  udp2 setOption: 'SO_BROADCAST' value: 1.
  recv2 := UUID new.
  received := 0.
  recvProc := [
  [received < 16] whileTrue:[
  received := received + (udp2 receiveDataInto: recv2 startingAt: received + 1)
  "No need to yield here, because #receiveDataInto:startingAt: will either wait on the readSemaphore of the socket or signal an error." ]
  ] newProcess.
  sendProc := [
  udp1 setPeer: address port: port.
  sent := (udp1 sendSomeData: send1 startIndex: 1 count: 16 for: 1).
  ] newProcess.
  recvProc resume.
  sendProc resume.
  (Delay forMilliseconds: 200) wait.
  assert: sendProc isTerminated description: 'sendProc hasn''t terminated till the deadline';
  assert: recvProc isTerminated description: 'recvProc hasn''t terminated till the deadline';
  assert: 16 equals: sent description: ('{1} bytes were sent instead of 16' format: { sent });
  assert: send1 equals: recv2  description: 'sent and received bytes differ'
  ] ensure:[
  udp1 ifNotNil: [ udp1 destroy ].
  udp2 ifNotNil: [ udp2 destroy ].
  sendProc ifNotNil: [ sendProc terminate ].
  recvProc ifNotNil: [ recvProc terminate ]

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SocketTest>>testTCPSocketReuse (in category 'tests') -----
+ testTCPSocketReuse
+ "Test for SO_REUSEADDR/SO_REUSEPORT using TCP sockets.  c.f. testSocketReuse"
+ | tcpSend tcpRecv sendProcess recvProcess  |
+ [
+ |  address port opt send1 recv2 sent |
+ address := NetNameResolver addressForName: '' timeout: 20.
+ port := 31259.
+ tcpSend := Socket newTCP.
+ tcpSend setOption: 'SO_REUSEADDR' value: 1.
+ self assert: 0 equals: tcpSend socketError description: 'Error occured while setting SO_REUSEADDR'.
+ opt := tcpSend getOption: 'SO_REUSEADDR'.
+ self assert: opt first isZero & opt last isZero not description: 'SO_REUSEADDR couldn''t be set'.
+ tcpSend setOption: 'SO_REUSEPORT' value: 1.
+ self assert: 0 equals: tcpSend socketError description: 'Error occured while setting SO_REUSEPORT'.
+ opt := tcpSend getOption: 'SO_REUSEPORT'.
+ self assert: opt first isZero & opt last isZero not description: 'SO_REUSEPORT couldn''t be set'.
+ "tcpSend setOption: 'TCP_NODELAY' value: 1."
+ send1 := UUID new.
+ tcpRecv := Socket newTCP.
+ tcpRecv setOption: 'SO_REUSEADDR' value: 1.
+ self assert: 0 equals: tcpRecv socketError.
+ tcpRecv setOption: 'SO_REUSEPORT' value: 1.
+ self assert: 0 equals: tcpRecv socketError.
+ tcpRecv setPort: port.
+ self assert: port equals: tcpRecv localPort.
+ recv2 := UUID new.
+ [| received |
+ recvProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+ received := 0.
+ tcpRecv waitForConnectionFor: 200.
+ [received < 16] whileTrue:
+ ["No need to yield here, because #receiveDataInto:startingAt: will either wait on the readSemaphore of the socket or signal an error."
+ received := received + (tcpRecv receiveDataInto: recv2 startingAt: received + 1)]] fork.
+ [sendProcess := Processor activeProcess.
+ tcpSend connectTo: address port: port.
+ sent := tcpSend sendData: send1] fork.
+ (Delay forMilliseconds: 200) wait.
+ self
+ assert: sendProcess isTerminated description: 'sendProc hasn''t terminated till the deadline';
+ assert: recvProcess isTerminated description: 'recvProc hasn''t terminated till the deadline';
+ assert: 16 equals: sent description: ('{1} bytes were sent instead of 16' format: { sent });
+ assert: send1 equals: recv2  description: 'sent and received bytes differ']
+ ensure:
+ [tcpSend ifNotNil: [ tcpSend destroy ].
+ tcpRecv ifNotNil: [ tcpRecv destroy ].
+ sendProcess ifNotNil: [ sendProcess terminate ].
+ recvProcess ifNotNil: [ recvProcess terminate ]]!