The Trunk: NetworkTests-pre.55.mcz

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The Trunk: NetworkTests-pre.55.mcz

Patrick Rein uploaded a new version of NetworkTests to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: NetworkTests-pre.55
Author: pre
Time: 23 February 2018, 7:58:19.082294 pm
UUID: 550f8ecc-049d-fc46-afce-219720fbe0d0
Ancestors: NetworkTests-pre.54

Adds a test which checks whether a long line in the body is correctly transmitted.

=============== Diff against NetworkTests-pre.54 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MailMessageTest>>testSendableVersionHasCorrectLineBreaks (in category 'testing') -----
+ testSendableVersionHasCorrectLineBreaks
+ | newMail longContent |
+ "To create a string which is too long to very old recommendations
+ of the mail message format, which is about 70 characters."
+ longContent := ((1 to: 80) do: [:i | i asString]) joinSeparatedBy: ''.
+ newMail := self fixtureMail.
+ newMail body: ((MIMEDocument
+ contentType: MIMEDocument contentTypePlainText
+ content: longContent)
+ charset: 'UTF-8';
+ yourself).
+ newMail := MailMessage from: newMail asSendableText.
+ self assert: (newMail bodyTextFormatted asString includesSubstring: longContent)!