The Trunk: PreferenceBrowser-mt.107.mcz

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The Trunk: PreferenceBrowser-mt.107.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of PreferenceBrowser to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: PreferenceBrowser-mt.107
Author: mt
Time: 11 October 2020, 1:44:28.154652 pm
UUID: bc1ccf63-9978-b446-aca4-cf62ab263e26
Ancestors: PreferenceBrowser-mt.106

Refactoring 'Active' variables -- Step 2 of 2. Removes all uses of Active(World|Hand|Event) by replacing those with "self current(World|Hand|Event)" or "Project current world" when required to not add/cement Morphic dependency.


=============== Diff against PreferenceBrowser-mt.106 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PreferenceWizardMorph>>adjustSettingsForLowPerformance (in category 'support') -----
  self updateLowPerformanceLabel: 'Please wait, optimizing performance...' translated.
  self refreshWorld.
  self stateGradients "flat look" ifFalse: [self toggleGradients].
  self stateBlinkingCursor ifTrue: [self toggleBlinkingCursor].
  self stateFastDrag ifFalse: [self toggleFastDrag].
  self stateSoftShadows ifTrue: [self toggleSoftShadows].
  self stateHardShadows ifTrue: [self toggleHardShadows].
  self stateRoundedWindowLook ifTrue: [self toggleRoundedWindowLook].
  self stateRoundedButtonLook ifTrue: [self toggleRoundedButtonLook].
  self stateAttachToolsToMouse ifTrue: [self toggleAttachToolsToMouse].
  self stateToolAndMenuIcons ifTrue: [self toggleToolAndMenuIcons].
  self stateSmartHorizontalSplitters ifTrue: [self toggleSmartHorizontalSplitters].
  self stateSmartVerticalSplitters ifTrue: [self toggleSmartVerticalSplitters].
  highlightHoveredRow: false;
  filterableLists: false;
  highlightPreSelection: true; "Feedback is important!!"
  flashOnErrors: false.
  TheWorldMainDockingBar showSecondsInClock: false.
  Preferences disable: #balloonHelpInMessageLists.
  "Set simple background."
+ Project current world setAsBackground: MorphicProject defaultFill.
+ previewWorld fillStyle: Project current world fillStyle.
- ActiveWorld setAsBackground: MorphicProject defaultFill.
- previewWorld fillStyle: ActiveWorld fillStyle.
+ self updateLowPerformanceLabel: 'Settings were adjusted for optimal performance.' translated.!
- self updateLowPerformanceLabel: 'Settings were adjusted for optimal performance.' translated.
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: PreferenceWizardMorph>>initializePreviewWorld (in category 'initialization') -----
  | w1 w2 w3 |
  previewWorld := PasteUpMorph new
  hResizing: #spaceFill;
  vResizing: #spaceFill;
  viewBox: (0@0 corner: 500@500);
  layoutFrame: (LayoutFrame fractions: (0.3 @ 0 corner: 1.0 @ 1.0) offsets: (0@ titleMorph height corner: 0 @ buttonRowMorph height negated));
+ fillStyle: Project current world fillStyle;
- fillStyle: ActiveWorld fillStyle;
  borderWidth: 2;
  borderColor: Color white;
  cornerStyle: (self hasLowPerformance ifTrue: [#square] ifFalse: [#rounded]);
  w1 := (ToolSet browse: Morph selector: #drawOn:) dependents detect: [:ea | ea isSystemWindow].
  w2 := ToolSet browseMessageSet: (SystemNavigation default allCallsOn: #negated) name: 'Senders' translated autoSelect: 'negated'.
  w3 := (Workspace new contents: '3+4 "Select and hit [CMD]+[P]."') openLabel: 'Workspace'.
  {w1. w2. w3} do: [:ea |
  ea makeUnclosable.
  previewWorld addMorph: ea].
  self updateWindowBounds.!