Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of PreferenceBrowser to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: PreferenceBrowser-mt.66
Author: mt
Time: 10 August 2016, 4:06:05.962119 pm
UUID: c421d26e-3304-554b-831a-70a934db6d69
Ancestors: PreferenceBrowser-mt.65
Small fix and clean-up in welcome/preference wizard.
=============== Diff against PreferenceBrowser-mt.65 ===============
Item was removed:
- ----- Method: PreferenceWizardMorph class>>generateLabelCallbacks (in category 'as yet unclassified') -----
- generateLabelCallbacks
- "self generateLabelCallbacks"
- self selectors
- select: [:ea | ea beginsWith: 'state']
- thenDo: [:ea |
- | suffix |
- suffix := ea allButFirst: 'state' size.
- self
- compile: ('label{1}\ "Auto-generated."\\ ^ self state{1} ifTrue: [''x''] ifFalse: ['' '']' withCRs format: {suffix})
- classified: 'buttons'].
- !
Item was changed:
----- Method: PreferenceWizardMorph>>step (in category 'stepping and presenter') -----
| oldBounds |
+ "self comeToFront."
- self comeToFront.
oldBounds := self bounds.
self bounds: self world bounds.
self bounds = oldBounds ifFalse: [
self updateWindowBounds].!