The Trunk: Protocols-mt.78.mcz

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The Trunk: Protocols-mt.78.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of Protocols to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: Protocols-mt.78
Author: mt
Time: 17 March 2021, 3:15:53.077151 pm
UUID: 5cf20c6e-8aca-734c-9cbb-5513228c669a
Ancestors: Protocols-mt.77

Complements EToys-mt.435

=============== Diff against Protocols-mt.77 ===============

Item was added:
+ DataType subclass: #PointType
+ instanceVariableNames: ''
+ classVariableNames: ''
+ poolDictionaries: ''
+ category: 'Protocols-Type Vocabularies'!
+ !PointType commentStamp: 'sw 2/8/2012 17:57' prior: 0!
+ A value type whose representing Point-valued variables.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: PointType>>initialValueForASlotFor: (in category 'initialization') -----
+ initialValueForASlotFor: aPlayer
+ "Answer the value to give initially to a newly created slot of the given type in the given player"
+ ^  0@0!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: PointType>>initialize (in category 'initialization') -----
+ initialize
+ "Initialize the receiver"
+ super initialize.
+ self vocabularyName: #Point!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Vocabulary class>>allPhrasesWithContextToTranslate (in category 'translation') -----
+ allPhrasesWithContextToTranslate
+ "Answer quads that encode phrases with (domain) context used for translation."
+ | literals |
+ literals := (self allStandardVocabularies
+ select:
+ [:aVocab | aVocab representsAType]
+ thenCollect:
+ [:aVocab | aVocab vocabularyName asString ]).
+ ^ {{Vocabulary class category. Vocabulary class. #typeChoices. literals}}!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Vocabulary class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
  "Initialize a few standard vocabularies and place them in the AllVocabularies list.  Call this to update all vocabularies."
  self initializeStandardVocabularies.
  self embraceAddedTypeVocabularies.
+ self allSubclassesDo: [:class | class initialize].
  "Vocabulary initialize"

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Vocabulary class>>initializeStandardVocabularies (in category 'class initialization') -----
  "Initialize a few standard vocabularies and place them in the AllStandardVocabularies list."
  AllStandardVocabularies := nil.
- Smalltalk at: #EToyVocabulary
- ifPresent:[:aClass| self addStandardVocabulary: aClass new].
- Smalltalk at: #EToyVectorVocabulary
- ifPresent:[:aClass| self addStandardVocabulary: aClass new].
  self addStandardVocabulary: self newPublicVocabulary.
  self addStandardVocabulary: FullVocabulary new.
  self addStandardVocabulary: self newQuadVocabulary.
  self addStandardVocabulary: ColorType new.
  self addStandardVocabulary: BooleanType new.
  self addStandardVocabulary: GraphicType new.
+ self addStandardVocabulary: PointType new.
- Smalltalk at: #PlayerType
- ifPresent:[:aClass| self addStandardVocabulary: aClass new].
  self addStandardVocabulary: SoundType new.
  self addStandardVocabulary: StringType new.
  self addStandardVocabulary: MenuType new.
  self addStandardVocabulary: UnknownType new.
- Smalltalk at: #ScriptNameType
- ifPresent:[:aClass| self addStandardVocabulary: aClass new].
- Smalltalk at: #PointType
- ifPresent:[:aClass| self addStandardVocabulary: aClass new].
  self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(simple raised inset complexFramed complexRaised complexInset complexAltFramed complexAltRaised complexAltInset); vocabularyName: #BorderStyle; yourself).
- self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(lines arrows arrowheads dots); vocabularyName: #TrailStyle; yourself).
  self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(leftToRight rightToLeft topToBottom bottomToTop); vocabularyName: #ListDirection; yourself).
  self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(topLeft bottomRight center justified); vocabularyName: #ListCentering; yourself).
  self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(#center #topLeft #topRight #bottomLeft #bottomRight #topCenter #leftCenter #rightCenter #bottomCenter ); vocabularyName: #CellPositioning; yourself).
  self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(#none #localRect #localSquare #globalRect #globalSquare ); vocabularyName: #CellSpacing; yourself).
  self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(buttonDown whilePressed buttonUp); vocabularyName: #ButtonPhase; yourself).
- self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(rotate #'do not rotate' #'flip left right' #'flip up down'); vocabularyName: #RotationStyle; yourself).
  self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(rigid spaceFill shrinkWrap); vocabularyName: #Resizing; yourself).
  self addStandardVocabulary: self newSystemVocabulary.  "A custom vocabulary for Smalltalk -- still under development)"
  self numberVocabulary.   "creates and adds it"
  "self wonderlandVocabulary."   "creates and adds it"
  self vocabularyForClass: Time.   "creates and adds it"
- Smalltalk at: #KedamaPatchType ifPresent:[:aClass|
- self addStandardVocabulary: (aClass new vocabularyName: #Patch; yourself).
- ].
- self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(wrap stick bouncing); vocabularyName: #EdgeMode; yourself).
- self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(logScale linear color); vocabularyName: #PatchDisplayMode; yourself).
- self addStandardVocabulary: (SymbolListType new symbols: #(#top #'top right' #right #'bottom right' #bottom #'bottom left' #left #'top left' #center ); vocabularyName: #AttachmentEdge; yourself).
  at: #CalendarMorph
  ifPresent: [:aClass | aClass assureDateFormatEstablished].
  "Vocabulary initialize"!