Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Protocols to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Protocols-nice.81
Author: nice
Time: 13 April 2021, 4:44:18.02742 pm
UUID: 1437ca2c-3deb-cc4d-ba31-982555254f5a
Ancestors: Protocols-mt.80
Simplify Symbol lookup.
=============== Diff against Protocols-mt.80 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Lexicon>>setSendersSearch (in category 'senders') -----
"Put up a list of messages sent in the current message, find all methods
of the browsee which send the one the user chooses, and show that list
in the message-list pane, with the 'query results' item selected in the
category-list pane"
| selectorSet aSelector aString |
self selectedMessageName
ifNil: [aString := UIManager default request: 'Type selector to search for' initialAnswer: 'flag:'.
aString isEmptyOrNil
ifTrue: [^ self].
+ aSelector := Symbol lookup: aString]
- Symbol
- hasInterned: aString
- ifTrue: [:sel | aSelector := sel]]
ifNotNil: [self
selectMessageAndEvaluate: [:sel | aSelector := sel]].
ifNil: [^ self].
selectorSet := Set new.
(self systemNavigation allCallsOn: aSelector)
do: [:anItem | selectorSet add: anItem methodSymbol].
selectorSet := selectorSet
select: [:sel | currentVocabulary
includesSelector: sel
forInstance: self targetObject
ofClass: targetClass
limitClass: limitClass].
selectorSet size > 0
ifTrue: [currentQuery := #senders.
currentQueryParameter := aSelector.
categoryListIndex: (categoryList indexOf: self class queryCategoryName).
self messageListIndex: 0]!