Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of Regex-Core to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Regex-Core-ul.41.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Regex-Core-ul.41 Author: ul Time: 23 August 2015, 2:03:57.377 am UUID: b2a59557-016e-41f5-86ab-3dcd33ce0954 Ancestors: Regex-Core-ul.40 Got rid of the reversal of the OrderedCollections in RxMatcher's markerPositions. =============== Diff against Regex-Core-ul.40 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: RxMatcher>>copyStream:to:replacingMatchesWith: (in category 'match enumeration') ----- copyStream: aStream to: writeStream replacingMatchesWith: aString "Copy the contents of <aStream> on the <writeStream>, except for the matches. Replace each match with <aString>." | searchStart matchStart matchEnd | stream := aStream. oldMarkerPositions := markerPositions := nil. [searchStart := aStream position. self proceedSearchingStream: aStream] whileTrue: + [matchStart := (self subBeginning: 1) last. + matchEnd := (self subEnd: 1) last. - [matchStart := (self subBeginning: 1) first. - matchEnd := (self subEnd: 1) first. aStream position: searchStart. searchStart to: matchStart - 1 do: [:ignoredPos | writeStream nextPut: aStream next]. writeStream nextPutAll: aString. aStream position: matchEnd. "Be extra careful about successful matches which consume no input. After those, make sure to advance or finish if already at end." matchEnd = searchStart ifTrue: [aStream atEnd ifTrue: [^self "rest after end of whileTrue: block is a no-op if atEnd"] ifFalse: [writeStream nextPut: aStream next]]]. aStream position: searchStart. [aStream atEnd] whileFalse: [writeStream nextPut: aStream next]! Item was changed: ----- Method: RxMatcher>>copyStream:to:translatingMatchesUsing: (in category 'match enumeration') ----- copyStream: aStream to: writeStream translatingMatchesUsing: aBlock "Copy the contents of <aStream> on the <writeStream>, except for the matches. For each match, evaluate <aBlock> passing the matched substring as the argument. Expect the block to answer a String, and write the answer to <writeStream> in place of the match." | searchStart matchStart matchEnd match | stream := aStream. oldMarkerPositions := markerPositions := nil. [searchStart := aStream position. self proceedSearchingStream: aStream] whileTrue: + [matchStart := (self subBeginning: 1) last. + matchEnd := (self subEnd: 1) last. - [matchStart := (self subBeginning: 1) first. - matchEnd := (self subEnd: 1) first. aStream position: searchStart. searchStart to: matchStart - 1 do: [:ignoredPos | writeStream nextPut: aStream next]. match := (String new: matchEnd - matchStart + 1) writeStream. matchStart to: matchEnd - 1 do: [:ignoredPos | match nextPut: aStream next]. writeStream nextPutAll: (aBlock value: match contents). "Be extra careful about successful matches which consume no input. After those, make sure to advance or finish if already at end." matchEnd = searchStart ifTrue: [aStream atEnd ifTrue: [^self "rest after end of whileTrue: block is a no-op if atEnd"] ifFalse: [writeStream nextPut: aStream next]]]. aStream position: searchStart. [aStream atEnd] whileFalse: [writeStream nextPut: aStream next]! Item was changed: ----- Method: RxMatcher>>markerPositionAt:add: (in category 'privileged') ----- markerPositionAt: anIndex add: position "Remember position of another instance of the given marker." + (markerPositions at: anIndex) addLast: position! - (markerPositions at: anIndex) addFirst: position! Item was changed: ----- Method: RxMatcher>>subexpressions: (in category 'accessing') ----- subexpressions: subIndex "Answer an array of all matches of the subexpression at the given index. The answer is always an array; it is empty if there are no matches." | originalPosition startPositions stopPositions reply | originalPosition := stream position. startPositions := self subBeginning: subIndex. stopPositions := self subEnd: subIndex. (startPositions isEmpty or: [stopPositions isEmpty]) ifTrue: [^Array new]. reply := Array new: startPositions size. 1 to: reply size do: [ :index | | start stop | start := startPositions at: index. stop := stopPositions at: index. stream position: start. + reply at: reply size - index + 1 put: (stream next: stop - start) ]. - reply at: index put: (stream next: stop - start) ]. stream position: originalPosition. ^reply! Item was changed: ----- Method: RxMatcher>>tryMatch (in category 'private') ----- tryMatch "Match thyself against the current stream." | newMarkerPositions | newMarkerPositions := oldMarkerPositions. oldMarkerPositions := markerPositions. markerPositions := newMarkerPositions. markerPositions ifNil: [ markerPositions := Array new: markerCount. 1 to: markerCount do: [ :i | + "There are usually 0 or 1 objects to store." + markerPositions at: i put: (OrderedCollection new: 2) ] ] - | collection | - collection := OrderedCollection new: 2. "There are usually 0 or 1 objects to store." - collection resetTo: 3. "We'll add elements to the beginning, so make room there." - markerPositions at: i put: collection ] ] ifNotNil: [ 1 to: markerCount do: [ :i | + (markerPositions at: i) resetTo: 1 ] ]. - | collection | - collection := markerPositions at: i. - collection resetTo: collection capacity + 1 ] ]. lastResult := startOptimizer ifNil: [ matcher matchAgainst: self] ifNotNil: [ (startOptimizer canStartMatch: stream peek in: self) and: [ matcher matchAgainst: self ] ]. "check for duplicates" lastResult ifFalse: [ ^false ]. oldMarkerPositions ifNil: [ ^true ]. (oldMarkerPositions hasEqualElements: markerPositions) ifFalse: [ ^true ]. + "this is a duplicate match" - "this is a duplicate" ^ lastResult := false! |
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