Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Regex-Tests-Core to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: Regex-Tests-Core-nice.10
Author: nice
Time: 8 May 2020, 10:27:09.57405 pm
UUID: be0fbf68-dcee-496b-8857-81f8eca41ff8
Ancestors: Regex-Tests-Core-ct.9, Regex-Tests-Core-ct.8
Merge Regex-Tests-Core-ct.9, Regex-Tests-Core-ct.8
that is tests for lookahead and lookbehind
=============== Diff against Regex-Tests-Core-ct.9 ===============
Item was removed:
- ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testLookaround (in category 'tests') -----
- testLookaround
- self assert: ('A' matchesRegex: '(?!!ABC).*').
- self assert: ('AB' matchesRegex: '(?!!ABC).*').
- self deny: ('ABC' matchesRegex: '(?!!ABC).*').!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testNegativeLookahead (in category 'tests') -----
+ testNegativeLookahead
+ self assert: ['A' matchesRegex: 'A(?!!BC).*'].
+ self assert: ['AB' matchesRegex: 'A(?!!BC).*'].
+ self deny: ['ABC' matchesRegex: 'A(?!!BC).*'].
+ self deny: ['ABCD' matchesRegex: 'A(?!!BC).*'].!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: RxParserTest>>testPositiveLookahead (in category 'tests') -----
+ testPositiveLookahead
+ self deny: ['A' matchesRegex: 'A(?=BC).*'].
+ self deny: ['AB' matchesRegex: 'A(?=BC).*'].
+ self assert: ['ABC' matchesRegex: 'A(?=BC).*'].
+ self deny: ['ABC' matchesRegex: 'A(?=BCD).*'].!