Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of ReleaseBuilder to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: ReleaseBuilder-mt.198
Author: mt
Time: 19 September 2019, 10:25:20.191528 am
UUID: d9ad83c4-46ac-c44d-92f1-f7d07febea0a
Ancestors: ReleaseBuilder-mt.197
Improves readability of changes file-out. Actually file-out the changes between 5.2 release and current Trunk.
=============== Diff against ReleaseBuilder-mt.197 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ReleaseBuilder class>>changesBetweenReleases (in category 'scripts - support') -----
| repos configs result |
+ repos :=#(52) collect: [:ea |
- repos :=#(51) collect: [:ea |
location: '', ea
user: 'squeak'
password: 'squeak')].
configs := repos collect: [:ea | ea description -> (self firstConfigurationIn: ea map: 'update')].
configs := configs, {(self buildRepository description -> self buildConfiguration)}.
result := OrderedDictionary new.
configs overlappingPairsDo: [:c1 :c2 |
at: c2 key
put: (self changesBetween: c1 value and: c2 value)].
^ result
Item was changed:
----- Method: ReleaseBuilder class>>fileOutChangesBetweenReleases (in category 'scripts - support') -----
"Generate mark-down files with all commit messages by release. To be used to write release notes."
| fileNames |
fileNames := OrderedCollection new.
self changesBetweenReleases keysAndValuesDo: [:location :c |
fileNames add: ('commits-{1}.md' format: {(location findTokens: '/') last}).
FileStream forceNewFileNamed: fileNames last do: [:strm |
c keysAndValuesDo: [:pkg :changes |
strm nextPutAll: '# '; nextPutAll: pkg name; cr.
changes keysAndValuesDo: [:ver :msg |
msg linesDo: [:line | line withBlanksTrimmed ifNotEmpty: [:m |
(m first isDigit or: [{$*. $-} includes: m first])
ifTrue: [strm nextPutAll: ' ', m]
ifFalse: [strm nextPutAll: ' - ', m].
+ strm cr]].
+ strm nextPutAll: '------------------'; cr]]]].
- strm cr]]]]]].
self inform: 'Files written:\' withCRs, (fileNames joinSeparatedBy: String cr).!