Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of SMBase to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: SMBase-nice.91
Author: nice
Time: 21 October 2009, 1:02:18 am
UUID: 9c76bcca-5766-4ad6-8180-61b58373e725
Ancestors: SMBase-nice.90
Use #keys rather than #fasterKeys
Note that pattern (x keys asArray sort) could as well be written (x keys sort) now that keys returns an Array...
This #asArray is here solely for cross-dialect/fork compatibility.
=============== Diff against SMBase-nice.90 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SMInstallationRegistry>>installedPackages (in category 'queries') -----
"Answer all packages that we know are installed.
Lazily initialize. The Dictionary contains the installed packages
using their UUIDs as keys and the version string as the value."
| result p |
result := OrderedCollection new.
installedPackages ifNil: [^#()]
+ ifNotNil: [installedPackages keys
- ifNotNil: [installedPackages fasterKeys
do: [:k |
p := map object: k.
p ifNotNil: [result add: p]]].