Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of SMBase to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/SMBase-ul.103.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: SMBase-ul.103 Author: ul Time: 7 April 2010, 3:32:48.31 am UUID: cd5f483e-2d1d-8c49-80f5-5cb0c30d03fc Ancestors: SMBase-ul.102 - make sure SMDependencyTest prepares it's SMSqueakMap instance even if there's no checkpoint available =============== Diff against SMBase-ul.102 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SMDependencyTest>>setUp (in category 'running') ----- setUp | trivial1rel installed1rel installed2rel tricky2rel conf1 conf2 tricky3rel1 tricky3rel2 tricky1rel seaside httpview kom1 kom2 | + map := SMSqueakMap new. + map isCheckpointAvailable + ifTrue: [ map reload ] + ifFalse: [ map loadUpdates ]. - map := SMSqueakMap new reload. goranAccount := map newAccount: 'Goran' username: 'Goran' email: '[hidden email]'. "Add a few packages to test with: Tricky1 1 Installed1 1 Tricky2 1 Tricky2 1 Installed1 1 TrivialToInstall1 1 Tricky3 1 Installed1 1 TrivialToInstall1 1 Tricky3 2 Tricky3 2 TrivialToInstall1 1 Installed2 1 Seaside KomHttpServer 1 HttpView KomHttpServer 2 " { {'A'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 3}. {'B'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Stable'}. 2}. {'TrivialToInstall1'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 1}. {'Installed1'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 1}. {'Installed2'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 1}. {'AlreadyInstallable1'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 1}. {'Tricky1'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 1}. {'Tricky2'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 1}. {'Tricky3'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 2}. {'Circular1'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 1}. {'Circular2'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 1}. {'Circular3'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 1}. {'Seaside'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 1}. {'KomHttpServer'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 2}. {'HttpView'. {'Squeak3.6'. 'Squeak3.7'. 'Stable'}. 1}. } do: [:arr | | package | package := SMPackage newIn: map. package name: arr first. arr second do: [:cn | package addCategory: (map categoryWithNameBeginning: cn)]. arr third timesRepeat: [package newRelease ]. goranAccount addObject: package]. trivial1rel := (map packageWithName: 'TrivialToInstall1') lastRelease. trivial1rel publisher: goranAccount. installed1rel := (map packageWithName: 'Installed1') lastRelease. installed1rel publisher: goranAccount; noteInstalled. installed2rel := (map packageWithName: 'Installed2') lastRelease. installed2rel publisher: goranAccount; noteInstalled. ((map packageWithName: 'AlreadyInstallable1') lastRelease publisher: goranAccount; addConfiguration) addRequiredRelease: installed1rel. "Tricky1 has just a single configuration with one installed and one not installed." tricky1rel := (map packageWithName: 'Tricky1') lastRelease. tricky2rel := (map packageWithName: 'Tricky2') lastRelease. (tricky1rel publisher: goranAccount; addConfiguration) addRequiredRelease: installed1rel; "already installed" addRequiredRelease: tricky2rel. "not installed" "Tricky2 has two configurations: 1: an installed, a trivial one and Tricky3 r1. 2: an installed, a trivial one and Tricky3 r2." conf1 := tricky2rel publisher: goranAccount; addConfiguration. conf2 := tricky2rel addConfiguration. tricky3rel1 := (map packageWithName: 'Tricky3') releases first. tricky3rel2 := (map packageWithName: 'Tricky3') lastRelease. tricky3rel1 publisher: goranAccount. tricky3rel2 publisher: goranAccount. conf1 addRequiredRelease: installed1rel; addRequiredRelease: trivial1rel; addRequiredRelease: tricky3rel1. conf2 addRequiredRelease: installed1rel; addRequiredRelease: trivial1rel; addRequiredRelease: tricky3rel2. "Tricky3rel2 has two configurations: 1: trivial1 2: installed2rel" conf1 := tricky3rel2 publisher: goranAccount; addConfiguration. conf2 := tricky3rel2 addConfiguration. conf1 addRequiredRelease: trivial1rel. conf2 addRequiredRelease: installed2rel. seaside := (map packageWithName: 'Seaside') lastRelease. seaside publisher: goranAccount. httpview := (map packageWithName: 'HttpView') lastRelease. httpview publisher: goranAccount. kom1 := (map packageWithName: 'KomHttpServer') firstRelease. kom1 publisher: goranAccount. kom2 := (map packageWithName: 'KomHttpServer') lastRelease. kom2 publisher: goranAccount. conf1 := seaside addConfiguration. conf2 := httpview addConfiguration. conf1 addRequiredRelease: kom1. conf2 addRequiredRelease: kom2! |
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