The Trunk: ST80-dtl.106.mcz

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The Trunk: ST80-dtl.106.mcz

David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ST80-dtl.106
Author: dtl
Time: 14 February 2010, 10:18:41.199 pm
UUID: f5e706d7-bcd7-4057-8010-789b6b58e4de
Ancestors: ST80-dtl.105

Implement Project>>textWindows to remove MVC/Morphic dependencies from  Utilities class> storeTextWindowContentsToFileNamed:
Fix bug in #storeTextWindowContentsToFileNamed: in which text windows with duplicate window titles were not saved.
Remove explicit MVC references from SystemDictionary>>majorShrink.
Remove explicit MVC reference from SystemDictionary>>discardOddsAndEnds.

=============== Diff against ST80-dtl.105 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: StandardSystemView class>>doCacheBits (in category 'class initialization') -----
  "StandardSystemView doCacheBits - Enable fast window repaint feature"
  CacheBits := true.
+ ScheduledControllers ifNotNilDo: [:sc | sc unCacheWindows; restore]!
- ScheduledControllers unCacheWindows.
- ScheduledControllers restore!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MVCProject>>textWindows (in category 'utilities') -----
+ textWindows
+ "Answer a dictionary of all system windows for text display keyed by window title.
+ Generate new window titles as required to ensure unique keys in the dictionary."
+ | aDict windows title |
+ aDict := Dictionary new.
+ windows := ScheduledControllers controllersSatisfying:
+ [:c | (c model isKindOf: StringHolder)].
+ windows do:
+ [:aController | | textToUse aTextView |
+ aTextView := aController view subViews detect: [:m | m isKindOf: PluggableTextView] ifNone: [nil].
+ textToUse := aTextView
+ ifNil: [aController model contents]
+ ifNotNil: [aTextView controller text].  "The latest edits, whether accepted or not"
+ title := aController view label.
+ (aDict includesKey: title) ifTrue: [ | newKey | "Ensure unique keys in aDict"
+ (1 to: 100) detect: [:e |
+ newKey := title, '-', e asString.
+ (aDict includesKey: newKey) not].
+ title := newKey].
+ aDict at: title put: textToUse].
+ ^ aDict!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Utilities class>>openScratchWorkspaceLabeled:contents: (in category '*ST80-Support') -----
+ openScratchWorkspaceLabeled: labelString contents: initialContents
+ "Open a scratch text view with the given label on the given string. A scratch text view won't warn you about unsaved changes when you close it."
+ "Utilities openScratchWorkspaceLabeled: 'Scratch' contents: 'Hello. world!!'"
+ | model topView stringView |
+ model := StringHolder new contents: initialContents.
+ topView := StandardSystemView new.
+ topView
+ model: model;
+ label: labelString;
+ minimumSize: 180@120.
+ topView borderWidth: 1.
+ stringView := PluggableTextView on: model
+ text: #contents
+ accept: nil
+ readSelection: #contentsSelection
+ menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:.
+ stringView
+ askBeforeDiscardingEdits: false;
+ window: (0@0 extent: 180@120).
+ topView addSubView: stringView.
+ topView controller open.
+ !