The Trunk: ST80-dtl.72.mcz

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The Trunk: ST80-dtl.72.mcz

David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ST80-dtl.72
Author: dtl
Time: 29 November 2009, 7:22:09 am
UUID: 8fb563e0-7096-4b61-a188-dc1363274d29
Ancestors: ST80-dtl.71

Remove all remaining explicit MVC and Morphic dependencies (hopefully) from class Project.

=============== Diff against ST80-dtl.71 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MVCProject>>exportSegmentWithCatagories:classes:fileName:directory: (in category 'file in/out') -----
+ exportSegmentWithCatagories: catList classes: classList fileName: aFileName directory: aDirectory
+ "Store my project out on the disk as an *exported* ImageSegment.  All outPointers will be in a form that can be resolved in the target image.  Name it <project name>.extSeg.  What do we do about subProjects, especially if they are out as local image segments?  Force them to come in?
+ Player classes are included automatically."
+ self flag: #toRemove.
+ self halt.  "unused"
+ "world == World ifTrue: [^ false]."
+ "self inform: 'Can''t send the current world out'."
+ self projectParameters at: #isMVC put: true.
+ ^ false "Only Morphic projects for now"
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MVCProject>>storeSegment (in category 'file in/out') -----
+ storeSegment
+ "Store my project out on the disk as an ImageSegment.  Keep the outPointers in memory.  Name it <project name>.seg.  *** Caller must be holding (Project alInstances) to keep subprojects from going out. ***"
+ (World == world) ifTrue: [^ false].
+ "self inform: 'Can''t send the current world out'."
+ world isInMemory ifFalse: [^ false].  "already done"
+ self projectParameters at: #isMVC put: true.
+ ^ false "Only Morphic projects for now"
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MVCProject>>exportSegmentWithChangeSet:fileName:directory: (in category 'file in/out') -----
+ exportSegmentWithChangeSet: aChangeSetOrNil fileName: aFileName
+ directory: aDirectory
+ "Store my project out on the disk as an *exported*
+ ImageSegment.  All outPointers will be in a form that can be resolved
+ in the target image.  Name it <project name>.extSeg.  Whatdo we do
+ about subProjects, especially if they are out as local image
+ segments?  Force them to come in?
+ Player classes are included automatically."
+ "Files out a changeSet first, so that a project can contain
+ its own classes"
+ self projectParameters at: #isMVC put: true.
+ ^ false "Only Morphic projects for now"
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MVCProject>>initializeProjectPreferences (in category 'project parameters') -----
+ initializeProjectPreferences
+ "Initialize the project's preferences from currently-prevailing preferences that are currently being held in projects in this system"
+ self flapsSuppressed: true.
+ super initializeProjectPreferences
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: MVCProject>>storeSegmentNoFile (in category 'file in/out') -----
+ storeSegmentNoFile
+ "For testing.  Make an ImageSegment.  Keep the outPointers in memory.  Also useful if you want to enumerate the objects in the segment afterwards (allObjectsDo:)"
+ (World == world) ifTrue: [^ self]. " inform: 'Can''t send the current world out'."
+ world isInMemory ifFalse: [^ self].  "already done"
+ self projectParameters at: #isMVC put: true.
+ ^ self "Only Morphic projects for now"
+ !