The Trunk: ST80-dtl.98.mcz

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The Trunk: ST80-dtl.98.mcz

David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ST80-dtl.98
Author: dtl
Time: 9 February 2010, 8:08:40.382 am
UUID: 8f3fa72f-5d59-473d-b624-af6f454f2faf
Ancestors: ST80-nice.97

Remove explicit MVC and Morphic dependencies from SyntaxError. SyntaxError is a model in Debugger (not an exception class).

=============== Diff against ST80-nice.97 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SyntaxError class>>buildMVCViewOn: (in category '*ST80-Models') -----
+ buildMVCViewOn: aSyntaxError
+ "Answer an MVC view on the given SyntaxError."
+ | topView aListView aCodeView |
+ topView := StandardSystemView new
+ model: aSyntaxError;
+ label: 'Syntax Error';
+ minimumSize: 380@220.
+ aListView := PluggableListView on: aSyntaxError
+ list: #list
+ selected: #listIndex
+ changeSelected: nil
+ menu: #listMenu:.
+ aListView window: (0@0 extent: 380@20).
+ topView addSubView: aListView.
+ aCodeView := PluggableTextView on: aSyntaxError
+ text: #contents
+ accept: #contents:notifying:
+ readSelection: #contentsSelection
+ menu: #codePaneMenu:shifted:.
+ aCodeView window: (0@0 extent: 380@200).
+ topView addSubView: aCodeView below: aListView.
+ ^ topView
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SyntaxError class>>mvcOpen: (in category '*ST80-Models') -----
+ mvcOpen: aSyntaxError
+ "Answer a standard system view whose model is an instance of me."
+ | topView |
+ topView := self buildMVCViewOn: aSyntaxError.
+ topView controller openNoTerminateDisplayAt: Display extent // 2.
+ Cursor normal show.
+ Processor activeProcess suspend
+ !