Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: ST80-nice.115
Author: nice
Time: 23 March 2010, 10:29:54.923 pm
UUID: 572cf412-8e8c-4438-8e5a-5385e896e3a1
Ancestors: ST80-nice.114
Fix underscores
=============== Diff against ST80-nice.114 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: FormMenuView class>>initialize2 (in category 'class initialization') -----
"The icons for the menu are typically stored on files. In order to avoid reading them every time, they are stored in a collection in a class variable, along with their offset, tool value, and initial visual state (on or off)."
"FormMenuView initialize"
| offsets keys states names button |
+ offsets := OrderedCollection new: 21.
- offsets _ OrderedCollection new: 21.
#(0 64 96 128 160 192 256 288 320 352 420) do: [:i | offsets addLast: i@0]. "First row"
#(0 64 96 128 160 192 256 304 352 420) do: [:i | offsets addLast: i@48]. "Second row"
+ offsets := offsets asArray.
+ keys := #($a $s $d $f $g $h $j $k $l $; $' $z $x $c $v $b $n $m $, $. $/ ). "Keyboard"
+ states := #(
- offsets _ offsets asArray.
- keys _ #($a $s $d $f $g $h $j $k $l $; $' $z $x $c $v $b $n $m $, $. $/ ). "Keyboard"
- states _ #(
#false #false #true #false #false #false #true #false #false #false #false
#false #false #false #false #false #true #false #false #false #false). "Initial button states"
+ names :=
- names _
#('select.form' 'singlecopy.form' 'repeatcopy.form' 'line.form' 'curve.form'
'block.form' 'over.form' 'under.form' 'reverse.form' 'erase.form' 'in.form'
'magnify.form' 'white.form' 'lightgray.form' 'gray.form' 'darkgray.form' 'black.form'
'xgrid.form' 'ygrid.form' 'togglegrids.form' 'out.form'). "Files of button images"
+ FormButtons := OrderedCollection new.
- FormButtons _ OrderedCollection new.
1 to: 21 do: [:index |
+ button := FormButtonCache new.
- button _ FormButtonCache new.
button form: (Form fromFileNamed: (names at: index)).
button offset: (offsets at: index).
button value: (keys at: index).
button initialState: (states at: index).
FormButtons addLast: button].
+ SpecialBorderForm := Form fromFileNamed: 'specialborderform.form'.
+ BorderForm := Form fromFileNamed: 'borderform.form'.
- SpecialBorderForm _ Form fromFileNamed: 'specialborderform.form'.
- BorderForm _ Form fromFileNamed: 'borderform.form'.