The Trunk: ST80-nice.174.mcz

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The Trunk: ST80-nice.174.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ST80-nice.174
Author: nice
Time: 11 September 2014, 11:05:56.454 pm
UUID: e7cfd0c2-6a52-4508-b44e-7895d4a110da
Ancestors: ST80-nice.173

Remove unecessary dependency on TextEditor and:TextMorphForEditView.
There used to be some hackish mixing between st80 and morphic editors, but there's not any more for a while.

=============== Diff against ST80-nice.173 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>changeEmphasis: (in category 'editing keys') -----
  changeEmphasis: characterStream
  "Change the emphasis of the current selection or prepare to
  accept characters with the change in emphasis. Emphasis
  change amounts to a font change. Keeps typeahead."
  | keyCode attribute oldAttributes index thisSel colors extras |
  "control 0..9 -> 0..9"
  keyCode := ('0123456789-=' indexOf: sensor keyboard ifAbsent: [1]) - 1.
  oldAttributes := paragraph text attributesAt: self pointIndex forStyle: paragraph textStyle.
  thisSel := self selection.
  "Decipher keyCodes for Command 0-9..."
  (keyCode between: 1 and: 5) ifTrue: [
  attribute := TextFontChange fontNumber: keyCode
  keyCode = 6 ifTrue: [
  | labels lines |
  colors := #(#black #magenta #red #yellow #green #blue #cyan #white ).
+ extras := #('Link to comment of class' 'Link to definition of class' 'Link to hierarchy of class' 'Link to method' ).
- extras := ((self isKindOf: TextEditor) and: [(self morph isKindOf: TextMorphForEditView) not])
- ifTrue: ["not a system window" #()]
- ifFalse: [#('Link to comment of class' 'Link to definition of class' 'Link to hierarchy of class' 'Link to method' )].
  Preferences noviceMode ifTrue: [
  labels := colors , #('choose color...' ).
  lines := #()
  ifFalse: [
  labels := colors , #('choose color...' 'Do it' 'Print it' ) , extras , #('be a web URL link' 'Edit hidden info' 'Copy hidden info' ).
  lines := Array with: colors size + 1
  "index := (PopUpMenu labelArray: labels lines: lines) startUp. "
  index := UIManager default chooseFrom: labels lines: lines.
  index = 0
  ifTrue: [ ^ true].
  index <= colors size ifTrue: [
  attribute := TextColor color: (Color perform: (colors at: index))
  ifFalse: [
  index := index - colors size - 1. "Re-number!!!!!!"
  index = 0 ifTrue: [
  attribute := self chooseColor
  index = 1 ifTrue: [
  attribute := TextDoIt new.
  thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString
  index = 2 ifTrue: [
  attribute := TextPrintIt new.
  thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString
  extras size = 0 & (index > 2) ifTrue: [
  index := index + 4 "skip those"
  index = 3 ifTrue: [
  attribute := TextLink new.
  thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString with: 'Comment'
  index = 4 ifTrue: [
  attribute := TextLink new.
  thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString with: 'Definition'
  index = 5 ifTrue: [
  attribute := TextLink new.
  thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString with: 'Hierarchy'
  index = 6 ifTrue: [
  attribute := TextLink new.
  thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString
  index = 7 ifTrue: [
  attribute := TextURL new.
  thisSel := attribute analyze: self selection asString
  index = 8 ifTrue: [
  "Edit hidden info"
  thisSel := self hiddenInfo. "includes selection"
  attribute := TextEmphasis normal
  index = 9 ifTrue: [
  "Copy hidden info"
  self copyHiddenInfo.
  ^ true
  "no other action"
  ifNil: [ ^ true ]
  (keyCode between: 7 and: 11) ifTrue: [
  sensor leftShiftDown ifTrue: [
  keyCode = 10 ifTrue: [
  attribute := TextKern kern: -1
  keyCode = 11 ifTrue: [
  attribute := TextKern kern: 1
  ifFalse: [
  attribute := TextEmphasis perform: (#(#bold #italic #narrow #underlined #struckOut ) at: keyCode - 6).
  do: [:att | (att dominates: attribute) ifTrue: [attribute turnOff]]
  keyCode = 0
  ifTrue: [attribute := TextEmphasis normal].
  beginTypeInBlock ~~ nil ifTrue: [
  "only change emphasisHere while typing"
  self insertTypeAhead: characterStream.
  emphasisHere := Text addAttribute: attribute toArray: oldAttributes.
  ^ true
  replaceSelectionWith: (thisSel asText addAttribute: attribute).
  ^ true