Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: ST80-nice.265 Author: nice Time: 13 April 2021, 2:05:18.555491 am UUID: 1e580d8e-d2fc-4037-bf38-ec2f21c4db05 Ancestors: ST80-mt.264, ST80-ct.258, ST80-ct.255 Merge commit ST80-mt.264: Work around the changes in Collections-nice.925 to make MVC work again. :-) ST80-ct.258: Fixes home and end keys in MVC editors if the text is empty ST80-ct.255: Fix Transcript in MVC projects if preference 'Force transcript updates to screen' is disabled. =============== Diff against ST80-mt.264 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>cursorEnd: (in category 'nonediting/nontyping keys') ----- cursorEnd: characterStream "Private - Move cursor end of current line." | string | self closeTypeIn: characterStream. string := paragraph text string. self moveCursor: [:position | Preferences wordStyleCursorMovement + ifTrue: [ + paragraph lines + at: (paragraph lineIndexOfCharacterIndex: position) + ifPresent: [:targetLine | targetLine last + (targetLine last = string size) asBit] + ifAbsent: [position]] + ifFalse: [ - ifTrue:[| targetLine | - targetLine := paragraph lines at:(paragraph lineIndexOfCharacterIndex: position). - targetLine = paragraph lines last - ifTrue:[targetLine last + 1] - ifFalse:[targetLine last]] - ifFalse:[ string indexOfAnyOf: CharacterSet crlf startingAt: position ifAbsent:[string size + 1]]] forward: true specialBlock:[:dummy | string size + 1]. ^true! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>cursorHome: (in category 'nonediting/nontyping keys') ----- cursorHome: characterStream "Private - Move cursor from position in current line to beginning of current line. If control key is pressed put cursor at beginning of text" | string | string := paragraph text string. self + moveCursor: [:position | Preferences wordStyleCursorMovement + ifTrue: [ + paragraph lines + at: (paragraph lineIndexOfCharacterIndex: position) + ifPresent: [:targetLine | targetLine first] ifAbsent: [position]] - moveCursor: [ :position | Preferences wordStyleCursorMovement - ifTrue:[ - (paragraph lines at:(paragraph lineIndexOfCharacterIndex: position)) first] ifFalse:[ (string lastIndexOfAnyOf: CharacterSet crlf startingAt: position - 1) + 1]] forward: false specialBlock: [:dummy | 1]. ^true! Item was changed: ----- Method: PluggableTextView>>update: (in category 'updating') ----- update: aSymbol "Refer to the comment in View|update:. Do nothing if the given symbol does not match any action. " aSymbol == #wantToChange ifTrue: [self canDiscardEdits ifFalse: [self promptForCancel]. ^ self]. aSymbol == #flash ifTrue: [^ controller flash]. aSymbol == getTextSelector ifTrue: [^ self updateDisplayContents]. aSymbol == getSelectionSelector ifTrue: [^ self setSelection: self getSelection]. aSymbol == #clearUserEdits ifTrue: [^ self hasUnacceptedEdits: false]. (aSymbol == #autoSelect and: [getSelectionSelector ~~ nil]) ifTrue: [ParagraphEditor abandonChangeText. "no replacement!!" ^ controller setSearch: model autoSelectString; againOrSame: true]. + (#(#appendEntry appendEntryLater) includes: aSymbol) ifTrue: - aSymbol == #appendEntry ifTrue: [^ controller doOccluded: [controller appendEntry]]. aSymbol == #clearText ifTrue: [^ controller doOccluded: [controller changeText: Text new]]. aSymbol == #bs ifTrue: [^ controller doOccluded: [controller bsText]]. aSymbol == #codeChangedElsewhere ifTrue: [^ self hasEditingConflicts: true]. aSymbol == #saveContents ifTrue: [^self controller saveContentsInFile]. aSymbol == #close ifTrue: [^self topView controller closeAndUnscheduleNoTerminate]. aSymbol == #acceptChanges ifTrue: [^ self controller accept]. aSymbol == #revertChanges ifTrue: [^ self controller cancel].! |
Hi Nicolas,
actually, ST80-ct.255 should have been moved into the treated inbox in favor of ST80-ct.256 as discussed in the thread. Nevertheless, thanks for integrating all these patches! :-) Best, Christoph ----- Carpe Squeak! -- Sent from:
Carpe Squeak!
Hi Christoph,
yes, I saw that later, but then decided that your first attempt was OK, some kind of integrator privilege ;) If someone has a strong opinion about it, we can change it again, but IMO it's not worth it. The problem with our dev model is that it's been designed with very short cycles in mind. Once the contributions are rotting for more than a month or two, it's very inconvenient to retrieve the messages and discussion from the mailing list, while reviewing the changes in the image. I personally skip this step because the process is already too demanding. Unlike pull/merge requests in github/gitlab, we have no way to let a review process span multiple months, multiple commits, multiple steps (understand separate steps for loading into a live image like we do with MCM update maps), etc... Answering a mail in a cold thread (2 month later or more) does not make sense,see an example below... We also have to use a 3rd tool for moving the package: the web interface. I can guarantee that I have to re-login at each package review (logins are short lived). The way our site URL works, it means that I have to retrieve the page holding the exact version at each re-login. If 1st package letter is > M, it can be 10 clicks away... Plus the fact that I'm pretty sure that in the past, some packages that I previously moved to trunk or treated inbox did reappear in the inbox, that's somehow discouraging, just put a picture of me and Marcel faces here,_1903.jpg I'm generally satisfied with our lightweight model, except for the review and integration of inbox contributions. As example, yesterday, I wanted to reject This is because (result := Compiler evaluate:... ifFail: [^nil]) is not the same as your proposal: there is a local return that exit the method in the former case, and an assignment of result with nil in the later case. I can see the diff on our site, but cannot add any annotation unlike github/gitlab. I may try to answer a mail that is about 6 month old, but IMO, it does not make much sense. This mail is not in my client anymore, so it means going thru some forum API with extra login etc... It's just not acceptable. Rejecting without a comment is not acceptable either. It's not fair for contributors, and not fair to ourselves: the reason why we reject is more important than the rejection itself: it is also information reusable for future contributions. If we really want to stick to our lghtweight model, i suggest that we add one more commit message when we move some package to treated, possibly with an automated link to original commit message in some mailing list. This way, I will have a chance to give some additional reason for rejection... I stop the rant here. Above all, I don't want to restrain the will to contribute. Having enthusiastic users overwhelming the inbox with fixes, ideas and enhancements is not the problem, it's a chance! Having too few people to perform the review with poor tools is the problem. We have to do something about it. In my eyes, the reviews done in the mailing list a few month ago are dead, they are not easily findable/usable/amendable. Thanks for bringing the subject, and please, continue to chanllenge us! Ideas for improving the process are wecome too. Le mar. 13 avr. 2021 à 19:52, Christoph Thiede <[hidden email]> a écrit : > > Hi Nicolas, > > actually, ST80-ct.255 should have been moved into the treated inbox in favor > of ST80-ct.256 as discussed in the thread. Nevertheless, thanks for > integrating all these patches! :-) > > Best, > Christoph > > > > ----- > Carpe Squeak! > -- > Sent from: > |
Hi Nicolas. > I may try to answer a mail that is about 6 month old, but IMO, it does > not make much sense.> This mail is not in my client anymore, so it means going thru some > forum API with extra login etc... > It's just not acceptable. I find both ways manageable. It doesn't take too much time for me. Yet, I see the benefit of a platform with integrated tools such as GitHub. It should be possible to write a small tool (or extension to Monticello) to make a comment (via e-mail?) on an inbox version using the mailing list and the matching entry there. No need to move all the data to a new platform where the tools are --- just add the missing tools. IMO the better cost-value ratio. ... Any takers? Christoph? :-D Best, Marcel
Here is my workspace for getting all inbox messages for a start. It downloads the whole archive, which is probably not a good idea for everyone to do it, and could be optimized simply because the inbox has not existed as long as the list. The expressions themselves are also not particularly optimized. The squeak-dev-snapshot.dat file is around 500 MB. My Squeak process takes 2 GB of RAM
though, so I will clear the workspace bindings before saving this image, which I normally use for something else... wc := WebClient new. base := ''. r := wc httpGet: base. c := r content. m := '"([^"]+)"' asRegex. files := c regex: '\<href="(([^.]+)\.txt(\.gz)?)"' matchesCollect: [:each | (m search: each) ifTrue: [m subexpression: 2]]. filedata := files collect: [:each | f := wc httpGet: base, each. f content]. deflated := Array new: filedata size streamContents: [:str | i := 0. filedata do: [:each | (each beginsWith: 'From') ifTrue: [str nextPut: each] ifFalse: [str nextPut: (GZipReadStream on: each) contents]] displayingProgress: [:each | i := i + 1. files at: i]]. start := String lf, 'From '. 'Splitting messages... ' displaySequentialProgress: [messages := deflated gather: [:eachFile | | which | which := deflated indexOf: eachFile. ProgressNotification signal: which / deflated size extra: (files at: which). Array streamContents: [:str | | rstr | rstr := ReadStream on: eachFile. [rstr atEnd] whileFalse: [str nextPut: (rstr upToAll: start)]]]]. messages. messages saveOnFileNamed: 'squeak-dev-snapshot.dat'. "messages := (FileStream oldFileNamed: 'squeak-dev-messages.dat' do: [:str | str fileInObjectAndCode])." filedata saveOnFileNamed: 'squeak-dev-files.dat'. "filedata := (FileStream oldFileNamed: 'squeak-dev-files.dat' do: [:str | str fileInObjectAndCode])." submissions := messages select: [:each | (each includesSubstring: String lf, 'Subject: [squeak-dev] The Inbox:')]. 6304 submissions found this way. This number also includes replies, so it is not the number of Monticello versions ever submitted to the Inbox. To do: to find threads, read the Message-ID: headers, follow the In-Reply-To:, References: headers. Group by original submission email. Or download the thread view from the web frontend, but must merge across month boundaries nevertheless. Correlate with Monticello versions.
Display in a tool. Come up with a saner way of downloading from the mailing list and not doing everything eagerly. Am Mi., 14. Apr. 2021 um 10:03 Uhr schrieb Marcel Taeumel <[hidden email]>:
Hi Jakob, thanks for sharing! I did also spent some time and effort in processing pipermail/mailman: For Tweak, there is also manual scraping of ( HTML pages. See #downloadTweak. Best, Marcel
In reply to this post by Nicolas Cellier
If 1st package letter is > M, it can be 10 clicks away... You can reduce it to 1 using the Search function. Wildcards are accepted. Plus the fact that I'm pretty sure that in the past, some packages I fixed that a while back. If it isn't, someone please let me know. I may try to answer a mail that is about 6 month old, but IMO, it does Why isn't it in your client anymore? Email is mission-critical, it sounds like you've got your git set up better than your mail. Mail is the application optimized for having and organizing and archiving async discussions. Whether you want to ALSO have lengthy discussions in the SCM tool or not, I don't think you'll be absolved from needing to participate in the email discussions in any case. So, it would seem like it just introduces yet another place to have to look for and maintain.. It's just not acceptable. Would you get your email fixed before deciding? Rejecting without a comment is not acceptable either. If we really want to stick to our lghtweight model, i suggest that we The submitter won't be notified. I don't think that will provide the kind of "flow" you're looking for. There already aren't enough readers of the Inbox submissions, NO ONE reads Treated. It would just be creating objects (Strings) that would never be consumed. I stop the rant here. Above all, I don't want to restrain the will to I think the problem is that trying to treat trunk development with Monticello the same as you do development with Git. > The problem with our dev model is that it's been designed with very > short cycles in mind. Git's was. Squeak+MC's wasn't, but we're forcing it to do that. It isn't surprising to me that using it this way isn't optimal. IMO, MC trunk commits were meant to be *tested and finished*, only after iterative refinement in the Inbox. It seems like little more than superficial tooling could greatly streamline it.. - Chris |
Hi Chris. > I fixed that a while back. If it isn't, someone please let me know. Looks good. It was like 3-4 weeks ago, right? No issues so far. Yet, I keep on moving the duplicates from inbox to treated if I find some. :-) Should be over soon. Best, Marcel
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