Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: ST80-nice.68 Author: nice Time: 16 November 2009, 5:51:16 am UUID: 186aafc1-fc50-bb42-8376-d8873c66d460 Ancestors: ST80-nice.67 Handle more crlf cases =============== Diff against ST80-nice.67 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>browseClassFromIt (in category 'menu messages') ----- browseClassFromIt "Launch a browser for the class indicated by the current selection. If multiple classes matching the selection exist, let the user choose among them." | aBrow aClass | self lineSelectAndEmptyCheck: [^ self]. aClass := Utilities + classFromPattern: (self selection string copyWithoutAll: CharacterSet separators) - classFromPattern: (self selection string copyWithout: Character cr) withCaption: 'choose a class to browse...'. aClass ifNil: [^ view flash]. self terminateAndInitializeAround: [aBrow := SystemBrowser default new. aBrow setClass: aClass selector: nil. aBrow class openBrowserView: (aBrow openEditString: nil) label: 'System Browser'].! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>explainScan: (in category 'explain') ----- explainScan: string + "Remove beginning and trailing separators (space, tab, cr,...)" - "Remove beginning and trailing space, tab, cr. - 1/15/96 sw: copied intact from BrowserCodeController" + ^string withBlanksTrimmed! - | c beg end | - beg := 1. - end := string size. - - [beg = end ifTrue: [^string copyFrom: 1 to: 1]. - "if all blank, tell about the first" - c := string at: beg. - c = Character space or: [c = Character tab or: [c = Character cr]]] - whileTrue: [beg := beg + 1]. - - [c := string at: end. - c = Character space or: [c = Character tab or: [c = Character cr]]] - whileTrue: [end := end - 1]. - ^string copyFrom: beg to: end "Return purely visible characters"! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>explainChar: (in category 'explain') ----- explainChar: string "Does string start with a special character?" | char | + char := string at: 1. - char _ string at: 1. char = $. ifTrue: [^'"Period marks the end of a Smalltalk statement. A period in the middle of a number means a decimal point. (The number is an instance of class Float)."']. char = $' ifTrue: [^'"The characters between two single quotes are made into an instance of class String"']. char = $" ifTrue: [^'"Double quotes enclose a comment. Smalltalk ignores everything between double quotes."']. char = $# ifTrue: [^'"The characters following a hash mark are made into an instance of class Symbol. If parenthesis follow a hash mark, an instance of class Array is made. It contains literal constants."']. (char = $( or: [char = $)]) ifTrue: [^'"Expressions enclosed in parenthesis are evaluated first"']. (char = $[ or: [char = $]]) ifTrue: [^'"The code inside square brackets is an unevaluated block of code. It becomes an instance of BlockContext and is usually passed as an argument."']. (char = ${ or: [char = $}]) ifTrue: [^ '"A sequence of expressions separated by periods, when enclosed in curly braces, are evaluated to yield the elements of a new Array"']. (char = $< or: [char = $>]) ifTrue: [^'"<primitive: xx> means that this method is usually preformed directly by the virtual machine. If this method is primitive, its Smalltalk code is executed only when the primitive fails."']. char = $^ ifTrue: [^'"Uparrow means return from this method. The value returned is the expression following the ^"']. char = $| ifTrue: [^'"Vertical bars enclose the names of the temporary variables used in this method. In a block, the vertical bar separates the argument names from the rest of the code."']. char = $_ ifTrue: [^'"Left arrow means assignment. The value of the expression after the left arrow is stored into the variable before it."']. char = $; ifTrue: [^'"Semicolon means cascading. The message after the semicolon is sent to the same object which received the message before the semicolon."']. char = $: ifTrue: [^'"A colon at the end of a keyword means that an argument is expected to follow. Methods which take more than one argument have selectors with more than one keyword. (One keyword, ending with a colon, appears before each argument).', '\\' withCRs, 'A colon before a variable name just inside a block means that the block takes an agrument. (When the block is evaluated, the argument will be assigned to the variable whose name appears after the colon)."']. char = $$ ifTrue: [^'"The single character following a dollar sign is made into an instance of class Character"']. char = $- ifTrue: [^'"A minus sign in front of a number means a negative number."']. char = $e ifTrue: [^'"An e in the middle of a number means that the exponent follows."']. char = $r ifTrue: [^'"An r in the middle of a bunch of digits is an instance of Integer expressed in a certain radix. The digits before the r denote the base and the digits after it express a number in that base."']. char = Character space ifTrue: [^'"the space Character"']. char = Character tab ifTrue: [^'"the tab Character"']. char = Character cr ifTrue: [^'"the carriage return Character"']. + char = Character lf ifTrue: [^'"the line feed Character"']. ^nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>changeLfToCr: (in category 'editing keys') ----- changeLfToCr: characterStream + "Replace all LFs by CRs, and CR-LF pairs by single CRs. - "Replace all LFs by CRs. Triggered by Cmd-U -- useful when getting code from FTP sites" + - | cr lf | sensor keyboard. "flush the triggering cmd-key character" - cr := Character cr. lf := Character linefeed. self replaceSelectionWith: (Text fromString: + (self selection string withSqueakLineEndings)). - (self selection string collect: [:c | c = lf ifTrue: [cr] ifFalse: [c]])). ^ true! |
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