Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: ST80-nice.79 Author: nice Time: 27 December 2009, 4:00:33 am UUID: b232da16-3dea-4aed-8c7a-af66448c3c9e Ancestors: ST80-nice.78 Cosmetic: move or remove a few temps inside closures =============== Diff against ST80-nice.78 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: FormMenuView>>makeColorConnections: (in category 'private') ----- makeColorConnections: indexInterval + | connector aSwitchView | - | connector buttonCache button aSwitchView | connector := Object new. "a dummy model for connecting dependents" + indexInterval do: [:index | | button buttonCache | - indexInterval do: [:index | buttonCache := (FormButtons at: index) shallowCopy. buttonCache form: (FormButtons at: index) form copy. buttonCache initialState = #true ifTrue: [button := OneOnSwitch newOn] ifFalse: [button := OneOnSwitch newOff]. button onAction: [model changeTool: buttonCache value]. button connection: connector. aSwitchView := self makeViews: buttonCache for: button. aSwitchView borderWidthLeft: 1 right: 0 top: 1 bottom: 1; action: #turnOn]. aSwitchView borderWidth: 1. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: PluggableTextController>>visibleAreas (in category 'transcript') ----- visibleAreas "Transcript dependents last controller visibleAreas" + | myTopController visibleAreas | - | visibleAreas rect remnants myTopController | myTopController := self view topView controller. visibleAreas := Array with: view insetDisplayBox. myTopController view uncacheBits. ScheduledControllers scheduledWindowControllers do: + [:c | | remnants rect | + c == myTopController ifTrue: [^ visibleAreas]. - [:c | c == myTopController ifTrue: [^ visibleAreas]. rect := c view windowBox. remnants := OrderedCollection new. visibleAreas do: [:a | remnants addAll: (a areasOutside: rect)]. visibleAreas := remnants]. ^ visibleAreas! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>tallySelection (in category 'do-its') ----- tallySelection "Treat the current selection as an expression; evaluate it and return the time took for this evaluation" + | result rcvr ctxt valueAsString v | - | result rcvr ctxt cm v valueAsString | self lineSelectAndEmptyCheck: [^ -1]. (model respondsTo: #doItReceiver) ifTrue: [FakeClassPool adopt: model selectedClass. "Include model pool vars if any" rcvr := model doItReceiver. ctxt := model doItContext] ifFalse: [rcvr := ctxt := nil]. + result := [ | cm | - result := [ cm := rcvr class evaluatorClass new compiledMethodFor: self selectionAsStream in: ctxt to: rcvr notifying: self ifFail: [FakeClassPool adopt: nil. ^ #failedDoit] logged: false. Time millisecondsToRun: [v := cm valueWithReceiver: rcvr arguments: (Array with: ctxt)]. ] on: OutOfScopeNotification do: [ :ex | ex resume: true]. FakeClassPool adopt: nil. "We do not want to have large result displayed" valueAsString := v printString. (valueAsString size > 30) ifTrue: [valueAsString := (valueAsString copyFrom: 1 to: 30), '...']. PopUpMenu inform: 'Time to compile and execute: ', result printString, 'ms res: ', valueAsString. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: FormMenuView>>makeConnections: (in category 'private') ----- makeConnections: indexInterval + | connector aSwitchView | - | connector buttonCache button aSwitchView | connector := Object new. "a dummy model for connecting dependents." + indexInterval do: [:index | | button buttonCache | - indexInterval do: [:index | buttonCache := (FormButtons at: index) shallowCopy. buttonCache form: (FormButtons at: index) form copy. buttonCache initialState = #true ifTrue: [button := OneOnSwitch newOn] ifFalse: [button := OneOnSwitch newOff]. button onAction: [model changeTool: buttonCache value]. button connection: connector. aSwitchView := self makeViews: buttonCache for: button. aSwitchView borderWidthLeft: 1 right: 0 top: 1 bottom: 1; action: #turnOn]. aSwitchView borderWidth: 1. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>saveContentsInFile (in category 'menu messages') ----- saveContentsInFile "Save the receiver's contents string to a file, prompting the user for a file-name. Suggest a reasonable file-name." + | fileName stringToSave parentWindow labelToUse suggestedName | - | fileName stringToSave parentWindow labelToUse suggestedName lastIndex | stringToSave := paragraph text string. stringToSave size == 0 ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'nothing to save.']. parentWindow := self model dependents detect: [:dep | dep isKindOf: SystemWindow orOf: StandardSystemView] ifNone: [nil]. labelToUse := parentWindow ifNil: ['Untitled'] ifNotNil: [parentWindow label]. suggestedName := nil. #(('Decompressed contents of: ' '.gz')) do: "can add more here..." + [:leaderTrailer | | lastIndex | - [:leaderTrailer | (labelToUse beginsWith: leaderTrailer first) ifTrue: [suggestedName := labelToUse copyFrom: leaderTrailer first size + 1 to: labelToUse size. (labelToUse endsWith: leaderTrailer last) ifTrue: [suggestedName := suggestedName copyFrom: 1 to: suggestedName size - leaderTrailer last size] ifFalse: [lastIndex := suggestedName lastIndexOf: $. ifAbsent: [0]. (lastIndex = 0 or: [lastIndex = 1]) ifFalse: [suggestedName := suggestedName copyFrom: 1 to: lastIndex - 1]]]]. suggestedName ifNil: [suggestedName := labelToUse, '.text']. fileName := UIManager default request: 'File name?' translated initialAnswer: suggestedName. fileName isEmptyOrNil ifFalse: [(FileStream newFileNamed: fileName) nextPutAll: stringToSave; close]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Arc>>displayOn:at:clippingBox:rule:fillColor: (in category 'displaying') ----- displayOn: aDisplayMedium at: aPoint clippingBox: clipRect rule: anInteger fillColor: aForm + | nSegments line angle sin cos xn yn | - | nSegments line angle sin cos xn yn xn1 yn1 | nSegments := 12.0. line := Line new. line form: self form. angle := 90.0 / nSegments. sin := (angle * (2 * Float pi / 360.0)) sin. cos := (angle * (2 * Float pi / 360.0)) cos. quadrant = 1 ifTrue: [xn := radius asFloat. yn := 0.0]. quadrant = 2 ifTrue: [xn := 0.0. yn := 0.0 - radius asFloat]. quadrant = 3 ifTrue: [xn := 0.0 - radius asFloat. yn := 0.0]. quadrant = 4 ifTrue: [xn := 0.0. yn := radius asFloat]. nSegments asInteger timesRepeat: + [ | xn1 yn1 | + xn1 := xn * cos + (yn * sin). - [xn1 := xn * cos + (yn * sin). yn1 := yn * cos - (xn * sin). line beginPoint: center + (xn asInteger @ yn asInteger). line endPoint: center + (xn1 asInteger @ yn1 asInteger). line displayOn: aDisplayMedium at: aPoint clippingBox: clipRect rule: anInteger fillColor: aForm. xn := xn1. yn := yn1]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>explain (in category 'menu messages') ----- explain "Try to shed some light on what kind of entity the current selection is. The selection must be a single token or construct. Insert the answer after the selection. Send private messages whose names begin with 'explain' that return a string if they recognize the selection, else nil." + - | string tiVars cgVars selectors delimitors numbers sorry reply symbol - | Cursor execute showWhile: + [ | symbol string delimitors reply numbers tiVars selectors sorry cgVars | + sorry := '"Sorry, I can''t explain that. Please select a single - [sorry := '"Sorry, I can''t explain that. Please select a single token, construct, or special character.'. sorry := sorry , (view canDiscardEdits ifFalse: [' Also, please cancel or accept."'] ifTrue: ['"']). (string := self selection asString) isEmpty ifTrue: [reply := ''] ifFalse: [string := self explainScan: string. "Remove space, tab, cr" "Temps and Instance vars need only test strings that are all letters" (string detect: [:char | (char isLetter or: [char isDigit]) not] ifNone: []) ifNil: [tiVars := self explainTemp: string. tiVars == nil ifTrue: [tiVars := self explainInst: string]]. (tiVars == nil and: [model respondsTo: #explainSpecial:]) ifTrue: [tiVars := model explainSpecial: string]. tiVars == nil ifTrue: [tiVars := ''] ifFalse: [tiVars := tiVars , '\' withCRs]. "Context, Class, Pool, and Global vars, and Selectors need only test symbols" (Symbol hasInterned: string ifTrue: [:s | symbol := s]) ifTrue: [cgVars := self explainCtxt: symbol. cgVars == nil ifTrue: [cgVars := self explainClass: symbol. cgVars == nil ifTrue: [cgVars := self explainGlobal: symbol]]. "See if it is a Selector (sent here or not)" selectors := self explainMySel: symbol. selectors == nil ifTrue: [selectors := self explainPartSel: string. selectors == nil ifTrue: [ selectors := self explainAnySel: symbol]]] ifFalse: [selectors := self explainPartSel: string]. cgVars == nil ifTrue: [cgVars := ''] ifFalse: [cgVars := cgVars , '\' withCRs]. selectors == nil ifTrue: [selectors := ''] ifFalse: [selectors := selectors , '\' withCRs]. string size = 1 ifTrue: ["single special characters" delimitors := self explainChar: string] ifFalse: ["matched delimitors" delimitors := self explainDelimitor: string]. numbers := self explainNumber: string. numbers == nil ifTrue: [numbers := '']. delimitors == nil ifTrue: [delimitors := '']. reply := tiVars , cgVars , selectors , delimitors , numbers]. reply size = 0 ifTrue: [reply := sorry]. self afterSelectionInsertAndSelect: reply]! Item was changed: ----- Method: MVCProject>>findProjectView: (in category 'utilities') ----- findProjectView: projectDescription "In this world, find the ProjectController for the project described by projectDescription." + | pName | - | pName dpName proj | pName := (projectDescription isString) ifTrue: [projectDescription] ifFalse: [projectDescription name]. + world scheduledControllers do: [:cont | | proj dpName | - world scheduledControllers do: [:cont | (cont isKindOf: ProjectController) ifTrue: [ ((proj := cont model) class == Project and: [proj name = pName]) ifTrue: [^ cont view]. proj class == DiskProxy ifTrue: [ dpName := proj constructorArgs first. dpName := (dpName findTokens: '/') last. dpName := (Project parseProjectFileName: dpName unescapePercents) first. dpName = pName ifTrue: [^ cont view]]]]. ^ nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>objectsReferencingIt (in category 'do-its') ----- objectsReferencingIt "Open a list inspector on all objects that reference the object that results when the current selection is evaluated. " + + self terminateAndInitializeAround: [ | result | - | result | - self terminateAndInitializeAround: [ result := self evaluateSelection. ((result isKindOf: FakeClassPool) or: [result == #failedDoit]) ifTrue: [view flash] ifFalse: [self systemNavigation browseAllObjectReferencesTo: result except: #() ifNone: [:obj | view topView flash]]. ]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>undoAgain:andReselect:typedKey: (in category 'undoers') ----- undoAgain: indices andReselect: home typedKey: wasTypedKey "The last command was again. Undo it. Redoer: itself." + | findSize substText | - | findSize substText index subject | (self isRedoing & wasTypedKey) ifTrue: "redelete search key" [self selectInterval: home. self zapSelectionWith: self nullText]. findSize := (self isRedoing ifTrue: [FindText] ifFalse: [ChangeText]) size. substText := self isUndoing ifTrue: [FindText] ifFalse: [ChangeText]. (self isUndoing ifTrue: [indices size to: 1 by: -1] ifFalse: [1 to: indices size]) do: + [:i | | index subject | - [:i | index := indices at: i. (subject := index to: index + findSize - 1) = self selectionInterval ifFalse: [self selectInterval: subject]. FindText == ChangeText ifFalse: [self zapSelectionWith: substText]]. self isUndoing ifTrue: "restore selection to where it was when 'again' was invoked" [wasTypedKey ifTrue: "search started by typing key at a caret; restore it" [self selectAt: home first. self zapSelectionWith: FindText. self selectAt: home last + 1] ifFalse: [self selectInterval: home]]. self undoMessage: UndoMessage forRedo: self isUndoing! |
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