The Trunk: ST80-tpr.143.mcz

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The Trunk: ST80-tpr.143.mcz

tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ST80-tpr.143
Author: tpr
Time: 25 March 2013, 2:17:03.697 pm
UUID: aec5d9ea-0e27-4409-9900-6b40a117c305
Ancestors: ST80-dtl.142

Remove BitBlt|WarpBlt>current usage - it's a vestige of an old experiment

=============== Diff against ST80-dtl.142 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: ControlManager>>restore:below:without: (in category 'displaying') -----
  restore: aRectangle below: index without: aView
  "Restore all windows visible in aRectangle, but without aView"
  | view |
  view := (scheduledControllers at: index) view.
  view == aView ifTrue:
  [index >= scheduledControllers size ifTrue: [^ self].
  ^ self restore: aRectangle below: index+1 without: aView].
+ view displayOn: ((BitBlt toForm: Display) clipRect: aRectangle).
- view displayOn: ((BitBlt current toForm: Display) clipRect: aRectangle).
  index >= scheduledControllers size ifTrue: [^ self].
  (aRectangle areasOutside: view windowBox) do:
  [:rect | self restore: rect below: index + 1 without: aView]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: FormEditor>>repeatCopy (in category 'editing tools') -----
  "As long as the red button is pressed, copy the source form onto the
  display screen."
    | drawingWasChanged |
  drawingWasChanged := false.
  [sensor redButtonPressed]
+ [(BitBlt destForm: Display sourceForm: form halftoneForm: color
- [(BitBlt current destForm: Display sourceForm: form halftoneForm: color
  combinationRule: (Display depth > 1 ifTrue: [mode ~= Form erase ifTrue: [Form paint] ifFalse: [mode]]
  ifFalse: [mode])
  destOrigin: self cursorPoint sourceOrigin: 0@0 extent: form extent
  clipRect: view insetDisplayBox)
  colorMap: (Bitmap with: 0 with: 16rFFFFFFFF);
   drawingWasChanged := true.
   ifTrue: [hasUnsavedChanges contents: true.]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Paragraph>>caretFormForDepth: (in category 'selecting') -----
  caretFormForDepth: depth
  "Return a caret form for the given depth."
  "(Paragraph new caretFormForDepth: Display depth) displayOn: Display at: 0@0 rule: Form reverse"
  | box f bb map |
  box := CaretForm boundingBox.
  f := Form extent: box extent depth: depth.
  map := (Color cachedColormapFrom: CaretForm depth to: depth) copy.
  map at: 1 put: (Color transparent pixelValueForDepth: depth).
  map at: 2 put: (Color quickHighLight: depth) first.  "pixel value for reversing"
+ bb := BitBlt toForm: f.
- bb := BitBlt current toForm: f.
  sourceForm: CaretForm;
  sourceRect: box;
  destOrigin: 0@0;
  colorMap: map;
    combinationRule: Form over;
  ^ f!