Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of ST80 to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/ST80-ul.120.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: ST80-ul.120 Author: ul Time: 16 November 2010, 5:03:09.258 am UUID: 2c431b8b-bddd-be44-a25d-35d98a0fd08c Ancestors: ST80-ul.119 - use #= for integer comparison instead of #== (http://bugs.squeak.org/view.php?id=2788 ) =============== Diff against ST80-ul.119 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: ControlManager>>findWindowSatisfying: (in category 'scheduling') ----- findWindowSatisfying: aBlock "Present a menu of window titles, and activate the one that gets chosen" | sortAlphabetically controllers listToUse labels index | sortAlphabetically := Sensor shiftPressed. controllers := OrderedCollection new. scheduledControllers do: [:controller | controller == screenController ifFalse: [(aBlock value: controller) ifTrue: [controllers addLast: controller]]]. + controllers size = 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. - controllers size == 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. listToUse := sortAlphabetically ifTrue: [controllers asSortedCollection: [:a :b | a view label < b view label]] ifFalse: [controllers]. labels := String streamContents: [:strm | listToUse do: [:controller | strm nextPutAll: (controller view label contractTo: 40); cr]. strm skip: -1 "drop last cr"]. index := (UIManager default chooseFrom: labels lines). index > 0 ifTrue: [self activateController: (listToUse at: index)]. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: FormInspectView>>displayView (in category 'as yet unclassified') ----- displayView "Display the form as a value in an inspector. 8/11/96 sw" "Defeated form scaling for HS FormInspector. 8/20/96 di" | scale | Display fill: self insetDisplayBox fillColor: Color white. + model selectionIndex = 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. - model selectionIndex == 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. scale := self insetDisplayBox extent / model selection extent. scale := (scale x min: scale y) min: 1. model selection displayOn: Display transformation: (WindowingTransformation scale: scale asPoint translation: self insetDisplayBox topLeft - model selection offset) clippingBox: self insetDisplayBox rule: self rule fillColor: self fillColor! Item was changed: ----- Method: ListController>>markerDelta (in category 'marker adjustment') ----- markerDelta | viewList | viewList := view list. + viewList compositionRectangle height = 0 ifTrue: [ - viewList compositionRectangle height == 0 ifTrue: [ ^ (marker top - scrollBar inside top) - scrollBar inside height ]. ^ (marker top - scrollBar inside top) - ((viewList clippingRectangle top - viewList compositionRectangle top) asFloat / viewList compositionRectangle height asFloat * scrollBar inside height asFloat) rounded ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ListController>>processKeyboard (in category 'menu messages') ----- processKeyboard "Derived from a Martin Pammer submission, 02/98" | keyEvent oldSelection nextSelection max min howMany | sensor keyboardPressed ifFalse: [^ self]. keyEvent := sensor keyboard asciiValue. oldSelection := view selection. nextSelection := oldSelection. max := view maximumSelection. min := view minimumSelection. howMany := view clippingBox height // view list lineGrid. + keyEvent = 31 ifTrue: - keyEvent == 31 ifTrue: ["down-arrow; move down one, wrapping to top if needed" nextSelection := oldSelection + 1. nextSelection > max ifTrue: [nextSelection := 1]]. + keyEvent = 30 ifTrue: - keyEvent == 30 ifTrue: ["up arrow; move up one, wrapping to bottom if needed" nextSelection := oldSelection - 1. nextSelection < 1 ifTrue: [nextSelection := max]]. + keyEvent = 1 ifTrue: [nextSelection := 1]. "home" + keyEvent = 4 ifTrue: [nextSelection := max]. "end" + keyEvent = 11 ifTrue: [nextSelection := min max: (oldSelection - - keyEvent == 1 ifTrue: [nextSelection := 1]. "home" - keyEvent == 4 ifTrue: [nextSelection := max]. "end" - keyEvent == 11 ifTrue: [nextSelection := min max: (oldSelection - howMany)]. "page up" + keyEvent = 12 ifTrue: [nextSelection := (oldSelection + howMany) - keyEvent == 12 ifTrue: [nextSelection := (oldSelection + howMany) min: max]. "page down" nextSelection = oldSelection ifFalse: [model okToChange ifTrue: [self changeModelSelection: nextSelection. self moveMarker]] ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>find (in category 'menu messages') ----- find "Prompt the user for a string to search for, and search the receiver from the current selection onward for it. 1/26/96 sw" | reply | reply := UIManager default request: 'Find what? ' translated initialAnswer: ''. + reply size = 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. - reply size == 0 ifTrue: [^ self]. self setSearch: reply. ChangeText := FindText. "Implies no replacement to againOnce: method" self againOrSame: true ! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>saveContentsInFile (in category 'menu messages') ----- saveContentsInFile "Save the receiver's contents string to a file, prompting the user for a file-name. Suggest a reasonable file-name." | fileName stringToSave parentWindow labelToUse suggestedName | stringToSave := paragraph text string. + stringToSave size = 0 ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'nothing to save.']. - stringToSave size == 0 ifTrue: [^ self inform: 'nothing to save.']. parentWindow := self model dependents detect: [:dep | dep isKindOf: SystemWindow orOf: StandardSystemView] ifNone: [nil]. labelToUse := parentWindow ifNil: ['Untitled'] ifNotNil: [parentWindow label]. suggestedName := nil. #(('Decompressed contents of: ' '.gz')) do: "can add more here..." [:leaderTrailer | | lastIndex | (labelToUse beginsWith: leaderTrailer first) ifTrue: [suggestedName := labelToUse copyFrom: leaderTrailer first size + 1 to: labelToUse size. (labelToUse endsWith: leaderTrailer last) ifTrue: [suggestedName := suggestedName copyFrom: 1 to: suggestedName size - leaderTrailer last size] ifFalse: [lastIndex := suggestedName lastIndexOf: $. ifAbsent: [0]. (lastIndex = 0 or: [lastIndex = 1]) ifFalse: [suggestedName := suggestedName copyFrom: 1 to: lastIndex - 1]]]]. suggestedName ifNil: [suggestedName := labelToUse, '.text']. fileName := UIManager default request: 'File name?' translated initialAnswer: suggestedName. fileName isEmptyOrNil ifFalse: [(FileStream newFileNamed: fileName) nextPutAll: stringToSave; close]! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>selectedSymbol (in category 'menu messages') ----- selectedSymbol "Return the currently selected symbol, or nil if none. Spaces, tabs and returns are ignored" | aString | self hasCaret ifTrue: [^ nil]. aString := self selection string. aString isOctetString ifTrue: [aString := aString asOctetString]. aString := self selection string copyWithoutAll: CharacterSet separators. + aString size = 0 ifTrue: [^ nil]. - aString size == 0 ifTrue: [^ nil]. Symbol hasInterned: aString ifTrue: [:sym | ^ sym]. ^ nil! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>sendContentsToPrinter (in category 'menu messages') ----- sendContentsToPrinter | textToPrint printer parentWindow | textToPrint := paragraph text. + textToPrint size = 0 ifTrue: [^self inform: 'nothing to print.']. - textToPrint size == 0 ifTrue: [^self inform: 'nothing to print.']. printer := TextPrinter defaultTextPrinter. parentWindow := self model dependents detect: [:dep | dep isSystemWindow] ifNone: [nil]. parentWindow isNil ifTrue: [printer documentTitle: 'Untitled'] ifFalse: [printer documentTitle: parentWindow label]. printer printText: textToPrint! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>setSearchString: (in category 'nonediting/nontyping keys') ----- setSearchString: characterStream "Establish the current selection as the current search string." | aString | self closeTypeIn: characterStream. sensor keyboard. self lineSelectAndEmptyCheck: [^ true]. aString := self selection string. + aString size = 0 - aString size == 0 ifTrue: [self flash] ifFalse: [self setSearch: aString]. ^ true! Item was changed: ----- Method: ParagraphEditor>>swapChars: (in category 'editing keys') ----- swapChars: characterStream "Triggered byCmd-Y;. Swap two characters, either those straddling the insertion point, or the two that comprise the selection. Suggested by Ted Kaehler. " | currentSelection aString chars | sensor keyboard. "flush the triggering cmd-key character" + (chars := self selection) size = 0 - (chars := self selection) size == 0 ifTrue: [currentSelection := self pointIndex. self selectMark: currentSelection - 1 point: currentSelection] ifFalse: + [chars size = 2 - [chars size == 2 ifFalse: [view flash. ^ true] ifTrue: [currentSelection := self pointIndex - 1]]. aString := self selection string. self replaceSelectionWith: (Text string: aString reversed emphasis: emphasisHere). self selectAt: currentSelection + 1. ^ true! Item was changed: ----- Method: PluggableListView>>specialKeyPressed: (in category 'model access') ----- specialKeyPressed: keyEvent "Process the up and down arrows in a list pane." | oldSelection nextSelection max min howMany | (#(1 4 11 12 30 31) includes: keyEvent) ifFalse: [ ^ false ]. oldSelection := self getCurrentSelectionIndex. nextSelection := oldSelection. max := self maximumSelection. min := self minimumSelection. howMany := self numSelectionsInView. "get this exactly??" + keyEvent = 31 ifTrue: - keyEvent == 31 ifTrue: ["down-arrow; move down one, wrapping to top if needed" nextSelection := oldSelection + 1. nextSelection > max ifTrue: [nextSelection := 1]]. + keyEvent = 30 ifTrue: - keyEvent == 30 ifTrue: ["up arrow; move up one, wrapping to bottom if needed" nextSelection := oldSelection - 1. nextSelection < 1 ifTrue: [nextSelection := max]]. + keyEvent = 1 ifTrue: [nextSelection := 1]. "home" + keyEvent = 4 ifTrue: [nextSelection := max]. "end" + keyEvent = 11 ifTrue: [nextSelection := min max: (oldSelection - howMany)]. "page up" + keyEvent = 12 ifTrue: [nextSelection := (oldSelection + howMany) min: max]. "page down" - keyEvent == 1 ifTrue: [nextSelection := 1]. "home" - keyEvent == 4 ifTrue: [nextSelection := max]. "end" - keyEvent == 11 ifTrue: [nextSelection := min max: (oldSelection - howMany)]. "page up" - keyEvent == 12 ifTrue: [nextSelection := (oldSelection + howMany) min: max]. "page down" nextSelection = oldSelection ifFalse: [model okToChange ifTrue: [self changeModelSelection: nextSelection. "self controller moveMarker"]]. ^true ! |
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