Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of SUnit to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: SUnit-nice.70
Author: nice
Time: 20 October 2009, 10:09:02 am
UUID: ccabb0e3-9e9e-4c97-871d-630b61d373da
Ancestors: SUnit-nice.69
Track #selectors usage, and #keys usage, use #asSet where due
=============== Diff against SUnit-nice.69 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ClassFactoryForTestCaseTest>>testSingleClassCreation (in category 'testing') -----
|class elementsInCategoryForTest |
class := factory
newSubclassOf: Object
instanceVariableNames: 'a b c'
classVariableNames: 'X Y'.
self assert: (SystemNavigation new allClasses includes: class).
elementsInCategoryForTest := SystemOrganization listAtCategoryNamed: factory defaultCategory.
self assert: elementsInCategoryForTest = {class name}.
self assert: class instVarNames = #(a b c).
+ self assert: class classPool keys asSet = #(X Y) asSet!
- self assert: class classPool keys = #(X Y) asSet!
Item was changed:
----- Method: TestCase class>>localCoverageForClass: (in category 'coverage') -----
localCoverageForClass: cls
| definedMethods testedMethods untestedMethods |
+ definedMethods := cls selectors asSet.
- definedMethods := cls selectors.
"It happens for IdentityBag / IdentityBagTest"
definedMethods size = 0
ifTrue: [^ {0. Set new}].
testedMethods :=
self methodDictionary inject: Set new into:
[:sums :cm | sums union: cm messages].
"testedMethods contains all the methods send in test methods, which probably contains methods that have nothign to do with collection"
testedMethods := testedMethods reject: [:sel | (definedMethods includes: sel) not].
untestedMethods := definedMethods select: [:selector | (testedMethods includes: selector) not].
^ { (testedMethods size * 100 / definedMethods size) asFloat . untestedMethods}