The Trunk: SUnitGUI-mt.72.mcz

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The Trunk: SUnitGUI-mt.72.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of SUnitGUI to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: SUnitGUI-mt.72
Author: mt
Time: 3 September 2019, 9:04:53.468063 am
UUID: 7a1aee8a-d3d3-b749-b2b9-647310559a1a
Ancestors: SUnitGUI-mt.71

Fixes the class hierarchy in the test runner. Adds number of tests to the class labels.

Needs Tools-mt.880. We might want to find a better place for tree-to-list flattening. Yet, this is not a new dependency from SUnitGUI to the tools package.

=============== Diff against SUnitGUI-mt.71 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: TestRunner>>classList (in category 'accessing-classes') -----
+ | helper |
- | offset |
  classes isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ classes ].
+ helper := Browser new.
+ ^ helper
+ flattenHierarchyTree: (helper createHierarchyTreeOf: classes)
+ on: OrderedCollection new
+ indent: ''
+ by: '  '
+ format: [:class | class isAbstract
+ ifTrue: [class name asText addAttribute: TextEmphasis italic; yourself]
+ ifFalse: ['{1} ({2})' format: {class name. class allTestSelectors size}]]!
- offset := classes first allSuperclasses size.
- ^ classes collect: [ :each | | ident |
- ident := String
- new: 2 * (0 max: each allSuperclasses size - offset)
- withAll: $ .
- each isAbstract
- ifFalse: [ ident , each name ]
- ifTrue: [
- ident asText , each name asText
- addAttribute: TextEmphasis italic;
- yourself ] ].!

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Re: The Trunk: SUnitGUI-mt.72.mcz


Am 03.09.2019 09:05:01 schrieb [hidden email] <[hidden email]>:

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of SUnitGUI to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: SUnitGUI-mt.72
Author: mt
Time: 3 September 2019, 9:04:53.468063 am
UUID: 7a1aee8a-d3d3-b749-b2b9-647310559a1a
Ancestors: SUnitGUI-mt.71

Fixes the class hierarchy in the test runner. Adds number of tests to the class labels.

Needs Tools-mt.880. We might want to find a better place for tree-to-list flattening. Yet, this is not a new dependency from SUnitGUI to the tools package.

=============== Diff against SUnitGUI-mt.71 ===============

Item was changed:
----- Method: TestRunner>>classList (in category 'accessing-classes') -----
+ | helper |
- | offset |
classes isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ classes ].
+ helper := Browser new.
+ ^ helper
+ flattenHierarchyTree: (helper createHierarchyTreeOf: classes)
+ on: OrderedCollection new
+ indent: ''
+ by: ' '
+ format: [:class | class isAbstract
+ ifTrue: [class name asText addAttribute: TextEmphasis italic; yourself]
+ ifFalse: ['{1} ({2})' format: {class name. class allTestSelectors size}]]!
- offset := classes first allSuperclasses size.
- ^ classes collect: [ :each | | ident |
- ident := String
- new: 2 * (0 max: each allSuperclasses size - offset)
- withAll: $ .
- each isAbstract
- ifFalse: [ ident , each name ]
- ifTrue: [
- ident asText , each name asText
- addAttribute: TextEmphasis italic;
- yourself ] ].!