Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of SUnitGUI to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: SUnitGUI-mt.79
Author: mt
Time: 24 February 2020, 1:47:43.366031 pm
UUID: d06b4c53-dec3-7b42-b5f3-6966b2b1b230
Ancestors: SUnitGUI-cmm.78
Considering the more descriptive labels in the test runner, fixes a bug that shows too many tests in a case's text label. We don't have *that many* tests. :-)
(We might want to introduce #actualTestSelectors or something in the future.)
=============== Diff against SUnitGUI-cmm.78 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: TestRunner>>classList (in category 'accessing-classes') -----
| helper |
classes isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ classes ].
helper := Browser new.
^ helper
flattenHierarchyTree: (helper createHierarchyTreeOf: classes)
on: OrderedCollection new
indent: ''
by: ' '
format: [:class | class isAbstract
ifTrue: [class name asText addAttribute: TextEmphasis italic; yourself]
ifFalse: [
(class history notNil and: [class history includesKey: #duration])
+ ifFalse: ['{1} ({2} tests)' format: {
+ class name.
+ (class shouldInheritSelectors
+ ifTrue: [class allTestSelectors]
+ ifFalse: [class testSelectors]) size}]
- ifFalse: ['{1} ({2} tests)' format: {class name. class allTestSelectors size}]
ifTrue: [
| duration |
duration := (class history at: #duration).
'{1} ({2} tests, {3})' format: {
class name.
+ (class shouldInheritSelectors
+ ifTrue: [class allTestSelectors]
+ ifFalse: [class testSelectors]) size.
- class allTestSelectors size.
duration = 0 ifTrue: ['< 1 ms'] ifFalse: [
duration < 1000 ifTrue: [duration asString, ' ms'] ifFalse: [
(duration / 1000) rounded asString, ' secs']]}]]] !