Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of ScriptLoader to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: ScriptLoader-nice.331
Author: nice
Time: 13 February 2010, 5:35:47.387 pm
UUID: 5617e801-7964-b444-92be-175d88739075
Ancestors: ScriptLoader-nice.330
It is useless to assign block argument with nil
=============== Diff against ScriptLoader-nice.330 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ScriptLoader>>cleanUpEtoys (in category 'cleaning') -----
"self new cleanUpEtoys"
StandardScriptingSystem removeUnreferencedPlayers.
(self confirm: 'Remove all projects and players?')
ifFalse: [^self].
Project removeAllButCurrent.
#('Morphic-UserObjects' 'EToy-UserObjects' 'Morphic-Imported' )
do: [:each | SystemOrganization removeSystemCategory: each].
at: #Player
ifPresent: [:superCls | superCls
allSubclassesDo: [:cls |
cls isSystemDefined
ifFalse: [cls removeFromSystem].
+ ]].!
- cls := nil]].!