tim Rowledge uploaded a new version of Services-Base to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Services-Base-tpr.64.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: Services-Base-tpr.64
Author: tpr
Time: 30 May 2018, 3:37:21.714582 pm
UUID: 45b99275-ad3f-4d0c-b83e-70f538baa1d7
Ancestors: Services-Base-dtl.63
Fix the magic-string to be compiled as #initialize to refer to ServiceRegistry current. This ought to have been causing errors since the class does not implement #buildProvider:
=============== Diff against Services-Base-dtl.63 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ServiceProvider class>>newProviderFor: (in category 'provider creation') -----
newProviderFor: packageName
| cls clsName |
clsName := ((packageName copyWithout: $-) , 'ServiceProvider') asSymbol.
cls := self subclass: clsName
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: packageName.
cls class compile: 'initialize
+ ServiceRegistry current buildProvider: self new' classified: 'initialization'.
- ServiceRegistry buildProvider: self new' classified: 'initialization'.
^ cls!