The Trunk: ShoutCore-mt.56.mcz

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The Trunk: ShoutCore-mt.56.mcz

Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of ShoutCore to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ShoutCore-mt.56
Author: mt
Time: 31 July 2016, 10:54:09.29549 am
UUID: a1a7570e-2171-8e4a-b231-0bd7b2b5e290
Ancestors: ShoutCore-eem.55

*** Widget Refactorings and UI Themes (Part 3 of 11) ***

Prepare Shout syntax highlighting for UI themes. (Temporarily no syntax highlighting. Sorry. Be patient.)

=============== Diff against ShoutCore-eem.55 ===============

Item was changed:
  SHTextStyler subclass: #SHTextStylerST80
  instanceVariableNames: 'classOrMetaClass workspace font parser formatAssignments environment sourceMap processedSourceMap pixelHeight attributesByPixelHeight parseAMethod'
+ classVariableNames: 'SyntaxHighlightingAsYouType SyntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeAnsiAssignment SyntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeLeftArrowAssignment TextAttributesByPixelHeight'
- classVariableNames: 'SubduedSyntaxHighlights SyntaxHighlightingAsYouType SyntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeAnsiAssignment SyntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeLeftArrowAssignment'
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'ShoutCore-Styling'!
- SHTextStylerST80 class
- instanceVariableNames: 'styleTable textAttributesByPixelHeight'!
  !SHTextStylerST80 commentStamp: 'tween 8/27/2004 10:55' prior: 0!
  I style Smalltalk methods and expressions.
  My 'styleTable' class instance var holds an array ofArrays which control how each token is styled/coloured. See my defaultStyleTable class method for its structure.
  My styleTable can be changed by either modifying the defaultStyleTable class method and then executing SHTextStylerST80 initialize ; or by giving me a new styleTable through my #styleTable: class method.
  My 'textAttributesByPixelSize' class instance var contains a dictionary of dictionaries.
  The key is a pixelSize and the value a Dictionary from token type Symbol to TextAttribute array.
  It is created/maintained automatically.
  I also install these 3 preferences when my class initialize method is executed....
  #syntaxHighlightingAsYouType  - controls whether methods are styled in browsers
  #syntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeAnsiAssignment - controls whether assignments are formatted to be :=
  #syntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeLeftArrowAssignment - controls whether assignments are formatted to be _
  I reimplement #unstyledTextFrom: so that TextActions are preserved in the unstyled text
- SHTextStylerST80 class
- instanceVariableNames: 'styleTable textAttributesByPixelHeight'!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>applyUserInterfaceTheme (in category 'preferences') -----
+ applyUserInterfaceTheme
+ self resetTextAttributesByPixelHeight.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>attributeArrayForColor:emphasis:font: (in category 'style table') -----
- attributeArrayForColor: aColorOrNil emphasis: anEmphasisSymbolOrArrayorNil font: aTextStyleOrFontOrNil
- "Answer a new Array containing any non nil TextAttributes specified"
- | answer emphArray |
- answer := Array new.
- aColorOrNil ifNotNil: [answer := answer, {TextColor color: aColorOrNil}].
- anEmphasisSymbolOrArrayorNil ifNotNil: [
- emphArray := anEmphasisSymbolOrArrayorNil isSymbol
- ifTrue: [{anEmphasisSymbolOrArrayorNil}]
- ifFalse: [anEmphasisSymbolOrArrayorNil].
- emphArray do: [:each |
- each ~= #normal
- ifTrue:[
- answer := answer, {TextEmphasis perform: each}]]].
- aTextStyleOrFontOrNil ifNotNil: [
- answer := answer, {TextFontReference toFont: aTextStyleOrFontOrNil}].
- ^answer!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>attributesByPixelHeight: (in category 'style table') -----
- attributesByPixelHeight: aNumber
- ^self textAttributesByPixelHeight
- at: aNumber
- ifAbsent: [
- | result |
- result := self initialTextAttributesForPixelHeight: aNumber.
- " thread safety first "
- textAttributesByPixelHeight := textAttributesByPixelHeight copy
- at: aNumber put: result;
- yourself.
- result ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>attributesFor:pixelHeight: (in category 'style table') -----
- attributesFor: aSymbol pixelHeight: aNumber
- ^(self textAttributesByPixelHeight
- at: aNumber
- ifAbsentPut:[self initialTextAttributesForPixelHeight: aNumber])
- at: aSymbol ifAbsent:[nil]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>canApplyThemeToInstances (in category 'preferences') -----
+ canApplyThemeToInstances
+ ^ false!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>chooseDefaultStyleTable (in category 'style table') -----
- chooseDefaultStyleTable
- "Choose the default style table"
- ^self subduedSyntaxHighlights
- ifTrue:[self subduedStyleTable]
- ifFalse:[self defaultStyleTable]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>defaultStyleTable (in category 'style table') -----
- defaultStyleTable
- "color can be a valid argument to Color class>>colorFrom: , or nil to
- use the editor text color.
- Multiple emphases can be specified using an array e.g. #(bold italic).
- If emphasis is not specified, #normal will be used.
- if pixel height is not specified , then the editor font size will be used.
- "
- ^#(
- "(symbol color [emphasisSymbolOrArray [textStyleName [pixelHeight]]])"
- (default black )
- (invalid red )
- (excessCode red )
- (comment (green muchDarker) italic)
- (unfinishedComment (red muchDarker) italic)
- (#'$' (red muchDarker) )
- (character (red muchDarker) )
- (integer (red muchDarker) )
- (number (red muchDarker) )
- (#- (red muchDarker) )
- (symbol (blue muchDarker) bold)
- (stringSymbol (blue muchDarker) bold)
- (literalArray (blue muchDarker) bold)
- (string (magenta muchDarker) normal)
- (unfinishedString red normal )
- (assignment nil bold )
- (ansiAssignment nil bold)
- (literal nil italic)
- (keyword (blue muchDarker) )
- (binary (blue muchDarker) )
- (unary (blue muchDarker) )
- (incompleteKeyword (gray muchDarker) underlined)
- (incompleteBinary (gray muchDarker) underlined)
- (incompleteUnary (gray muchDarker) underlined)
- (undefinedKeyword red )
- (undefinedBinary red )
- (undefinedUnary red )
- (patternKeyword nil bold)
- (patternBinary nil bold)
- (patternUnary nil bold)
- (#self (red muchDarker) bold)
- (#super (red muchDarker) bold)
- (#true (red muchDarker) bold)
- (#false (red muchDarker) bold)
- (#nil (red muchDarker) bold)
- (#thisContext (red muchDarker) bold)
- (#return (red muchDarker) bold)
- (patternArg (blue muchDarker) italic)
- (methodArg (blue muchDarker) italic)
- (blockPatternArg (blue muchDarker) italic)
- (blockArg (blue muchDarker) italic)
- (argument (blue muchDarker) italic)
- (blockArgColon black )
- (leftParenthesis black )
- (rightParenthesis black )
- (leftParenthesis1 (green muchDarker) )
- (rightParenthesis1 (green muchDarker) )
- (leftParenthesis2 (magenta muchDarker) )
- (rightParenthesis2 (magenta muchDarker) )
- (leftParenthesis3 (red muchDarker) )
- (rightParenthesis3 (red muchDarker) )
- (leftParenthesis4 (green darker) )
- (rightParenthesis4 (green darker) )
- (leftParenthesis5 (orange darker) )
- (rightParenthesis5 (orange darker) )
- (leftParenthesis6 (magenta darker) )
- (rightParenthesis6 (magenta darker) )
- (leftParenthesis7 blue )
- (rightParenthesis7 blue )
- (blockStart black )
- (blockEnd black )
- (blockStart1 (green muchDarker) )
- (blockEnd1 (green muchDarker) )
- (blockStart2 (magenta muchDarker) )
- (blockEnd2 (magenta muchDarker) )
- (blockStart3 (red muchDarker) )
- (blockEnd3 (red muchDarker) )
- (blockStart4 (green darker) )
- (blockEnd4 (green darker) )
- (blockStart5 (orange darker) )
- (blockEnd5 (orange darker) )
- (blockStart6 (magenta darker) )
- (blockEnd6 (magenta darker) )
- (blockStart7 blue )
- (blockEnd7 blue )
- (arrayStart black )
- (arrayEnd black )
- (arrayStart1 black )
- (arrayEnd1 black )
- (byteArrayStart black )
- (byteArrayEnd black )
- (byteArrayStart1 black )
- (byteArrayEnd1 black )
- (leftBrace black )
- (rightBrace black )
- (cascadeSeparator black )
- (statementSeparator black )
- (externalCallType black )
- (externalCallTypePointerIndicator black )
- (primitiveOrExternalCallStart black bold )
- (primitiveOrExternalCallEnd black bold )
- (methodTempBar gray )
- (blockTempBar gray )
- (blockArgsBar gray )
- (primitive (green muchDarker) bold)
- (pragmaKeyword (green muchDarker) bold)
- (pragmaUnary (green muchDarker) bold)
- (pragmaBinary (green muchDarker) bold)
- (externalFunctionCallingConvention (green muchDarker) bold)
- (module (green muchDarker) bold)
- (blockTempVar gray italic)
- (blockPatternTempVar gray italic)
- (instVar black bold)
- (workspaceVar black bold)
- (undefinedIdentifier red bold)
- (incompleteIdentifier (gray darker) (italic underlined))
- (tempVar (gray darker) italic)
- (patternTempVar (gray darker) italic)
- (poolConstant (gray darker) italic)
- (classVar (gray darker) bold)
- (globalVar black bold) )
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>initialTextAttributesForPixelHeight: (in category 'style table') -----
- initialTextAttributesForPixelHeight: aNumber
- | d |
- d := IdentityDictionary new.
- self styleTable do: [:each | | textStyle element emphasis font pixelHeight attrArray color textStyleName |
- element := each first.
- color := each at: 2 ifAbsent:[nil].
- color:=color ifNotNil: [Color colorFrom: color].
- emphasis := each at: 3 ifAbsent:[nil].
- textStyleName := each at: 4 ifAbsent: [nil].
- pixelHeight := each at: 5 ifAbsent: [aNumber].
- textStyleName ifNil:[pixelHeight := nil].
- textStyle := TextStyle named: textStyleName.
- font := textStyle ifNotNil:[pixelHeight ifNotNil:[textStyle fontOfSize: pixelHeight]].
- attrArray := self attributeArrayForColor: color emphasis: emphasis font: font.
- attrArray notEmpty
- ifTrue:[
- d at: element put: attrArray]].
- ^d
- !

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>initialize (in category 'class initialization') -----
- initialize  
- "Clear styleTable and textAttributesByPixelSize cache so that they will
- reinitialize.
- SHTextStylerST80 initialize
- "
- styleTable := nil.
- textAttributesByPixelHeight := nil. !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>resetTextAttributesByPixelHeight (in category 'style table') -----
+ resetTextAttributesByPixelHeight
+ TextAttributesByPixelHeight := nil.!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>styleTable (in category 'style table') -----
- styleTable
- ^styleTable ifNil: [ styleTable := self chooseDefaultStyleTable ]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>styleTable: (in category 'style table') -----
- styleTable: anArray
- "Set the receiver's styleTable to anArray.
- Clear textAttributesByPixelSize cache so that it will reinitialize.
- "
- styleTable := anArray.
- textAttributesByPixelHeight := nil!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>subduedStyleTable (in category 'style table') -----
- subduedStyleTable
- "color can be a valid argument to Color class>>colorFrom: , or nil to
- use the editor text color.
- Multiple emphases can be specified using an array e.g. #(bold italic).
- If emphasis is not specified, #normal will be used.
- if pixel height is not specified , then the editor font size will be used.
- "
- ^#(
- "(symbol color [emphasisSymbolOrArray [textStyleName [pixelHeight]]])"
- (default black )
- (invalid red )
- (excessCode red )
- (comment (cyan muchDarker) )
- (unfinishedComment (red muchDarker) italic)
- (#'$' (red muchDarker) )
- (character (red muchDarker) )
- (integer (red muchDarker) )
- (number (red muchDarker) )
- (#- (red muchDarker) )
- (symbol (blue muchDarker) )
- (stringSymbol (blue muchDarker) )
- (literalArray (blue muchDarker) )
- (string (magenta muchDarker) normal )
- (unfinishedString red normal )
- (assignment nil bold )
- (ansiAssignment nil bold)
- (literal nil italic)
- (keyword (blue muchDarker) )
- (binary (blue muchDarker) )
- (unary (blue muchDarker) )
- (incompleteKeyword (gray muchDarker) underlined)
- (incompleteBinary (gray muchDarker) underlined)
- (incompleteUnary (gray muchDarker) underlined)
- (undefinedKeyword red )
- (undefinedBinary red )
- (undefinedUnary red )
- (patternKeyword nil bold)
- (patternBinary nil bold)
- (patternUnary nil bold)
- (#self (red muchDarker) )
- (#super (red muchDarker) )
- (#true (red muchDarker) )
- (#false (red muchDarker) )
- (#nil (red muchDarker) )
- (#thisContext (red muchDarker) )
- (#return (red muchDarker) )
- (patternArg (blue muchDarker) )
- (methodArg (blue muchDarker) )
- (blockPatternArg (blue muchDarker) )
- (blockArg (blue muchDarker) )
- (argument (blue muchDarker) )
- (blockArgColon black )
- (leftParenthesis black )
- (rightParenthesis black )
- (leftParenthesis1 (green muchDarker) )
- (rightParenthesis1 (green muchDarker) )
- (leftParenthesis2 (magenta muchDarker) )
- (rightParenthesis2 (magenta muchDarker) )
- (leftParenthesis3 (red muchDarker) )
- (rightParenthesis3 (red muchDarker) )
- (leftParenthesis4 (green darker) )
- (rightParenthesis4 (green darker) )
- (leftParenthesis5 (orange darker) )
- (rightParenthesis5 (orange darker) )
- (leftParenthesis6 (magenta darker) )
- (rightParenthesis6 (magenta darker) )
- (leftParenthesis7 blue )
- (rightParenthesis7 blue )
- (blockStart black )
- (blockEnd black )
- (blockStart1 (green muchDarker) )
- (blockEnd1 (green muchDarker) )
- (blockStart2 (magenta muchDarker) )
- (blockEnd2 (magenta muchDarker) )
- (blockStart3 (red muchDarker) )
- (blockEnd3 (red muchDarker) )
- (blockStart4 (green darker) )
- (blockEnd4 (green darker) )
- (blockStart5 (orange darker) )
- (blockEnd5 (orange darker) )
- (blockStart6 (magenta darker) )
- (blockEnd6 (magenta darker) )
- (blockStart7 blue )
- (blockEnd7 blue )
- (arrayStart black )
- (arrayEnd black )
- (arrayStart1 black )
- (arrayEnd1 black )
- (byteArrayStart black )
- (byteArrayEnd black )
- (byteArrayStart1 black )
- (byteArrayEnd1 black )
- (leftBrace black )
- (rightBrace black )
- (cascadeSeparator black )
- (statementSeparator black )
- (externalCallType black )
- (externalCallTypePointerIndicator black )
- (primitiveOrExternalCallStart black )
- (primitiveOrExternalCallEnd black )
- (methodTempBar gray )
- (blockTempBar gray )
- (blockArgsBar gray )
- (primitive (green muchDarker) bold)
- (pragmaKeyword (green muchDarker) bold)
- (pragmaUnary (green muchDarker) bold)
- (pragmaBinary (green muchDarker) bold)
- (externalFunctionCallingConvention (green muchDarker) bold)
- (module (green muchDarker) bold)
- (blockTempVar gray )
- (blockPatternTempVar gray )
- (instVar black )
- (workspaceVar black )
- (undefinedIdentifier red )
- (incompleteIdentifier (gray darker) (italic underlined))
- (tempVar (gray darker) )
- (patternTempVar (gray darker) )
- (poolConstant (gray muchDarker) )
- (classVar (gray muchDarker) )
- (globalVar black ) )!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>subduedSyntaxHighlights (in category 'preferences') -----
- subduedSyntaxHighlights
- <preference: 'Subdued Syntax Highlighting'
- category: 'browsing'
- description: 'When enabled, use a more subdued syntax highlighting approach that is not as aggressive in the face newbies. Intended to introduce people gracefully to the shiny colorful world of Squeak syntax'
- type: #Boolean>
- ^SubduedSyntaxHighlights ifNil:[true]!

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>subduedSyntaxHighlights: (in category 'preferences') -----
- subduedSyntaxHighlights: aBool
- "Change the subdued syntax highlighting preference"
- SubduedSyntaxHighlights := aBool.
- "Force reload"
- styleTable := nil.
- textAttributesByPixelHeight := nil.!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>textAttributesByPixelHeight (in category 'style table') -----
+ "A cache for text attributes used by all instances of text styler."
+ ^ TextAttributesByPixelHeight ifNil: [ TextAttributesByPixelHeight := Dictionary new ]!
- ^ textAttributesByPixelHeight ifNil: [ textAttributesByPixelHeight := Dictionary new ]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>textAttributesByPixelHeightAt:put: (in category 'style table') -----
+ textAttributesByPixelHeightAt: aNumber put: someTextAttributes
+ "Thread-safety first."
+ TextAttributesByPixelHeight := self textAttributesByPixelHeight copy
+ at: aNumber put: someTextAttributes;
+ yourself.
+ ^ someTextAttributes!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>themeProperties (in category 'preferences') -----
+ themeProperties
+ ^ {
+ { #default. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #invalid. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #excessCode. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #comment. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #unfinishedComment. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #'$'. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #character. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #integer. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #number. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #-. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #symbol. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #stringSymbol. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #literalArray. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #string. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #unfinishedString. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #assignment. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #ansiAssignment. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #literal. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #keyword. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #binary. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #unary. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #incompleteKeyword. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #incompleteBinary. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #incompleteUnary. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #undefinedKeyword. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #undefinedBinary. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #undefinedUnary. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #patternKeyword. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #patternBinary. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #patternUnary. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #self. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #super. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #true. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #false. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #nil. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #thisContext. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #return. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #patternArg. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #methodArg. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockPatternArg. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockArg. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #argument. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockArgColon. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #leftParenthesis. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #rightParenthesis. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #leftParenthesis1. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #rightParenthesis1. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #leftParenthesis2. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #rightParenthesis2. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #leftParenthesis3. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #rightParenthesis3. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #leftParenthesis4. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #rightParenthesis4. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #leftParenthesis5. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #rightParenthesis5. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #leftParenthesis6. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #rightParenthesis6. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #leftParenthesis7. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #rightParenthesis7. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockStart. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockEnd. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockStart1. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockEnd1. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockStart2. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockEnd2. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockStart3. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockEnd3. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockStart4. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockEnd4. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockStart5. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockEnd5. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockStart6. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockEnd6. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockStart7. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockEnd7. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #arrayStart. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #arrayEnd. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #arrayStart1. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #arrayEnd1. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #byteArrayStart. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #byteArrayEnd. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #byteArrayStart1. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #byteArrayEnd1. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #leftBrace. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #rightBrace. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #cascadeSeparator. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #statementSeparator. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #externalCallType. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #externalCallTypePointerIndicator. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #primitiveOrExternalCallStart. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #primitiveOrExternalCallEnd. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #methodTempBar. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockTempBar. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockArgsBar. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #primitive. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #pragmaKeyword. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #pragmaUnary. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #pragmaBinary. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #externalFunctionCallingConvention. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #module. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockTempVar. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #blockPatternTempVar. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #instVar. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #workspaceVar. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #undefinedIdentifier. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #incompleteIdentifier. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #tempVar. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #patternTempVar. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #poolConstant. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #classVar. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ { #globalVar. 'Styling'. 'Specify color, emphasis, and font in a triple.' }.
+ }!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80>>applyUserInterfaceTheme (in category 'updating') -----
+ applyUserInterfaceTheme
+ "My dependents should take care of invalidating my caches and then ask me to style again. It is of no use to invalidate my caches right now because I have no idea when my dependents will ask me to style again."!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80>>attributesByPixelHeight (in category 'style table') -----
+ attributesByPixelHeight
+ ^ attributesByPixelHeight ifNil: [
+ attributesByPixelHeight := self attributesByPixelHeight: self pixelHeight]!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80>>attributesByPixelHeight: (in category 'style table') -----
+ attributesByPixelHeight: aNumber
+ ^ self class textAttributesByPixelHeight
+ at: aNumber
+ ifAbsent: [
+ self class
+ textAttributesByPixelHeightAt: aNumber
+ put: (self createTextAttributesForPixelHeight: aNumber)]!

Item was changed:
+ ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80>>attributesFor: (in category 'style table') -----
- ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80>>attributesFor: (in category 'private') -----
  attributesFor: aSymbol
+ ^ self attributesByPixelHeight at: aSymbol ifAbsent: nil!
- ^(attributesByPixelHeight ifNil: [
- attributesByPixelHeight := self class attributesByPixelHeight: self pixelHeight ])
- at: aSymbol
- ifAbsent: nil!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80>>createAttributeArrayForColor:emphasis:font: (in category 'style table') -----
+ createAttributeArrayForColor: aColorOrNil emphasis: anEmphasisOrArrayorNil font: aFontOrNil
+ "Answer a new Array containing any non nil TextAttributes specified"
+ | answer emphArray |
+ answer := Array new.
+ aColorOrNil ifNotNil: [answer := answer, {TextColor color: aColorOrNil}].
+ anEmphasisOrArrayorNil ifNotNil: [
+ emphArray := anEmphasisOrArrayorNil isArray
+ ifFalse: [{anEmphasisOrArrayorNil}]
+ ifTrue: [anEmphasisOrArrayorNil].
+ answer := answer, emphArray].
+ aFontOrNil ifNotNil: [
+ answer := answer, {TextFontReference toFont: aFontOrNil}].
+ ^answer!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80>>createTextAttributesForPixelHeight: (in category 'style table') -----
+ createTextAttributesForPixelHeight: aNumber
+ | result |
+ result := IdentityDictionary new.
+ result at: #default put: {}. "Required as fall-back for non-existing attributes."
+ self class themeProperties do: [:each |
+ | spec element emphasis font color |
+ element := each first.
+ spec := self userInterfaceTheme perform: element.
+ spec isArray ifFalse: [spec := {spec}]. "Support color-only hints."
+ color := spec first ifNotNil: [:colorSpec | Color colorFrom: colorSpec].
+ emphasis := spec at: 2 ifAbsent:[nil].
+ font := spec at: 3 ifAbsent: [nil].
+ "Support for named text styles."
+ font isString ifTrue: [
+ | textStyle |
+ textStyle := TextStyle named: font.
+ font := textStyle ifNotNil: [textStyle fontOfSize: aNumber]].
+ (self createAttributeArrayForColor: color emphasis: emphasis font: font)
+ ifNotEmpty: [:attrArray | result at: element put: attrArray]].
+ ^ result
+ !

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80>>reset (in category 'initialize-release') -----
+ reset
+ attributesByPixelHeight := nil.!