Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of ShoutCore to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/ShoutCore-ul.26.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: ShoutCore-ul.26
Author: ul
Time: 15 November 2010, 9:48:14.189 am
UUID: cd32efc9-e1cc-2d4f-85bd-f7af1dfedcc4
Ancestors: ShoutCore-ul.25
- fix the highlighting of symbols when #allowUnderscoreSelectors is on. (e.g. #_f_o_o_ is a valid symbol in this case)
=============== Diff against ShoutCore-ul.25 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SHParserST80>>parseSymbol (in category 'parse') -----
| c |
currentToken = '#'
ifTrue: [
"if token is just the #, then scan whitespace and comments
and then process the next character.
Squeak allows space between the # and the start of the symbol
e.g. # (), # a, # 'sym' "
self rangeType: #symbol.
self scanWhitespace].
c := self currentChar.
self failWhen: (c isNil or: [c isSeparator]).
c == $(
ifTrue: [
self nextChar.
self scanPast: #arrayStart start: currentTokenSourcePosition end: currentTokenSourcePosition + 1.
^self parseArray].
c == $' ifTrue: [^self parseSymbolString].
c == $[ ifTrue: [
self nextChar.
self scanPast: #arrayStart start: currentTokenSourcePosition end: currentTokenSourcePosition + 1.
^self parseByteArray].
((self isSelectorCharacter: c) or: [c == $-])
ifTrue: [^self parseSymbolSelector].
+ (c isLetter or: [
+ c == $: or: [
+ c == $_ and: [self allowUnderscoreSelectors] ] ])
+ ifTrue: [^self parseSymbolIdentifier].
- (c isLetter or: [c == $:]) ifTrue: [^self parseSymbolIdentifier].
^self parseCharSymbol!