Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of ShoutCore to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/ShoutCore-ul.44.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: ShoutCore-ul.44 Author: ul Time: 5 April 2015, 4:22:05.742 pm UUID: 28aa2d92-85a0-44e3-ab2e-d865bf2c8807 Ancestors: ShoutCore-eem.43 - various speed improvements =============== Diff against ShoutCore-eem.43 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: SHParserST80>>parsingBlockArguments (in category 'token testing') ----- parsingBlockArguments + ^ranges notEmpty and: [ranges last type == #blockPatternArg]! - ^ranges notEmpty and: [ranges last type = #blockPatternArg]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SHParserST80>>scanNumber (in category 'scan') ----- scanNumber | start c nc base | start := sourcePosition. self skipDigits. c := self currentChar. c == $r ifTrue: [ base := Integer readFrom: (ReadStream on: (source copyFrom: start to: sourcePosition - 1)). self peekChar == $- ifTrue:[self nextChar]. self skipBigDigits: base. c := self currentChar. c == $. ifTrue: [ (self isBigDigit: self nextChar base: base) ifFalse: [sourcePosition := sourcePosition - 1] ifTrue: [self skipBigDigits: base]]. c := self currentChar. ('deq'includes: c) ifTrue: [ ((encodedCharSet isDigit: (nc := self nextChar)) or: [nc == $- and:[(encodedCharSet isDigit: self peekChar)]]) ifFalse: [sourcePosition := sourcePosition - 1] ifTrue: [self skipDigits]]. + c == $s ifTrue: [ + (encodedCharSet isDigit: (nc := self nextChar)) + ifTrue: [ self skipDigits ] + ifFalse: [ + (encodedCharSet isLetter: nc) ifTrue: [ + sourcePosition := sourcePosition - 1 ] ] ]. - c == $s - ifTrue: [ - (encodedCharSet isDigit: (nc := self nextChar)) - ifFalse: [nc isLetter ifTrue: [sourcePosition := sourcePosition - 1]] - ifTrue: [self skipDigits]]. currentToken := source copyFrom: start to: sourcePosition - 1. ^currentTokenSourcePosition := start]. c == $s ifTrue: [ (encodedCharSet isDigit: (nc := self nextChar)) ifFalse: [nc isLetter ifTrue: [sourcePosition := sourcePosition - 1]] ifTrue: [self skipDigits.]. currentToken := source copyFrom: start to: sourcePosition - 1. ^currentTokenSourcePosition := start]. c == $. ifTrue: [ (encodedCharSet isDigit: self nextChar) ifFalse: [ sourcePosition := sourcePosition - 1. currentToken := source copyFrom: start to: sourcePosition - 1. ^currentTokenSourcePosition := start] ifTrue: [self skipDigits]]. c := self currentChar. ('deq' includes: c) ifTrue: [ ((encodedCharSet isDigit: (nc := self nextChar)) or: [nc == $- and:[(encodedCharSet isDigit: self peekChar)]]) ifFalse: [sourcePosition := sourcePosition - 1] ifTrue: [self skipDigits]]. c == $s ifTrue: [ (encodedCharSet isDigit: (nc := self nextChar)) ifFalse: [nc isLetter ifTrue: [sourcePosition := sourcePosition - 1]] ifTrue: [self skipDigits]]. currentToken := source copyFrom: start to: sourcePosition - 1. ^currentTokenSourcePosition := start! Item was changed: ----- Method: SHParserST80>>scanWhitespace (in category 'scan') ----- scanWhitespace - | c | + (self currentChar ifNil: [ ^self ]) isSeparator ifTrue: [ + sourcePosition := source + indexOfAnyOf: CharacterSet nonSeparators + startingAt: sourcePosition + 1 + ifAbsent: [ source size + 1 ] ]. + self currentChar == $" ifTrue: [ self scanComment ]! - [c := self currentChar. - c notNil and: [c isSeparator]] - whileTrue: [sourcePosition := sourcePosition + 1]. - c == $" ifTrue: [self scanComment]! Item was added: + ----- Method: SHRange>>printOn: (in category 'accessing') ----- + printOn: stream + + super printOn: stream. + stream + nextPut: $(; + print: type; + nextPutAll: ', '; + print: start; + nextPutAll: ', '; + print: end; + nextPut: $)! Item was changed: SHTextStyler subclass: #SHTextStylerST80 + instanceVariableNames: 'classOrMetaClass workspace font parser formatAssignments environment sourceMap processedSourceMap pixelHeight attributesByPixelHeight' - instanceVariableNames: 'classOrMetaClass workspace font parser formatAssignments environment sourceMap processedSourceMap pixelHeight' classVariableNames: 'SubduedSyntaxHighlights SyntaxHighlightingAsYouType SyntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeAnsiAssignment SyntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeLeftArrowAssignment' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'ShoutCore-Styling'! SHTextStylerST80 class instanceVariableNames: 'styleTable textAttributesByPixelHeight'! !SHTextStylerST80 commentStamp: 'tween 8/27/2004 10:55' prior: 0! I style Smalltalk methods and expressions. My 'styleTable' class instance var holds an array ofArrays which control how each token is styled/coloured. See my defaultStyleTable class method for its structure. My styleTable can be changed by either modifying the defaultStyleTable class method and then executing SHTextStylerST80 initialize ; or by giving me a new styleTable through my #styleTable: class method. My 'textAttributesByPixelSize' class instance var contains a dictionary of dictionaries. The key is a pixelSize and the value a Dictionary from token type Symbol to TextAttribute array. It is created/maintained automatically. I also install these 3 preferences when my class initialize method is executed.... #syntaxHighlightingAsYouType - controls whether methods are styled in browsers #syntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeAnsiAssignment - controls whether assignments are formatted to be := #syntaxHighlightingAsYouTypeLeftArrowAssignment - controls whether assignments are formatted to be _ I reimplement #unstyledTextFrom: so that TextActions are preserved in the unstyled text ! SHTextStylerST80 class instanceVariableNames: 'styleTable textAttributesByPixelHeight'! Item was added: + ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80 class>>attributesByPixelHeight: (in category 'style table') ----- + attributesByPixelHeight: aNumber + + ^self textAttributesByPixelHeight + at: aNumber + ifAbsent: [ + | result | + result := self initialTextAttributesForPixelHeight: aNumber. + " thread safety first " + textAttributesByPixelHeight := textAttributesByPixelHeight copy + at: aNumber put: result; + yourself. + result ]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80>>attributesFor: (in category 'private') ----- + attributesFor: aSymbol + + ^(attributesByPixelHeight ifNil: [ + attributesByPixelHeight := self class attributesByPixelHeight: self pixelHeight ]) + at: aSymbol + ifAbsent: nil! - attributesFor: aSymbol - ^self class attributesFor: aSymbol pixelHeight: self pixelHeight - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80>>shouldPreserveAttribute: (in category 'private') ----- shouldPreserveAttribute: aTextAttribute "Answer true if Shout should preserve ALL the attributes in the same run as the argument, false otherwise" + ^aTextAttribute shoutShouldPreserve! - (aTextAttribute respondsTo: #shoutShouldPreserve) - ifTrue:[^ aTextAttribute shoutShouldPreserve]. - ^aTextAttribute isMemberOf: TextAction! Item was added: + ----- Method: TextAction>>shoutShouldPreserve (in category '*ShoutCore') ----- + shoutShouldPreserve + + ^self class == TextAction! Item was added: + ----- Method: TextAttribute>>shoutShouldPreserve (in category '*ShoutCore') ----- + shoutShouldPreserve + + ^false! |
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