Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of ShoutCore to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/ShoutCore-ul.48.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: ShoutCore-ul.48 Author: ul Time: 2 May 2015, 1:52:29.292 pm UUID: 5ad6f857-2c78-4d6d-8dce-ce8ff7d837c5 Ancestors: ShoutCore-ul.47 SHMCClassDefinition changes: - Implemented the missing #withAllSuperclassesDo: - #withAllSuperclasses uses #withAllSuperclassesDo:, and returns an OrderedCollection with the classes in the same order as in Behavior's implementation. - Recategorized some methods. Use #withAllSuperclassesDo: instead of #withAllSuperclasses in all methods of SHParserST80. Updated TextAction >> #shoutShouldPreserve to reflect the original intention - preserve all TextAction attributes. Slightly faster SHTextStylerST80 >> #setAttributesIn:fromRanges:. Removed the now useless SHTextStylerST80 >> #shouldPreserveAttribute:. =============== Diff against ShoutCore-ul.47 =============== Item was changed: + ----- Method: SHMCClassDefinition>>allInstVarNames (in category 'act like a class') ----- - ----- Method: SHMCClassDefinition>>allInstVarNames (in category 'accessing') ----- allInstVarNames | superclassOrDef answer classOrDef instVars| answer := meta ifTrue:[classDefinition classInstVarNames asArray] ifFalse:[ classDefinition instVarNames asArray]. classOrDef := classDefinition. [superclassOrDef := (classOrDef isKindOf: MCClassDefinition) ifTrue:[ |s| s := classOrDef superclassName. items detect: [:ea | ea isClassDefinition and: [ea className = s]] ifNone: [Smalltalk at: s asSymbol ifAbsent:[nil]]] ifFalse:[ | sc | sc := classOrDef superclass. sc ifNotNil:[ items detect: [:ea | ea isClassDefinition and: [ea className = sc name asString]] ifNone: [sc] ]]. superclassOrDef isNil ] whileFalse:[ instVars := (superclassOrDef isKindOf: MCClassDefinition) ifTrue:[ meta ifTrue:[superclassOrDef classInstVarNames] ifFalse:[superclassOrDef instVarNames]] ifFalse:["real" meta ifTrue:[superclassOrDef theNonMetaClass class instVarNames] ifFalse:[superclassOrDef theNonMetaClass instVarNames]]. answer := answer, instVars. classOrDef := superclassOrDef]. ^answer! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SHMCClassDefinition>>shoutParserClass (in category 'act like a class') ----- - ----- Method: SHMCClassDefinition>>shoutParserClass (in category 'accessing') ----- shoutParserClass "Answer the parser class" ^SHParserST80! Item was changed: + ----- Method: SHMCClassDefinition>>withAllSuperclasses (in category 'act like a class') ----- - ----- Method: SHMCClassDefinition>>withAllSuperclasses (in category 'accessing') ----- withAllSuperclasses + + | result | + result := OrderedCollection new. + self withAllSuperclassesDo: [ :each | result addFirst: each ]. + ^result! - | superclassOrDef answer classOrDef | - - answer := Array with: self. - classOrDef := classDefinition. - [superclassOrDef := (classOrDef isKindOf: MCClassDefinition) - ifTrue:[ |s| - s := classOrDef superclassName. - items - detect: [:ea | ea isClassDefinition and: [ea className = s]] - ifNone: [Smalltalk at: s asSymbol ifAbsent:[nil]]] - ifFalse:[ | sc | - sc := classOrDef superclass. - sc ifNotNil:[ - items - detect: [:ea | ea isClassDefinition and: [ea className = sc name asString]] - ifNone: [sc] ]]. - superclassOrDef isNil - ] whileFalse:[ - answer := answer, (Array with: superclassOrDef). - classOrDef := superclassOrDef]. - ^answer! Item was added: + ----- Method: SHMCClassDefinition>>withAllSuperclassesDo: (in category 'act like a class') ----- + withAllSuperclassesDo: aBlock + + | superclassOrDef classOrDef | + aBlock value: self. + classOrDef := classDefinition. + [ + superclassOrDef := (classOrDef isKindOf: MCClassDefinition) + ifTrue: [ + | superclassName | + superclassName := classOrDef superclassName. + items + detect: [ :each | + each isClassDefinition and: [ + each className = superclassName ] ] + ifNone: [ Smalltalk classNamed: superclassName ] ] + ifFalse: [ + classOrDef superclass ifNotNil: [ :superclass | + | superclassName | + superclassName := superclass name asString. + items + detect: [ :each | + each isClassDefinition and: [ + each className = superclassName ] ] + ifNone: [ superclass ] ] ]. + superclassOrDef isNil ] + whileFalse: [ + aBlock value: superclassOrDef. + classOrDef := superclassOrDef ]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SHParserST80>>resolvePartial: (in category 'identifier testing') ----- resolvePartial: aString "check if any identifier begins with aString" (#('self' 'super' 'true' 'false' 'nil' 'thisContext') anySatisfy: [:each | each beginsWith: aString]) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]. (self isIncompleteBlockTempName: aString) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]. (self isIncompleteBlockArgName: aString) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]. (self isIncompleteMethodTempName: aString) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]. (self isIncompleteMethodArgName: aString) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]. (instanceVariables anySatisfy: [:each | each beginsWith: aString]) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]. workspace ifNotNil: [(workspace hasBindingThatBeginsWith: aString) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]]. classOrMetaClass ifNotNil: [ + classOrMetaClass theNonMetaClass withAllSuperclassesDo: [:c | - classOrMetaClass theNonMetaClass withAllSuperclasses do: [:c | (c classPool hasBindingThatBeginsWith: aString) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]. c sharedPools do: [:p | (p hasBindingThatBeginsWith: aString) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]]. (c environment hasBindingThatBeginsWith: aString) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]]] ifNil: [(environment hasBindingThatBeginsWith: aString) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]]. ^#undefinedIdentifier! Item was changed: ----- Method: SHParserST80>>resolvePartialPragmaArgument: (in category 'identifier testing') ----- resolvePartialPragmaArgument: aString "check if any valid pragma argument begins with aString" (#('true' 'false' 'nil') anySatisfy: [:each | each beginsWith: aString]) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]. "should really check that a matching binding is for a Class?" classOrMetaClass ifNotNil: [ + classOrMetaClass theNonMetaClass withAllSuperclassesDo: [:c | - classOrMetaClass theNonMetaClass withAllSuperclasses do: [:c | (c environment hasBindingThatBeginsWith: aString) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]]] ifNil: [(environment hasBindingThatBeginsWith: aString) ifTrue: [^#incompleteIdentifier]]. ^#undefinedIdentifier! Item was changed: ----- Method: SHParserST80>>resolvePragmaArgument: (in category 'identifier testing') ----- resolvePragmaArgument: aString (#('true' 'false' 'nil') includes: aString) ifTrue: [^aString asSymbol]. "should really check that global is a class?" (Symbol lookup: aString) ifNotNil: [:sym | classOrMetaClass ifNotNil: [ + classOrMetaClass theNonMetaClass withAllSuperclassesDo: [:c | - classOrMetaClass theNonMetaClass withAllSuperclasses do: [:c | (c environment bindingOf: sym) ifNotNil: [^#globalVar]]] ifNil: [(environment bindingOf: sym) ifNotNil: [^#globalVar]]]. ^self resolvePartialPragmaArgument: aString! Item was changed: ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80>>setAttributesIn:fromRanges: (in category 'private') ----- setAttributesIn: aText fromRanges: ranges | charAttr defaultAttr attr newRuns newValues lastAttr oldRuns lastCount | oldRuns := aText runs. defaultAttr := self attributesFor: #default. + charAttr := Array new: aText size withAll: defaultAttr. + ranges do: [ :range | + (self attributesFor: range type) ifNotNil: [ :attribute | + charAttr from: range start to: range end put: attribute ] ]. + newRuns := OrderedCollection new: ranges size * 2 + 1. + newValues := OrderedCollection new: ranges size * 2 + 1. + lastAttr := nil. + lastCount := 0. + 1 to: charAttr size do: [ :i | + (attr := charAttr at: i) == lastAttr - charAttr := Array new: aText size. - 1 to: charAttr size do: [:i | charAttr at: i put: defaultAttr]. - ranges do: [:range | - (attr := self attributesFor: range type) == nil - ifFalse:[ range start to: range end do: [:i | charAttr at: i put: attr]]]. - newRuns := OrderedCollection new: charAttr size // 10. - newValues := OrderedCollection new: charAttr size // 10. - 1 to: charAttr size do: [:i | - attr := charAttr at: i. - i = 1 ifTrue: [ + lastCount := lastCount + 1. + newRuns at: newRuns size put: lastCount ] + ifFalse: [ + newRuns addLast: 1. - newRuns add: 1. lastCount := 1. + lastAttr := newValues addLast: attr ] ]. - lastAttr := newValues add: attr] - ifFalse:[ - attr == lastAttr - ifTrue: [ - lastCount := lastCount + 1. - newRuns at: newRuns size put: lastCount] - ifFalse: [ - newRuns add: 1. - lastCount := 1. - lastAttr := newValues add: attr]]]. aText runs: (RunArray runs: newRuns values: newValues). oldRuns withStartStopAndValueDo:[:start :stop :attribs| + (attribs anySatisfy: [ :each | each shoutShouldPreserve ]) ifTrue: [ + attribs do: [ :each | aText addAttribute: each from: start to: stop ] ] ]. - (attribs anySatisfy: [:each | self shouldPreserveAttribute: each]) - ifTrue: [ - attribs do: [:eachAttrib | aText addAttribute: eachAttrib from: start to: stop]]]. ! Item was removed: - ----- Method: SHTextStylerST80>>shouldPreserveAttribute: (in category 'private') ----- - shouldPreserveAttribute: aTextAttribute - "Answer true if Shout should preserve ALL the attributes in the same run as the argument, - false otherwise" - ^aTextAttribute shoutShouldPreserve! Item was changed: ----- Method: TextAction>>shoutShouldPreserve (in category '*ShoutCore') ----- shoutShouldPreserve + ^true! - ^self class == TextAction! |
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