The Trunk: ShoutCore-ul.65.mcz

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The Trunk: ShoutCore-ul.65.mcz

Levente Uzonyi uploaded a new version of ShoutCore to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: ShoutCore-ul.65
Author: ul
Time: 9 July 2019, 11:00:06.496443 pm
UUID: 5b4b23fe-b7de-4498-a16b-80959cfb1e62
Ancestors: ShoutCore-mt.64

Further SHTextStyler refactorings:
- replaced text instance variable with temporiaries
- removed monitor. backgroundProcess consistency is ensured by atomic execution of certain instructions
- assume that view is never nil. It makes no sense to style when there's no view, and view is always assigned once, when a styler instance is created

=============== Diff against ShoutCore-mt.64 ===============

Item was changed:
  Object subclass: #SHTextStyler
+ instanceVariableNames: 'backgroundProcess view stylingEnabled'
- instanceVariableNames: 'backgroundProcess text monitor view stylingEnabled'
  classVariableNames: ''
  poolDictionaries: ''
  category: 'ShoutCore-Styling'!
  !SHTextStyler commentStamp: 'tween 8/27/2004 10:54' prior: 0!
  I am an Abstract class.
  Subclasses of me can create formatted, coloured, and styled copies of Text that is given to them.
  They may perform their styling asynchronously, in a background process which I create and manage.
  My public interface is...
  view: aViewOrMorph - set the view that will receive notifications when styling has completed.
  format: aText - modifies aText's string
  style: aText - modifies the TextAttributes of aText, but does not change the string, then sends #stylerStyled: to the view.
  styleInBackgroundProcess: aText - performs style: in a background process, then sends #stylerStylednBackground: to the view.
  styledTextFor: aText - answers a formatted and styled copy of aText
  unstyledTextFrom: aText - answers a copy of aText with all TextAttributes removed
  Subclasses of me should re-implement...
  privateFormat: aText - answer a formatted version of aText; the String may be changed
  privateStyle: aText - modify the TextAttributes of aText; but do not change the String

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: SHTextStyler>>monitor (in category 'private') -----
- monitor
- ^monitor ifNil: [monitor := Monitor new]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SHTextStyler>>style: (in category 'styling') -----
  style: aText
+ | text |
  self terminateBackgroundStylingProcess.
+ stylingEnabled ifFalse: [ ^self ].
+ text := aText copy.
+ self privateStyle: text.
+ view stylerStyled: text!
- stylingEnabled ifTrue:[
- text := aText copy.
- self privateStyle: text.
- view ifNotNil:[view stylerStyled: text] ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SHTextStyler>>styleInBackgroundProcess: (in category 'styling') -----
  styleInBackgroundProcess: aText
+ | text newBackgroundProcess |
  self terminateBackgroundStylingProcess.
+ stylingEnabled ifFalse: [ ^self ].
+ text := aText copy.
+ newBackgroundProcess := [
+ self privateStyle: text.
+ Project current addDeferredUIMessage: [
+ view stylerStyledInBackground: text ].
+ Processor activeProcess == backgroundProcess ifTrue: [
+ backgroundProcess := nil ] ] newProcess
+ priority: Processor userBackgroundPriority;
+ yourself.
+ backgroundProcess ifNil: [
+ (backgroundProcess := newBackgroundProcess) resume ]!
- stylingEnabled ifTrue: [
- text := aText copy.
- self monitor critical: [
- backgroundProcess := [
- self privateStyle: text.
- view ifNotNil: [:v | Project current addDeferredUIMessage: [v stylerStyledInBackground: text]].
- ] forkAt: Processor userBackgroundPriority] ]
- !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SHTextStyler>>terminateBackgroundStylingProcess (in category 'private') -----
+ "Terminate the background styling process if it exists. Assume that the first two lines are executed atomically."
+ backgroundProcess ifNotNil: [ :backgroundProcessToTerminate |
+ backgroundProcess := nil.
+ backgroundProcessToTerminate terminate ]!
- self monitor critical: [
- backgroundProcess
- ifNotNil: [
- backgroundProcess terminate.
- backgroundProcess := nil]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SHTextStyler>>veryDeepInner: (in category 'copying') -----
  veryDeepInner: aDeepCopier
  super veryDeepInner: aDeepCopier.
+ backgroundProcess := nil.
- backgroundProcess := monitor := nil.
- text := text veryDeepCopyWith: aDeepCopier.
  view := view veryDeepCopyWith: aDeepCopier!