Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of Sound to project The Trunk: ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Sound-nice.8 Author: nice Time: 20 October 2009, 12:16:40 pm UUID: 479a4219-da06-c14a-908b-409ad8627af5 Ancestors: Sound-ar.7 use #fasterKeys =============== Diff against Sound-ar.7 =============== Item was changed: Object subclass: #SoundRecorder instanceVariableNames: 'stereo samplingRate recordLevel recordedBuffers recordedSound recordProcess bufferAvailableSema paused meteringBuffer meterLevel soundPlaying currentBuffer nextIndex codec desiredSampleRate' + classVariableNames: 'CanRecordWhilePlaying RecorderActive' - classVariableNames: 'RecorderActive CanRecordWhilePlaying' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Sound-Synthesis'! Item was changed: AbstractSound subclass: #SampledSound instanceVariableNames: 'initialCount count samples originalSamplingRate samplesSize scaledIndex indexHighBits scaledIncrement' + classVariableNames: 'CoffeeCupClink DefaultSampleTable IncrementFractionBits IncrementScaleFactor NominalSamplePitch ScaledIndexOverflow SoundLibrary' - classVariableNames: 'SoundLibrary NominalSamplePitch DefaultSampleTable ScaledIndexOverflow IncrementScaleFactor IncrementFractionBits CoffeeCupClink' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Sound-Synthesis'! Item was changed: ----- Method: PianoRollScoreMorph>>mouseMove: (in category 'event handling') ----- mouseMove: evt | noteMorphs chordRect sound | soundsPlaying ifNil: [^ self]. self autoScrollForX: evt cursorPoint x. "Play all notes at the cursor time" noteMorphs := self notesInRect: ((evt cursorPoint extent: 1@0) expandBy: 0@self height). chordRect := (self innerBounds withLeft: evt cursorPoint x) withWidth: 1. soundsPlayingMorph delete. soundsPlayingMorph := Morph newBounds: chordRect color: Color green. self addMorphBack: soundsPlayingMorph. noteMorphs do: [:m | "Add any new sounds" (soundsPlaying includesKey: m) ifFalse: [sound := m soundOfDuration: 999.0. soundsPlaying at: m put: sound. SoundPlayer resumePlaying: sound quickStart: false]]. + soundsPlaying fasterKeys do: - soundsPlaying keys do: [:m | "Remove any sounds no longer in selection." (noteMorphs includes: m) ifFalse: [(soundsPlaying at: m) stopGracefully. soundsPlaying removeKey: m]]. ! Item was changed: AbstractSound subclass: #LoopedSampledSound instanceVariableNames: 'initialCount count releaseCount sampleCountForRelease leftSamples rightSamples originalSamplingRate perceivedPitch gain firstSample lastSample loopEnd scaledLoopLength scaledIndex scaledIndexIncr' + classVariableNames: 'FloatLoopIndexScaleFactor LoopIndexFractionMask LoopIndexScaleFactor' - classVariableNames: 'LoopIndexFractionMask LoopIndexScaleFactor FloatLoopIndexScaleFactor' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Sound-Synthesis'! !LoopedSampledSound commentStamp: '<historical>' prior: 0! I respresent a sequence of sound samples, often used to record a single note played by a real instrument. I can be pitch-shifted up or down, and can include a looped portion to allow a sound to be sustained indefinitely. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: AbstractSound class>>updateFMSounds (in category 'sound library') ----- updateFMSounds "AbstractSound updateFMSounds" + Sounds fasterKeys do: [:k | - Sounds keys do: [:k | ((Sounds at: k) isKindOf: FMSound) ifTrue: [ Sounds removeKey: k ifAbsent: []]]. (FMSound class organization listAtCategoryNamed: #instruments) do: [:sel | Sounds at: sel asString put: (FMSound perform: sel)]. ! Item was changed: Object subclass: #SoundPlayer instanceVariableNames: '' + classVariableNames: 'ActiveSounds Buffer BufferIndex BufferMSecs LastBuffer PlayerProcess PlayerSemaphore ReadyForBuffer ReverbState SamplingRate SoundJustStarted SoundSupported Stereo UseReadySemaphore UseReverb' - classVariableNames: 'UseReverb BufferIndex Buffer SoundSupported ActiveSounds BufferMSecs SoundJustStarted SamplingRate Stereo ReverbState UseReadySemaphore PlayerSemaphore PlayerProcess LastBuffer ReadyForBuffer' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Sound-Synthesis'! Item was changed: ----- Method: AbstractSound class>>unloadSampledTimbres (in category 'sound library-file in/out') ----- unloadSampledTimbres "This can be done to unload those bulky sampled timbres to shrink the image. The unloaded sounds are replaced by a well-known 'unloaded sound' object to enable the unloaded sounds to be detected when the process is reversed." "AbstractSound unloadSampledTimbres" + Sounds fasterKeys do: [:soundName | - Sounds keys copy do: [:soundName | (((Sounds at: soundName) isKindOf: SampledInstrument) or: [(Sounds at: soundName) isKindOf: LoopedSampledSound]) ifTrue: [ Sounds at: soundName put: self unloadedSound]]. self updateScorePlayers. Smalltalk garbageCollect. ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SampledSound class>>soundNames (in category 'sound library') ----- soundNames "Answer a list of sound names for the sounds stored in the sound library." "| s | SampledSound soundNames asSortedCollection do: [:n | n asParagraph display. s := SampledSound soundNamed: n. s ifNotNil: [s playAndWaitUntilDone]]" + ^ SoundLibrary fasterKeys - ^ SoundLibrary keys asArray ! Item was changed: ----- Method: AbstractSound class>>soundNames (in category 'sound library') ----- soundNames + ^ Sounds fasterKeys sort - ^ Sounds keys asSortedCollection asArray ! Item was changed: Object subclass: #AbstractSound instanceVariableNames: 'envelopes mSecsSinceStart samplesUntilNextControl scaledVol scaledVolIncr scaledVolLimit' + classVariableNames: 'FloatScaleFactor MaxScaledValue PitchesForBottomOctave ScaleFactor Sounds TopOfBottomOctave UnloadedSnd' - classVariableNames: 'UnloadedSnd PitchesForBottomOctave ScaleFactor MaxScaledValue TopOfBottomOctave Sounds FloatScaleFactor' poolDictionaries: '' category: 'Sound-Synthesis'! |
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