Tim Felgentreff uploaded a new version of Sound to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/Sound-tfel.59.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: Sound-tfel.59 Author: tfel Time: 30 August 2016, 1:35:33.820946 pm UUID: ba31f5bd-7f7d-3144-99ac-d5c67d3cf6ee Ancestors: Sound-tfel.58 Replace underscore assignments with := =============== Diff against Sound-mt.57 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: AbstractSound class>>fileInSoundLibraryNamed: (in category 'sound library-file in/out') ----- fileInSoundLibraryNamed: fileName "File in the sound library with the given file name, and add its contents to the current sound library." | s newSounds | + s := FileStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName. - s := FileStream oldFileNamed: fileName. newSounds := s fileInObjectAndCode. s close. newSounds associationsDo: [:assoc | self storeFiledInSound: assoc value named: assoc key]. AbstractSound updateScorePlayers. Smalltalk garbageCollect. "Large objects may have been released" ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SampledSound class>>soundNamed: (in category 'sound library') ----- soundNamed: aString "Answer the sound of the given name, or, if there is no sound of that name, put up an informer so stating, and answer nil" "(SampledSound soundNamed: 'shutterClick') play" ^ self soundNamed: aString ifAbsent: + [self inform: aString, ' not found in the Sound Library' translated. - [self inform: aString, ' not found in the Sound Library'. nil]! Item was changed: ----- Method: SampledSound class>>soundNamed:ifAbsent: (in category 'sound library') ----- soundNamed: aString ifAbsent: aBlock "Answer the sound of the given name, or if there is no sound of that name, answer the result of evaluating aBlock" "(SampledSound soundNamed: 'shutterClick') play" + | entry samples compressedSound | - | entry samples | entry := SoundLibrary at: aString ifAbsent: [^ aBlock value]. entry ifNil: [^ aBlock value]. + entry second isString + ifTrue: [compressedSound := Compiler evaluate: entry second. + compressedSound source: entry first. + ^ compressedSound asSound] + ifFalse: [samples := entry at: 1. + samples class isBytes ifTrue: [samples := self convert8bitSignedTo16Bit: samples]. + ^ self samples: samples samplingRate: (entry at: 2)] - samples := entry at: 1. - samples class isBytes ifTrue: [samples := self convert8bitSignedTo16Bit: samples]. - ^ self samples: samples samplingRate: (entry at: 2) ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SampledSound class>>universalSoundKeys (in category 'sound library') ----- universalSoundKeys "Answer a list of the sound-names that are expected to be found in the SoundLibrary of every image." + ^ {'camera' translatedNoop. 'chirp' translatedNoop. 'chomp' translatedNoop. 'click' translatedNoop. 'clink' translatedNoop. 'coyote' translatedNoop. 'croak' translatedNoop. 'horn' translatedNoop. 'laugh' translatedNoop. 'meow' translatedNoop. 'motor' translatedNoop. 'peaks' translatedNoop. 'scrape' translatedNoop. 'scratch' translatedNoop. 'scritch' translatedNoop. 'silence' translatedNoop. 'splash' translatedNoop. 'warble' translatedNoop.}! - - ^ #('splash' 'peaks' 'clink' 'croak' 'scratch' 'chirp' 'scritch' 'warble' 'scrape' 'camera' 'coyote' 'silence' 'motor') - - ! Item was changed: ----- Method: SampledSound>>compressWith: (in category 'accessing') ----- + compressWith: codecClass + | codec result | + codec := codecClass new. + result := codec compressSound: self. + codec release. + ^ result! - compressWith: codecClass - ^ codecClass new compressSound: self! Item was changed: ----- Method: SampledSound>>compressWith:atRate: (in category 'accessing') ----- + compressWith: codecClass atRate: aSamplingRate + | codec result | + codec := codecClass new. + result := codec compressSound: self atRate: aSamplingRate. + codec release. + ^ result! - compressWith: codecClass atRate: aSamplingRate - - ^ codecClass new compressSound: self atRate: aSamplingRate! Item was changed: ----- Method: SoundRecorder>>stopRecording (in category 'recording controls') ----- stopRecording "Stop the recording process and turn of the sound input driver." recordProcess ifNotNil: [recordProcess terminate]. recordProcess := nil. self primStopRecording. RecorderActive := false. Smalltalk unregisterExternalObject: bufferAvailableSema. ((currentBuffer ~~ nil) and: [nextIndex > 1]) ifTrue: [self emitPartialBuffer]. + codec ifNotNil: [codec reset]. self initializeRecordingState. ! |
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