The Trunk: SqueakSSL-Core-ul.29.mcz

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The Trunk: SqueakSSL-Core-ul.29.mcz

Tobias Pape uploaded a new version of SqueakSSL-Core to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: SqueakSSL-Core-ul.29
Author: ul
Time: 16 October 2014, 10:36:36.902 am
UUID: e50d2a4f-cf16-4cdf-9ced-0d7471e550c6
Ancestors: SqueakSSL-Core-ul.28

Made #serverName: backwards compatible, by ignoring the primitive failure, when the plugin doesn't support it.

==================== Snapshot ====================

SystemOrganization addCategory: #'SqueakSSL-Core'!

SocketStream subclass: #SecureSocketStream
        instanceVariableNames: 'ssl sendBuf readBuf decoded certIssues'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'SqueakSSL-Core'!

!SecureSocketStream commentStamp: 'ar 7/25/2010 14:19' prior: 0!
A variant on SocketStream supporting SSL/TLS encryption via SqueakSSL.

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>ascii (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Switch to ASCII"

        super ascii.
        decoded := (ReadStream
                on: decoded originalContents asString
                from: 1 to: decoded size)
                        position: decoded position;

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>atEnd (in category 'private-compat') -----
        "Pre Squeak 4.2 compatibility"

        self receiveAvailableData.
        ^super atEnd!

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>binary (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Switch to binary"

        super binary.
        decoded := (ReadStream
                on: decoded originalContents asByteArray
                from: 1 to: decoded size)
                        position: decoded position;

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>certError:code: (in category 'errors') -----
certError: errorString code: reason
        "Signal an issue with a certificate. If the reason code matches the acceptable cert issues, continue, otherwise signal an error."

        (certIssues allMask: reason) ifTrue:[^self].
        ^SqueakSSLCertificateError signal: errorString, '(code: ', reason, ')'.

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>certState (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Returns the certificate verification bits. The returned value indicates
        whether the certificate is valid. The two standard values are:

                0 - The certificate is valid.
                -1 - No certificate has been provided by the peer.

        Otherwise, the result is a bit mask of the following values:

                1 - If set, there is an unspecified issue with the cert (generic error)
                2 - If set, the root CA is untrusted (usually a self-signed cert)
                4 - If set, the certificate is expired.
                8 - If set, the certificate is used for the wrong purpose
                16 - If set, the CN of the certificate is invalid.
                32 - If set, the certificate was revoked.


        ^ssl ifNotNil:[ssl certState]!

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>close (in category 'initialize') -----
        "Flush any data still not sent and take care of the socket."

        super close.
        ssl ifNotNil:[
                ssl destroy.
                ssl := nil.

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>destroy (in category 'initialize') -----
        "Destroy the receiver and its underlying socket. Does not attempt to flush the output buffers. For a graceful close use SocketStream>>close instead."

        "Pre-4.2 compatibility. Should be 'super destroy' instead of 'socket destroy'"
        socket ifNotNil:[
                socket destroy.
                socket := nil.

        ssl ifNotNil:[
                ssl destroy.
                ssl := nil.

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>flush (in category 'private-compat') -----
        "Pre-Squeak 4.2 compatibility"

        ((outNextToWrite > 1) and: [socket isOtherEndClosed not])
                ifTrue: [
                        [self sendData: outBuffer count: outNextToWrite - 1]
                                on: ConnectionTimedOut
                                do: [:ex | shouldSignal ifFalse: ["swallow"]].
                        outNextToWrite := 1]

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>ignoredCertIssues (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Answer the mask of 'acceptable issues' with certs. To completely ignore all cert issues use -1 which still ensures privacy (encryption) to the remote host, but does not guard against a man-in-the-middle attack (i.e., you cannot be sure that the remote host is what he says he is). The reasons are a bit mask consisting of the following values:
                1 - If set, there is an unspecified issue with the cert (generic error)
                2 - If set, the root CA is untrusted (usually a self-signed cert)
                4 - If set, the certificate is expired.
                8 - If set, the certificate is used for the wrong purpose
                16 - If set, the CN of the certificate is invalid.
                32 - If set, the certificate was revoked.


----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>ignoredCertIssues: (in category 'accessing') -----
ignoredCertIssues: reasonsMask
        "Set the mask of 'acceptable issues' with certs. To completely ignore all cert issues use -1 which still ensures privacy (encryption) to the remote host, but does not guard against a man-in-the-middle attack (i.e., you cannot be sure that the remote host is what he says he is). The reasons are a bit mask consisting of the following values:
                1 - If set, there is an unspecified issue with the cert (generic error)
                2 - If set, the root CA is untrusted (usually a self-signed cert)
                4 - If set, the certificate is expired.
                8 - If set, the certificate is used for the wrong purpose
                16 - If set, the CN of the certificate is invalid.
                32 - If set, the certificate was revoked.

        certIssues := reasonsMask!

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>initialize (in category 'initialize') -----
        "Initialize the receiver"
        "I think 16k is the max for SSL frames so use a tad more"
        decoded := ReadStream on: (ByteArray new: 20000) from: 1 to: 0.

        super initialize.

        sendBuf := ByteArray new: 4096.
        readBuf := ByteArray new: 4096.
        certIssues := 0.

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>isDataAvailable (in category 'private-compat') -----
        "Pre Squeak 4.2 compatibility"
        self isInBufferEmpty ifFalse: [^true].
        ^self receiveAvailableData < inNextToWrite

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>nextPutAllFlush: (in category 'private-compat') -----
nextPutAllFlush: aCollection
        "Pre Squeak 4.2 compatibility"

        | toPut |
        toPut := binary ifTrue: [aCollection asByteArray] ifFalse: [aCollection asString].
        self flush. "first flush pending stuff, then directly send"
        socket isOtherEndClosed ifFalse: [
                [self sendData: toPut count: toPut size]
                        on: ConnectionTimedOut
                        do: [:ex | shouldSignal ifFalse: ["swallow"]]]

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>peerName (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Returns the certificate name of the remote peer.
        The method only returns a name if the certificate has been verified."

        ^ssl ifNotNil:[ssl peerName]!

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>receiveAvailableData (in category 'private-compat') -----
        "Pre Squeak 4.2 compatibility"
        recentlyRead := self receiveDataInto: inBuffer startingAt: inNextToWrite.
        ^self adjustInBuffer: recentlyRead

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>receiveData (in category 'private-socket') -----
        "This method drains the available decryption data before waiting for the socket"

        | pos |

        "Note: The loop here is necessary to catch cases where a TLS packet is
        split among TCP packets. In this case we would pull the first portion of
        the TLS packet here but receiveAvailableData would return nothing since
        the contents of the packet can't be decoded until the rest has come in."

        [pos := inNextToWrite.
        self receiveAvailableData.
        pos = inNextToWrite ifFalse:[^pos].

        "Pre-4.2 compatibility; should be 'super receiveData' instead."
                waitForDataFor: self timeout
                ifClosed: [self shouldSignal
                        ifTrue:[ConnectionClosed signal: 'Connection closed while waiting for data.']]
                ifTimedOut: [self shouldTimeout
                        ifTrue:[ConnectionTimedOut signal: 'Data receive timed out.']].
        self isConnected] whileTrue.

        "Final attempt to read data if a non-signaling connection closes"
        ^self receiveAvailableData.

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>receiveData: (in category 'private-compat') -----
receiveData: nBytes
        "Pre Squeak 4.2 compatibility"

        self receiveAvailableData.
        ^super receiveData: nBytes.!

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>receiveDataIfAvailable (in category 'private-compat') -----
        "Pre Squeak 4.2 compatibility"

        ^self receiveAvailableData

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>receiveDataInto:startingAt: (in category 'private-socket') -----
receiveDataInto: buffer startingAt: index
        "Read and decrypt the data from the underlying socket. "

        | count bytesRead |
        "While in handshake, use the superclass version"
        ssl ifNil:[
                "Pre-4.2 compatibility; should be 'super receiveDataInto: buffer startingAt: index'"
                ^socket  receiveAvailableDataInto: buffer startingAt: index.

        "Only decode more data if all the decoded contents has been drained"
        decoded atEnd ifTrue:[
                "Decrypt more data if available"
                bytesRead := 0.
                [count := ssl decrypt: readBuf from: 1 to: bytesRead into: decoded originalContents.
                count < 0 ifTrue:[^self error: 'SSL error, code: ', count].
                bytesRead := 0.
                count = 0 ifTrue:[
                        bytesRead := socket receiveAvailableDataInto: readBuf startingAt: 1.
                bytesRead = 0] whileFalse.
                "Update for number of bytes decoded"
                decoded setFrom: 1 to: count.

        "Push data from decoded into the result buffer"
        count := (decoded size - decoded position) min: (buffer size - index + 1).
        (decoded next: count into: buffer startingAt: index) size < count
                ifTrue:[^self error: 'Unexpected read failure'].

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>sendData:count: (in category 'private-socket') -----
sendData: buffer count: n
        "Encrypts the data before sending it on the underlying socket.
        Breaks large chunks into 2k components to fit safely into ssl frame."

        | remain start amount count |
        "While in handshake, use the superclass version"
        ssl ifNil:[
                "Pre-4.2 compatibility; should be 'super sendData: buffer count: n' instead"
                ^socket sendData: buffer count: n

        "Break the input into reasonable chunks and send them"
        remain := n. start := 1.
        [remain > 0] whileTrue:[
                amount := remain min: 2048.
                count := ssl encrypt: buffer from: start to: start+amount-1 into: sendBuf.
                socket sendData: sendBuf count: count.
                remain := remain - amount.
                start := start + amount.

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>ssl (in category 'accessing') -----
        "The SqueakSSL instance"


----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>sslAccept: (in category 'initialize') -----
sslAccept: certName
        "Perform the SSL server handshake. This method uses all the common SocketStream methods to adhere to the various timeout/signalling settings of SocketStream. It only installs the SSL instance after the handshake is complete."

        | squeakSSL result inbuf |
        inbuf := ''.
        squeakSSL := SqueakSSL new.
        squeakSSL certName: certName.

        "Perform the server handshake"
        [[squeakSSL isConnected] whileFalse:[
                "Read input"
                self receiveData.
                inbuf := self nextAvailable.
                result := squeakSSL accept: inbuf from: 1 to: inbuf size into: sendBuf.

                "Check for errors first"
                result < -1 ifTrue:[^self error: 'SSL accept failed with code: ', result].

                "If a token has been produced in the handshake, send it to the remote"
                result > 0 ifTrue:[
                        self nextPutAll: (sendBuf copyFrom: 1 to: result).
                        self flush.
        "There should be no pending data at this point, ensure it is so.
        XXXX: If you ever see this problem, please inform me."
        self isInBufferEmpty ifFalse:[self error: 'Unexpected input data'].
        "We are connected. From here on, encryption will take place."
        ssl := squeakSSL.
        ] ifCurtailed:[
                "Make sure we destroy the platform handle if the handshake gets interrupted"
                squeakSSL destroy.

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>sslConnect (in category 'initialize') -----
        "Perform the SSL client handshake. This method uses all the common SocketStream methods to adhere to the various timeout/signalling settings of SocketStream. It only installs the SSL instance after the handshake is complete."

        self sslConnectTo: nil!

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>sslConnectTo: (in category 'initialize') -----
sslConnectTo: serverName
        "Perform the SSL client handshake. This method uses all the common SocketStream methods to adhere to the various timeout/signalling settings of SocketStream. It only installs the SSL instance after the handshake is complete. If serverName is not nil, then try to use it for SNI."

        | inbuf squeakSSL result |
        inbuf := ''.
        squeakSSL := SqueakSSL new.
        serverName ifNotNil: [ squeakSSL serverName: serverName ].
        "Perform the SSL handshake"
        [[result := squeakSSL connect: inbuf from: 1 to: inbuf size into: sendBuf.
        result = 0] whileFalse:[
                "Check for errors first"
                result < -1 ifTrue:[^self error: 'SSL connect failed with code: ', result].

                "If a token has been produced in the handshake, send it to the remote"
                result > 0 ifTrue:[
                        self nextPutAll: (sendBuf copyFrom: 1 to: result).
                        self flush.

                "Read more input and repeat"
                self receiveData.
                inbuf := self nextAvailable.
        "There should be no pending data at this point, ensure it is so.
        XXXX: If you ever see this problem, please inform me."
        self isInBufferEmpty ifFalse:[self error: 'Unexpected input data'].
        "We are connected. From here on, encryption will take place."
        ssl := squeakSSL.
        ] ifCurtailed:[
                "Make sure we destroy the platform handle if the handshake gets interrupted"
                squeakSSL destroy.

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>upToAll: (in category 'private-compat') -----
upToAll: aStringOrByteArray
        "Pre Squeak 4.2 compatibility"

        ^self upToAll: aStringOrByteArray limit: 100000!

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>upToAll:limit: (in category 'private-compat') -----
upToAll: aStringOrByteArray limit: nBytes
        "Pre Squeak 4.2 compatibility"

        | index sz result searchedSoFar target |
        "Deal with ascii vs. binary"
        self isBinary
                ifTrue:[target := aStringOrByteArray asByteArray]
                ifFalse:[target := aStringOrByteArray asString].

        sz := target size.
        "Look in the current inBuffer first"
        index := inBuffer indexOfSubCollection: target
                                                startingAt: lastRead - sz + 2.
        (index > 0 and: [(index + sz) <= inNextToWrite]) ifTrue: ["found it"
                result := self nextInBuffer: index - lastRead - 1.
                self skip: sz.
                ^ result

        [searchedSoFar :=  self inBufferSize.
        "Receive more data"
        self receiveData.
        recentlyRead > 0] whileTrue:[

                "Data begins at lastRead + 1, we add searchedSoFar as offset and
                backs up sz - 1 so that we can catch any borderline hits."

                index := inBuffer indexOfSubCollection: target
                                                startingAt: (lastRead + searchedSoFar - sz + 2 max: 1).
                (index > 0 and: [(index + sz) <= inNextToWrite]) ifTrue: ["found it"
                        result := self nextInBuffer: index - lastRead - 1.
                        self skip: sz.
                        ^ result
                "Check if we've exceeded the max. amount"
                (nBytes notNil and:[inNextToWrite - lastRead > nBytes])
                        ifTrue:[^self nextAllInBuffer].

        "not found and (non-signaling) connection was closed"
        ^self nextAllInBuffer!

----- Method: SecureSocketStream>>verifyCert: (in category 'initialize') -----
verifyCert: hostName
        "Verifies the cert state and host name"

        | certFlags |
        certFlags := self certState.
        certFlags = -1
                ifTrue:[^self certError: 'No certificate was provided' code: -1].
        certFlags = 0
                ifFalse:[self certError: 'Invalid certificate' code: certFlags].
        (ssl peerName match: hostName)
                ifFalse:[self certError: 'Host name mismatch' code: -1].!

Socket subclass: #SecureSocket
        instanceVariableNames: 'ssl decoded readBuf sendBuf'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'SqueakSSL-Core'!

----- Method: SecureSocket class>>google: (in category 'examples') -----
google: query
        "An example HTTPS query to
                SecureSocket google: 'squeak'.
                SecureSocket google: 'SqueakSSL'.

        | hostName address socket |

        "Change the host name to try an https request to some other host"
        hostName := ''..

        address := NetNameResolver addressForName: hostName.
        socket := SecureSocket newTCP.

        "Connect the TCP socket"
        socket connectTo: address port: 443.
        socket waitForConnectionFor: 10.

        ["Handle the client handshake"
        socket sslConnectTo: hostName.

        "Verify that the cert is valid"
        socket certState = 0 ifFalse:[
                self error: 'The certificate is invalid (code: ', socket certState,')'.

        "If the certificate is valid, make sure we're were we wanted to go"
        (socket peerName match: hostName) ifFalse:[
                self error: 'Host name mismatch: ', socket peerName.

        "Send encrypted data"
        socket sendData:
                'GET /search?q=', query,' HTTP/1.0', String crlf,
                'Host: ', hostName, String crlf,
                'Connection: close', String crlf,
                String crlf.

        "Wait for the response"
        ^String streamContents:[:s|
                [[true] whileTrue:[s nextPutAll: socket receiveData]]
                        on: ConnectionClosed, ConnectionTimedOut do:[:ex| ex return].
        ]] ensure:[socket destroy].

----- Method: SecureSocket>>accept (in category 'connect') -----
        "Accept a connection from the receiver socket.
        Return a new socket that is connected to the client"

        ^self class acceptFrom: self.!

----- Method: SecureSocket>>certState (in category 'accessing') -----
        ^ssl ifNotNil:[ssl certState]!

----- Method: SecureSocket>>decodeData (in category 'primitives') -----
        "Receive data from the given socket into the given array starting at the given index. Return the number of bytes read or zero if no data is available."
        | total bytesRead |
        decoded atEnd ifFalse:[^self].

        "Decrypt more data if available"
        bytesRead := 0.
        [total := ssl decrypt: readBuf from: 1 to: bytesRead into: decoded originalContents.
        total < 0 ifTrue:[^self error: 'SSL error, code: ', total].
        bytesRead := 0.
        total = 0 ifTrue:[
                bytesRead := super primSocket: socketHandle receiveDataInto: readBuf startingAt: 1 count: readBuf size.
        bytesRead = 0] whileFalse.

        "Update for number of bytes decoded"
        decoded setFrom: 1 to: total.

----- Method: SecureSocket>>destroy (in category 'initialize') -----
        ssl ifNotNil:[
                ssl destroy.
                ssl := nil
        super destroy.!

----- Method: SecureSocket>>initialize (in category 'initialize') -----

        super initialize.
        decoded := ReadStream on: (ByteArray new: 20000) from: 1 to: 0.
        sendBuf := ByteArray new: 4096.
        readBuf := ByteArray new: 4096.

----- Method: SecureSocket>>isConnected (in category 'primitives') -----
        "Return true if this socket is connected."
        "We mustn't return false if there is data available"

        ^super isConnected or:[self dataAvailable]!

----- Method: SecureSocket>>peerName (in category 'accessing') -----
        ^ssl ifNotNil:[ssl peerName]!

----- Method: SecureSocket>>primSocket:receiveDataInto:startingAt:count: (in category 'primitives') -----
primSocket: socketID receiveDataInto: buffer startingAt: index count: count
        "Receive data from the given socket into the given array starting at the given index. Return the number of bytes read or zero if no data is available."
        | total |

        ssl ifNil:[^super primSocket: socketID receiveDataInto: buffer startingAt: index count: count].

        self decodeData.

        "Push data from decoded into the result buffer"
        total := (decoded size - decoded position) min: (buffer size - index + 1).
        (decoded readInto: buffer startingAt: index count: total) = total
                ifFalse:[self error: 'Unexpected read failure'].

----- Method: SecureSocket>>primSocket:sendData:startIndex:count: (in category 'primitives') -----
primSocket: socketID sendData: buffer startIndex: start count: amount
        "Send data to the remote host through the given socket starting with the given byte index of the given byte array. The data sent is 'pushed' immediately. Return the number of bytes of data actually sent; any remaining data should be re-submitted for sending after the current send operation has completed."
        "Note: In general, it many take several sendData calls to transmit a large data array since the data is sent in send-buffer-sized chunks. The size of the send buffer is determined when the socket is created."

        | count |
        ssl ifNil:[^super primSocket: socketID sendData: buffer startIndex: start count: amount].

        count := ssl encrypt: buffer from: start to: start+amount-1 into: sendBuf.
        count < 0 ifTrue:[self error: 'SSL Error: ', count].
        ^super primSocket: socketID sendData: sendBuf startIndex: 1 count: count!

----- Method: SecureSocket>>primSocketReceiveDataAvailable: (in category 'primitives') -----
primSocketReceiveDataAvailable: socketID
        "Return true if data may be available for reading from the current socket."

        ssl ifNil:[^super primSocketReceiveDataAvailable: socketID].
        self decodeData.
        ^decoded atEnd not!

----- Method: SecureSocket>>ssl (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Answer the SqueakSSL instance"

----- Method: SecureSocket>>sslAccept: (in category 'connect') -----
sslAccept: certName
        "Perform the SSL server handshake. This method uses all the common SocketStream methods to adhere to the various timeout/signalling settings of SocketStream. It only installs the SSL instance after the handshake is complete."

        | squeakSSL result inbuf |
        inbuf := ''.
        squeakSSL := SqueakSSL new.
        squeakSSL certName: certName.

        "Perform the server handshake"
        [[squeakSSL isConnected] whileFalse:[
                "Read input"
                inbuf := self receiveData.
                result := squeakSSL accept: inbuf from: 1 to: inbuf size into: sendBuf.

                "Check for errors first"
                result < -1 ifTrue:[^self error: 'SSL accept failed with code: ', result].

                "If a token has been produced in the handshake, send it to the remote"
                result > 0 ifTrue:[self sendData: (sendBuf copyFrom: 1 to: result)].
        "We are connected. From here on, encryption will take place."
        ssl := squeakSSL.
        ] ifCurtailed:[
                "Make sure we destroy the platform handle if the handshake gets interrupted"
                squeakSSL destroy.

----- Method: SecureSocket>>sslConnect (in category 'connect') -----
        "Perform the SSL client handshake. This method uses all the common SocketStream methods to adhere to the various timeout/signalling settings of SocketStream. It only installs the SSL instance after the handshake is complete."

        self sslConnectTo: nil!

----- Method: SecureSocket>>sslConnectTo: (in category 'connect') -----
sslConnectTo: serverName
        "Perform the SSL client handshake. This method uses all the common SocketStream methods to adhere to the various timeout/signalling settings of SocketStream. It only installs the SSL instance after the handshake is complete. If serverName is not nil, then try to use it for SNI."

        | inbuf squeakSSL result |
        inbuf := ''.
        squeakSSL := SqueakSSL new.
        serverName ifNotNil: [ squeakSSL serverName: serverName ].
        "Perform the SSL handshake"
        [[result := squeakSSL connect: inbuf from: 1 to: inbuf size into: sendBuf.
        result = 0] whileFalse:[
                "Check for errors first"
                result < -1 ifTrue:[^self error: 'SSL connect failed with code: ', result].

                "If a token has been produced in the handshake, send it to the remote"
                result > 0 ifTrue:[self sendData: (sendBuf copyFrom: 1 to: result)].

                "Read more input and repeat"
                inbuf := self receiveData.
        "We are connected. From here on, encryption will take place."
        ssl := squeakSSL.
        ] ifCurtailed:[
                "Make sure we destroy the platform handle if the handshake gets interrupted"
                squeakSSL destroy.

Error subclass: #SqueakSSLCertificateError
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'SqueakSSL-Core'!

----- Method: SqueakSSLCertificateError>>isResumable (in category 'testing') -----
        "Determine whether an exception is resumable."


Object subclass: #SqueakSSL
        instanceVariableNames: 'handle readBlock writeBlock'
        classVariableNames: ''
        poolDictionaries: ''
        category: 'SqueakSSL-Core'!

!SqueakSSL commentStamp: 'ar 7/16/2010 23:14' prior: 0!
SqueakSSL provides an interface to the platforms SSL/TLS facilities.

----- Method: SqueakSSL class>>checkCert: (in category 'utilities') -----
checkCert: certName
        "Attempt to verify the cert with the given name by performing
        an SSL handshake. Raises an error if there is an issue with the cert,
        returns the peer name from the cert if successful."

        | sslClient sslServer inbuf outbuf result |
        inbuf := ByteArray new: 4096.
        outbuf := ByteArray new: 4096.

        ["Perform the SSL handshake"
        sslClient := SqueakSSL new.
        sslServer := SqueakSSL new.
        sslServer certName: certName.

        result := 0.
        [result := sslClient connect: inbuf from: 1 to: result into: outbuf.
        result = 0] whileFalse:[
                result < -1 ifTrue:[^self error: 'SSL handshake failed (client code: ', result, ')'].
                result := sslServer accept: outbuf from: 1 to: result into: inbuf.
                result < -1 ifTrue:[^self error: 'SSL handshake failed (server code: ', result, ')'].

        "Handshake complete. Check the cert status"
        sslClient certState = 0 ifFalse:[
                ^self error: 'Certificate validation failed (code: ', sslClient certState, ')'.

        "When successful, just return the peer name to the caller"
        ^sslClient peerName
        ] ensure:[
                sslClient ifNotNil:[sslClient destroy].
                sslServer ifNotNil:[sslServer destroy].

----- Method: SqueakSSL class>>ensureSampleCert (in category 'examples') -----
        "Ensure that we have a sample certificate for the tests"

        SqueakSSL platformName caseOf: {
                ['unix'] -> [^self ensureSampleCertFile].
                ['Win32'] -> [^self ensureSampleCertInStore].
        } otherwise: [^nil].

----- Method: SqueakSSL class>>ensureSampleCertFile (in category 'examples') -----
        "On Unix, we can simply create a valid cert file"

        | certName file |
        SqueakSSL platformName = 'unix' ifFalse:[^self].
        certName := self name, 'Cert.pem'.
        (FileDirectory default fileExists: certName) ifFalse:[
                file := FileDirectory default newFileNamed: certName.
                [file nextPutAll: self exampleCertFile withUnixLineEndings] ensure:[file close].
        ^FileDirectory default fullNameFor: certName.

----- Method: SqueakSSL class>>ensureSampleCertInStore (in category 'examples') -----
        "Ensure that we have a valid certificate in the Windows certificate store"

        SqueakSSL platformName = 'Win32' ifFalse:[^self].
        "Undocumented. Allows importing a pfx w/o password.
        For the sole purpose of being able to run tests reliably"
        SqueakSSL new setStringProperty: 10001 to: self exampleCertPFX.
        ^'testcert'. "Friendly name of test cert"

----- Method: SqueakSSL class>>exampleCertFile (in category 'examples') -----

----- Method: SqueakSSL class>>exampleCertPFX (in category 'examples') -----
        ^ #[48 130 7 50 2 1 3 48 130 6 248 6 9 42 134 72 134 247 13 1 7 1 160 130 6 233 4 130 6 229 48 130 6 225 48 130 3 191 6 9 42 134 72 134 247 13 1 7 6 160 130 3 176 48 130 3 172 2 1 0 48 130 3 165 6 9 42 134 72 134 247 13 1 7 1 48 28 6 10 42 134 72 134 247 13 1 12 1 6 48 14 4 8 88 63 142 234 51 170 181 1 2 2 8 0 128 130 3 120 247 113 35 203 188 93 48 77 162 13 174 138 246 211 61 198 135 133 35 173 48 145 17 17 215 165 194 254 211 158 248 98 76 208 35 117 179 66 160 245 118 213 71 174 220 87 29 165 94 87 52 172 173 229 251 165 205 43 242 114 250 65 123 9 113 132 130 241 182 211 44 155 163 177 90 52 4 72 47 37 0 101 149 229 33 113 144 29 160 38 44 28 178 1 193 134 122 194 233 165 233 236 242 121 119 47 72 143 91 146 148 29 155 94 202 17 124 77 21 110 194 197 228 149 28 9 129 74 139 76 1 180 245 235 1 191 177 175 158 159 16 12 52 96 80 243 34 26 155 45 210 192 183 217 230 122 13 19 197 214 172 29 151 24 153 136 8 203 72 220 199 79 22 79 251 248 83 204 246 117 242 216 219 53 20 182 121 148 173 221 177 210 171 107 56 101 159 63 110 23 37 168 47 25 252 163 244 206 125 220 122 108 251 223 93 219 129 242 137 229 199 216 254 230 235 62 33 236 39 211 255 184 37 134 152 51 188 182 195 242 18 43 29 134 16 183 48 35 0 100 231 121 145 91 99 171 183 225 246 126 56 190 198 188 79 227 107 211 1 65 113 64 71 9 120 185 75 138 171 220 155 182 35 226 180 121 108 83 253 1 232 183 151 97 160 73 117 218 140 182 224 58 227 40 171 59 143 213 187 41 57 174 185 115 190 81 111 110 81 149 122 114 170 14 10 168 113 248 120 13 247 231 160 162 14 4 227 41 48 249 153 2 107 130 176 16 144 160 116 41 25 241 225 126 110 24 7 69 221 205 108 141 73 164 61 76 219 248 94 142 69 171 109 44 45 75 34 179 205 40 62 161 191 222 79 131 239 230 86 201 124 48 226 212 13 178 187 248 29 191 81 98 229 199 91 204 153 220 112 227 71 116 233 131 134 160 244 78 77 84 128 144 63 123 210 148 221 133 201 44 41 218 89 64 253 172 106 220 127 130 151 11 88 155 57 172 192 196 165 93 177 197 139 128 45 223 88 64 196 6 15 153 160 156 168 3 202 102 129 134 25 75 61 51 190 216 218 178 101 250 91 255 169 245 170 55 228 47 111 197 10 145 196 180 96 217 97 49 104 134 62 228 86 203 242 207 75 246 77 115 20 81 40 173 107 113 251 9 172 18 21 10 102 117 86 63 252 91 190 64 190 140 1 146 70 75 130 110 94 129 107 155 24 253 117 204 162 32 30 102 75 62 42 204 19 159 205 62 23 26 192 23 79 128 205 18 72 198 84 83 107 16 234 121 61 33 101 48 72 32 197 119 216 2 24 213 8 133 63 181 65 15 192 138 240 203 219 69 207 68 66 233 168 195 13 212 235 34 22 142 226 141 25 131 250 123 202 13 163 142 214 170 179 240 5 21 201 143 103 4 70 139 84 104 115 140 248 163 15 71 220 197 222 251 170 15 158 82 26 214 186 154 139 37 245 77 174 37 29 218 103 99 14 230 36 75 72 140 186 89 146 99 10 10 94 68 150 159 234 64 234 32 254 117 187 160 102 46 25 25 77 184 134 151 2 236 109 63 58 186 148 239 251 122 59 123 200 29 42 70 51 118 54 71 184 71 0 111 178 10 81 141 247 59 254 67 191 214 239 78 238 217 142 184 87 107 111 14 102 97 61 229 94 118 187 52 204 25 52 233 177 250 17 62 113 22 163 2 250 13 5 238 103 80 143 201 25 73 33 93 212 81 126 207 29 138 72 191 60 182 132 255 76 97 254 188 96 81 72 73 43 118 191 106 118 41 112 45 96 255 148 59 79 111 89 61 199 106 75 199 154 21 60 25 124 156 168 42 233 7 102 203 120 161 126 125 118 110 114 229 174 26 31 215 140 120 85 171 146 207 176 159 100 102 215 83 142 39 61 255 84 12 19 235 207 44 199 229 220 98 38 167 113 24 88 66 31 115 135 184 70 133 129 3 57 44 202 230 225 37 70 222 228 126 130 216 185 247 48 130 3 26 6 9 42 134 72 134 247 13 1 7 1 160 130 3 11 4 130 3 7 48 130 3 3 48 130 2 255 6 11 42 134 72 134 247 13 1 12 10 1 2 160 130 2 166 48 130 2 162 48 28 6 10 42 134 72 134 247 13 1 12 1 3 48 14 4 8 157 82 4 247 110 231 147 241 2 2 8 0 4 130 2 128 81 141 63 61 170 27 13 87 195 101 166 17 185 109 40 123 79 40 85 18 112 106 87 142 32 19 113 12 131 155 36 149 204 92 237 1 142 195 36 34 134 117 241 52 38 4 223 121 9 207 149 114 168 232 16 31 38 128 191 205 129 96 20 210 13 246 170 175 72 206 132 163 135 42 227 200 61 4 223 65 246 136 48 139 206 95 243 12 78 111 152 17 172 160 235 19 185 107 248 215 171 69 17 108 110 12 143 48 163 35 112 60 104 210 180 61 97 35 132 190 185 52 214 94 137 51 90 103 115 176 108 81 179 254 43 128 230 0 178 229 102 142 136 122 52 213 218 150 93 29 251 227 151 124 220 211 152 14 214 57 253 134 5 216 20 70 142 9 67 253 187 20 45 239 144 60 149 38 118 94 5 240 92 240 11 163 131 39 237 219 228 68 198 176 184 23 155 181 19 149 188 2 73 215 118 95 52 169 186 179 142 106 201 222 98 38 7 72 12 167 242 23 217 58 8 48 98 75 203 68 202 230 50 109 112 231 34 77 8 212 132 34 53 120 195 211 170 209 138 45 25 22 249 200 39 170 102 104 35 23 165 199 0 180 149 231 66 55 227 101 212 227 111 140 202 218 21 211 142 227 95 228 34 59 29 23 212 43 142 132 36 100 19 58 38 124 136 77 192 186 174 111 82 162 61 13 207 31 123 138 16 236 169 94 182 156 137 71 11 3 223 81 146 185 230 164 108 87 82 126 167 121 216 202 201 21 197 50 204 62 46 30 80 245 60 157 124 81 50 79 225 144 130 55 141 182 176 61 62 128 88 105 3 206 168 97 81 180 145 20 211 135 252 195 71 185 42 209 139 98 27 47 3 181 252 89 41 67 246 238 34 71 224 211 65 165 130 115 138 102 130 153 126 248 225 200 42 33 247 34 83 47 161 223 179 49 244 240 108 184 244 229 129 42 34 208 77 62 142 125 57 121 39 2 223 123 75 83 35 184 136 71 228 58 15 61 16 21 111 21 72 84 107 99 66 51 251 47 132 92 62 85 53 197 90 170 118 254 28 232 170 69 119 55 25 30 210 189 113 231 121 214 151 141 218 11 54 90 17 40 94 143 41 72 221 16 204 7 126 200 220 28 157 75 159 142 181 56 44 244 2 206 93 230 121 110 124 181 108 157 161 2 131 121 119 22 99 4 194 228 137 124 193 89 196 239 216 79 206 88 233 84 70 205 120 107 79 1 95 117 198 73 112 207 18 52 174 188 81 59 75 238 227 184 57 166 66 12 188 200 97 251 40 146 239 27 44 6 104 216 90 153 8 161 189 194 32 200 124 180 43 124 169 200 80 238 28 234 114 46 216 243 192 75 180 149 181 215 39 214 64 69 183 205 159 252 238 50 141 132 214 2 245 5 251 219 32 217 37 146 78 226 201 81 209 79 74 174 108 65 49 70 48 31 6 9 42 134 72 134 247 13 1 9 20 49 18 30 16 0 116 0 101 0 115 0 116 0 99 0 101 0 114 0 116 48 35 6 9 42 134 72 134 247 13 1 9 21 49 22 4 20 161 19 18 59 76 168 198 72 97 179 205 74 244 65 111 116 223 140 145 154 48 49 48 33 48 9 6 5 43 14 3 2 26 5 0 4 20 182 216 177 70 221 73 183 142 238 169 97 22 175 148 97 145 207 223 75 54 4 8 178 120 42 60 194 226 96 245 2 2 8 0]!

----- Method: SqueakSSL class>>google: (in category 'examples') -----
google: query
        "An example HTTPS query to
                SqueakSSL google: 'squeak'.
                SqueakSSL google: 'SqueakSSL'.

        | hostName address socket ssl |

        "Change the host name to try an https request to some other host"
        hostName := ''..

        address := NetNameResolver addressForName: hostName.
        socket := Socket newTCP.

        "Connect the TCP socket"
        socket connectTo: address port: 443.
        socket waitForConnectionFor: 10.

        "Set up SqueakSSL using the convenience APIs"
        ssl := SqueakSSL on: socket.

        ["Let SqueakSSL handle the client handshake"
        ssl connect.

        "Verify that the cert is valid"
        ssl certState = 0 ifFalse:[
                self error: 'The certificate is invalid (code: ', ssl certState,')'.

        "If the certificate is valid, make sure we're were we wanted to go"
        (ssl peerName match: hostName) ifFalse:[
                self error: 'Host name mismatch: ', ssl peerName.

        "Send encrypted data"
        ssl sendData:
                'GET /search?q=', query,' HTTP/1.0', String crlf,
                'Host: ', hostName, String crlf,
                'Connection: close', String crlf,
                String crlf.

        "Wait for the response"
        ^String streamContents:[:s|
                [socket isConnected | socket dataAvailable]
                        whileTrue:[s nextPutAll: ssl receiveData]].
        ] ensure:[ssl destroy].

----- Method: SqueakSSL class>>on: (in category 'instance creation') -----
on: aSocket
        "Convenience API. Create a SqueakSSL operating on a standard TCP socket.
        Generally not very useful for real applications (it lacks error handling etc)
        but very helpful for debugging and other experiments."

        ^self new on: aSocket!

----- Method: SqueakSSL class>>platformName (in category 'utilities') -----
        "Return the name of the platform we're running on."

        ^Smalltalk getSystemAttribute: 1001!

----- Method: SqueakSSL class>>secureSocket (in category 'instance creation') -----
        "Answer the class to use as secure socket implementation.
        Provided here so that users only need a dependency on SqueakSSL."


----- Method: SqueakSSL class>>secureSocketStream (in category 'instance creation') -----
        "Answer the class to use as secure socket stream implementation.
        Provided here so that users only need a dependency on SqueakSSL."


----- Method: SqueakSSL class>>serverOn:certName: (in category 'examples') -----
serverOn: port certName: certName
        "An HTTPS server example. Fires up a listener at the given port such that
        you can point a browser to that https url. Responds with a single line of text
        and closes the listener after the first connection.

                        serverOn: 8443
                        certName: 'Internet Widgits Pty'.

                        serverOn: 8443
                        certName: '/home/andreas/certs/testcert.pem'.

        | listener socket ssl |
        "Set up the listener socket"
        listener := Socket newTCP.
        listener listenOn: port backlogSize: 8.
        [socket := listener waitForAcceptFor: 30.
        socket == nil] whileTrue.
        listener destroy.

        "Set up SqueakSSL for the just accepted connection"
        [ssl := SqueakSSL on: socket.

        "The SSL needs the cert name."
        ssl certName: certName.

        "Let SqueakSSL do the server handshake"
        ssl accept.

        "Read out the HTTPS request"
        ssl receiveData.
        "And send the response"
        ssl sendData:
                'HTTP/1.0 200 OK', String crlf,
                'Connection: close', String crlf,
                'Content-Type: text/plain', String crlf,
                'Server: SqueakSSL', String crlf,
                String crlf,
                'This is a successful SqueakSSL response.'.

        socket close.

        ] ensure:[
                ssl destroy.
                socket destroy.

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>accept (in category 'convenience') -----
        "Convenience API. Perform an SSL server handshake.
        Raises an error if something goes wrong."

        | inbuf outbuf count result |

        inbuf := ByteArray new: 4096.
        outbuf := ByteArray new: 4096.
        count := 0.

        [self isConnected] whileFalse:[
                "Read input"
                count := self readDataInto: inbuf.
                result := self accept: inbuf from: 1 to: count into: outbuf.

                "Check for errors first"
                result < -1 ifTrue:[^self error: 'SSL accept failed with code: ', result].

                "If a token has been produced in the handshake, send it to the remote"
                result > 0 ifTrue:[self writeData: outbuf count: result].

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>accept:from:to:into: (in category 'operations') -----
accept: srcBuf from: start to: stop into: dstBuf
        "Start or continue the server handshake using the given input token."

        ^self primitiveSSL: handle accept: srcBuf startingAt: start count: stop-start+1 into: dstBuf!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>certName (in category 'accessing') -----
        "The name of the (local) certificate to provide to the remote peer."

        ^self primitiveSSL: handle getStringProperty: 1!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>certName: (in category 'accessing') -----
certName: aString
        "Sets the name of the (local) certificate to provide to the remote peer.
                The name is the full path to a .pem file.
                The name is matched against the 'friendly name' of a certificate in the cert store.

        ^self primitiveSSL: handle setStringProperty: 1 toValue: (aString ifNil:[''])!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>certState (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Returns the certificate verification bits. The returned value indicates
        whether the certificate is valid. The two standard values are:

                0 - The certificate is valid.
                -1 - No certificate has been provided by the peer.

        Otherwise, the result is a bit mask of the following values:

                1 - If set, there is an unspecified issue with the cert (generic error)
                2 - If set, the root CA is untrusted (usually a self-signed cert)
                4 - If set, the certificate is expired.
                8 - If set, the certificate is used for the wrong purpose
                16 - If set, the CN of the certificate is invalid.
                32 - If set, the certificate was revoked.

        ^self primitiveSSL: handle getIntProperty: 3!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>connect (in category 'convenience') -----
        "Convenience API. Perform an SSL client handshake.
        Raises an error if something goes wrong."

        | inbuf outbuf count result |

        inbuf := ByteArray new: 4096.
        outbuf := ByteArray new: 4096.
        count := 0.

        "Begin the SSL handshake"
        [result := self connect: inbuf from: 1 to: count into: outbuf.
        result = 0] whileFalse:[
                "Check for errors first"
                result < -1 ifTrue:[^self error: 'SSL connect failed with code: ', result].

                "If a token has been produced in the handshake, send it to the remote"
                result > 0 ifTrue:[self writeData: outbuf count: result].

                "Read more input and repeat"
                count := self readDataInto: inbuf.

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>connect:from:to:into: (in category 'operations') -----
connect: srcBuf from: start to: stop into: dstBuf
        "Start or continue the server handshake using the given input token."

        ^self primitiveSSL: handle connect: srcBuf startingAt: start count: stop-start+1 into: dstBuf!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>decrypt: (in category 'convenience') -----
decrypt: data
        "Convenience API. Decrypt incoming data and return the result.

        Warning: This method may produce more or less results than expected
        unless called with exactly one SSL/TLS frame."

        | buf count |
        buf := data class new: 4096.
        count := self decrypt: data from: 1 to: data size into: buf.
        count < 0 ifTrue:[self error: 'Decryption failed, code: ', count].
        ^buf copyFrom: 1 to: count!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>decrypt:from:to:into: (in category 'operations') -----
decrypt: srcBuf from: start to: stop into: dstBuf
        "Decrypt the input in srcBuf into the provided output buffer.

        Clients are expected to adhere to the following rules:
                * The size of dstBuf must be large enough for the largest encrypted packet.
                * Clients must not call this method with a huge srcBuf (tens of kb of data)
                * After having called this method with new input, clients must call it
                   with NO input until all data has been 'drained' for example:
                        count := squeakSSL decrypt: srcBuf into: dstBuf.
                        [count > 0] whileTrue:[
                                count := squeakSSL decrypt: #[] into: dstBuf.

        ^self primitiveSSL: handle decrypt: srcBuf startingAt: start count: stop-start+1 into: dstBuf!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>destroy (in category 'initialize') -----
        "Destroys the underlying platform handle"

        handle ifNotNil:[
                self primitiveSSLDestroy: handle.
                handle := nil.

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>encrypt: (in category 'convenience') -----
encrypt: data
        "Convenience API. Encrypt incoming data and return the result."

        | buf count |
        buf := data class new: data size + 100.
        count := self encrypt: data from: 1 to: data size into: buf.
        count < 0 ifTrue:[self error: 'Decryption failed, code: ', count].
        ^buf copyFrom: 1 to: count!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>encrypt:from:to:into: (in category 'operations') -----
encrypt: srcBuf from: start to: stop into: dstBuf
        "Encrypt the input in srcBuf into the provided output buffer.
        The output buffer must be large enough to include the framing information."

        ^self primitiveSSL: handle encrypt: srcBuf startingAt: start count: stop-start+1 into: dstBuf!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>initialize (in category 'initialize') -----
        "Initialize the receiver"

        handle := self primitiveSSLCreate.

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>isConnected (in category 'testing') -----
        "Returns true if the SSL handshake has been completed"

        ^self sslState = 3!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>logLevel (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Returns the log level of the ssl instance"

        ^self primitiveSSL: handle getIntProperty: 1!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>logLevel: (in category 'accessing') -----
logLevel: aNumber
        "Sets the log level of the ssl instance"

        ^self primitiveSSL: handle setIntProperty: 1 toValue: aNumber!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>on: (in category 'initialize') -----
on: aSocket
        "Convenience API. Set up SqueakSSL to operate on a standard TCP socket.
        Generally not very useful for real applications (it lacks error handling etc)
        but very helpful for debugging and other experiments."

        self readBlock:[:inbuf|
                aSocket waitForDataIfClosed:[].
                aSocket receiveDataInto: inbuf.
        self writeBlock:[:outbuf :count|
                aSocket sendData: (outbuf copyFrom: 1 to: count).

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>peerName (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Returns the certificate name of the remote peer.
        The method only returns a name if the certificate has been verified."

        ^self primitiveSSL: handle getStringProperty: 0!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>pluginVersion (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Returns the version of the plugin"

        ^self primitiveSSL: handle getIntProperty: 0!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>primitiveSSL:accept:startingAt:count:into: (in category 'primitives') -----
primitiveSSL: sslHandle accept: srcbuf startingAt: start count: length into: dstbuf
        "Primitive. Starts or continues a server handshake using the provided data.
        Will eventually produce output to be sent to the server.
                > 0 - Number of bytes to be sent to the server
                0 - Success. The connection is established.
                -1 - More input is required.
                < -1 - Other errors
        <primitive: 'primitiveAccept' module: 'SqueakSSL'>
        ^self primitiveFailed!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>primitiveSSL:connect:startingAt:count:into: (in category 'primitives') -----
primitiveSSL: sslHandle connect: srcbuf startingAt: start count: length into: dstbuf
        "Primitive. Starts or continues a client handshake using the provided data.
        Will eventually produce output to be sent to the server.
                > 0 - Number of bytes to be sent to the server
                0 - Success. The connection is established.
                -1 - More input is required.
                < -1 - Other errors
        <primitive: 'primitiveConnect' module: 'SqueakSSL'>
        ^self primitiveFailed!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>primitiveSSL:decrypt:startingAt:count:into: (in category 'primitives') -----
primitiveSSL: sslHandle decrypt: srcbuf startingAt: start count: length into: dstbuf
        "Primitive. Takes incoming data for decryption and continues to decrypt data.
        Returns the number of bytes produced in the output"

        <primitive: 'primitiveDecrypt' module: 'SqueakSSL'>
        ^self primitiveFailed!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>primitiveSSL:encrypt:startingAt:count:into: (in category 'primitives') -----
primitiveSSL: sslHandle encrypt: srcbuf startingAt: start count: length into: dstbuf
        "Primitive. Encrypts the incoming buffer into the result buffer.
        Returns the number of bytes produced as a result."

        <primitive: 'primitiveEncrypt' module: 'SqueakSSL'>
        ^self primitiveFailed!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>primitiveSSL:getIntProperty: (in category 'primitives') -----
primitiveSSL: sslHandle getIntProperty: propID
        "Primitive. Returns a string property from an SSL session."

        <primitive: 'primitiveGetIntProperty' module: 'SqueakSSL'>
        ^self primitiveFailed!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>primitiveSSL:getStringProperty: (in category 'primitives') -----
primitiveSSL: sslHandle getStringProperty: propID
        "Primitive. Returns a string property from an SSL session."

        <primitive: 'primitiveGetStringProperty' module: 'SqueakSSL'>
        ^self primitiveFailed!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>primitiveSSL:setIntProperty:toValue: (in category 'primitives') -----
primitiveSSL: sslHandle setIntProperty: propID toValue: anInteger
        "Primitive. Sets a string property in an SSL session."

        <primitive: 'primitiveSetIntProperty' module: 'SqueakSSL'>
        ^self primitiveFailed!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>primitiveSSL:setStringProperty:toValue: (in category 'primitives') -----
primitiveSSL: sslHandle setStringProperty: propID toValue: aString
        "Primitive. Sets a string property in an SSL session."

        <primitive: 'primitiveSetStringProperty' module: 'SqueakSSL'>
        ^self primitiveFailed!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>primitiveSSLCreate (in category 'primitives') -----
        "Primitive. Creates and returns a new SSL handle"

        <primitive: 'primitiveCreate' module: 'SqueakSSL'>
        ^self primitiveFailed!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>primitiveSSLDestroy: (in category 'primitives') -----
primitiveSSLDestroy: sslHandle
        "Primitive. Destroys the SSL session handle"

        <primitive: 'primitiveDestroy' module: 'SqueakSSL'>
        ^self primitiveFailed!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>readBlock (in category 'accessing') -----
        "The block used to read data where required. The block takes one argument,
        the buffer to fill with data and is expected to return the number of bytes read."


----- Method: SqueakSSL>>readBlock: (in category 'accessing') -----
readBlock: aBlock
        "The block used to read data where required. The block takes one argument,
        the buffer to fill with data and is expected to return the number of bytes read."

        readBlock := aBlock!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>readDataInto: (in category 'private') -----
readDataInto: aBuffer
        "Private. Read actual data into the given buffer.
        Return the number of bytes read."

        ^readBlock value: aBuffer!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>receiveData (in category 'convenience') -----
        "Convenience API. Receive data and decrypt it."

        | inbuf outbuf count |
        inbuf := String new: 4096.
        outbuf := String new: 4096.

        ^String streamContents:[:s|
                "Read the next input bytes"
                count := self readDataInto: inbuf.
                "Push the input bytes into the SSL"
                count := self decrypt: inbuf from: 1 to: count into: outbuf.
                "And keep draining as long as output is being produced"
                [count > 0] whileTrue:[
                        s next: count putAll: outbuf.
                        count := self decrypt: inbuf from: 1 to: 0 into: outbuf.

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>sendData: (in category 'convenience') -----
sendData: inbuf
        "Convenience API. Encrypt and send data"

        | outbuf count |
        outbuf := inbuf class new: inbuf size + 100.
        count := self encrypt: inbuf from: 1 to: inbuf size into: outbuf.
        ^self writeData: outbuf count: count.!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>serverName: (in category 'accessing') -----
serverName: aString
        "Sets the name to use with the Server Name Indication TLS extension. Which should be a valid FQDN. No WinSSL support yet."

        ^[ self primitiveSSL: handle setStringProperty: 2 toValue: aString ]
                on: Error
                do: [ "nothing" ]!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>setStringProperty:to: (in category 'private') -----
setStringProperty: index to: aString
        "Private. Use with caution"

        ^self primitiveSSL: handle setStringProperty: index toValue: aString!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>sslState (in category 'accessing') -----
        "Returns the current state of the SSL connection:
                0 - Unused.
                1 - In accept handshake.
                2 - In connect handshake.
                3 - Connected.
        ^self primitiveSSL: handle getIntProperty: 2

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>writeBlock (in category 'accessing') -----
        "The block used to write data where required. The block takes two arguments,
        the buffer and the number of bytes to be written from the buffer."


----- Method: SqueakSSL>>writeBlock: (in category 'accessing') -----
writeBlock: aBlock
        "The block used to write data where required. The block takes two arguments,
        the buffer and the number of bytes to be written from the buffer."

        writeBlock := aBlock!

----- Method: SqueakSSL>>writeData:count: (in category 'private') -----
writeData: aBuffer count: count
        "Private. Write actual data from the given buffer."

        writeBlock value: aBuffer value: count!