Tobias Pape uploaded a new version of SqueakSSL-SMTP to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: SqueakSSL-SMTP-ar.1
Author: ar
Time: 27 November 2011, 11:40:06.998 am
UUID: e091f7d9-2e75-f547-94e7-043537eb417e
SecureSMTPClient for sending email via SSL.
==================== Snapshot ====================
SystemOrganization addCategory: #'SqueakSSL-SMTP'!
SMTPClient subclass: #SecureSMTPClient
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
poolDictionaries: ''
category: 'SqueakSSL-SMTP'!
----- Method: SecureSMTPClient class>>exampleGMailFrom:to:password: (in category 'example') -----
exampleGMailFrom: gmailAddress to: rcvrAddress password: pw
"Sends email via secure smtp through GMail"
| message smtpClient |
smtpClient := self new.
smtpClient user: gmailAddress.
smtpClient password: pw.
smtpClient openOnHost: (NetNameResolver addressForName: '') port: 465.
message := MailMessage empty.
message setField: 'from' toString: gmailAddress.
message setField: 'to' toString: rcvrAddress.
message setField: 'subject' toString: 'Hello World'.
message body:
(MIMEDocument contentType: 'text/plain' content: 'bla bla bla').
smtpClient mailFrom: gmailAddress to: {rcvrAddress} text: message text.
smtpClient quit.
----- Method: SecureSMTPClient>>ensureConnection (in category 'private') -----
self isConnected
ifTrue: [^self].
self stream
ifNotNil: [self stream close].
self stream: (SecureSocketStream openConnectionToHost: self host port: self port timeout: self standardTimeout).
self stream sslConnect.
self checkResponse.
self login!