Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-ar.200
Author: ar
Time: 22 December 2009, 12:43:17 pm
UUID: 54b8da73-2e10-a040-9ee9-23ecc8d92681
Ancestors: System-nice.199
CompiledMethodTrailer phase 1: Preparations.
=============== Diff against System-nice.199 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SystemDictionary>>testFormatter (in category 'housekeeping') -----
"Smalltalk testFormatter"
"Reformats the source for every method in the system, and
then compiles that source and verifies that it generates
identical code. The formatting used will be either classic
monochrome or fancy polychrome, depending on the setting
of the preference #colorWhenPrettyPrinting."
"Note: removed references to Preferences colorWhenPrettyPrinting and replaced them simply with false, as I've been removing this preference lately. --Ron Spengler 8/23/09"
| newCodeString methodNode oldMethod newMethod badOnes n |
badOnes := OrderedCollection new.
self forgetDoIts.
'Formatting all classes...'
displayProgressAt: Sensor cursorPoint
from: 0
to: CompiledMethod instanceCount
[:bar |
n := 0.
self systemNavigation allBehaviorsDo:
[:cls |
"Transcript cr; show: cls name."
cls selectorsDo:
[:selector |
(n := n + 1) \\ 100 = 0 ifTrue: [bar value: n].
newCodeString := cls prettyPrinterClass
format: (cls sourceCodeAt: selector)
in: cls
notifying: nil
decorated: false.
methodNode := cls compilerClass new
compile: newCodeString
in: cls
notifying: nil
ifFail: [].
+ newMethod := methodNode generate.
- newMethod := methodNode generate: #(0 0 0 0).
oldMethod := cls compiledMethodAt: selector.
oldMethod = newMethod
show: '***' , cls name , ' ' , selector.
badOnes add: cls name , ' ' , selector]]]].
self systemNavigation browseMessageList: badOnes asSortedCollection
name: 'Formatter Discrepancies'!