The Trunk: System-ar.351.mcz

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The Trunk: System-ar.351.mcz

Andreas Raab uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-ar.351
Author: ar
Time: 21 July 2010, 8:15:56.801 pm
UUID: de412a44-f0a1-1c44-a848-768181babc98
Ancestors: System-eem.350

Add Preferences>>restoreFontsAfter: to restore the fonts after tests that modify the user-selected set of fonts.

=============== Diff against System-eem.350 ===============

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Preferences class>>restoreFontsAfter: (in category 'fonts') -----
+ restoreFontsAfter: aBlock
+ "Restore the currently chosen set of standard fonts after
+ evaluating aBlock. Used for tests that modify the default fonts."
+ | standardDefaultTextFont standardListFont standardEToysFont standardMenuFont
+ windowTitleFont standardBalloonHelpFont standardCodeFont standardButtonFont |
+ standardDefaultTextFont := Preferences standardDefaultTextFont.
+ standardListFont := Preferences standardListFont.
+ standardEToysFont := Preferences standardEToysFont.
+ standardMenuFont := Preferences standardMenuFont.
+ windowTitleFont := Preferences windowTitleFont.
+ standardBalloonHelpFont := Preferences standardBalloonHelpFont.
+ standardCodeFont := Preferences standardCodeFont.
+ standardButtonFont := Preferences standardButtonFont.
+ ^aBlock ensure: [
+ Preferences setSystemFontTo: standardDefaultTextFont.
+ Preferences setListFontTo: standardListFont.
+ Preferences setEToysFontTo: standardEToysFont.
+ Preferences setMenuFontTo: standardMenuFont.
+ Preferences setWindowTitleFontTo: windowTitleFont.
+ Preferences setBalloonHelpFontTo: standardBalloonHelpFont.
+ Preferences setCodeFontTo: standardCodeFont.
+ Preferences setButtonFontTo: standardButtonFont.
+ ].
+ !