Chris Muller uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-cmm.276
Author: cmm
Time: 5 March 2010, 4:10:48.265 pm
UUID: fe6572ff-7ad4-4395-a5a8-dc0af1948e14
Ancestors: System-cmm.275
Added ability to resetKnownLocales. Otherwise, once the image is started, there is no API for doing this. Also applied a fix of an apparent bug in NaturalLanguageTranslator class>>#loadAvailableExternalLocales.
=============== Diff against System-cmm.275 ===============
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: NaturalLanguageTranslator class>>loadAvailableLocales (in category 'private loading') -----
+ loadAvailableLocales
+ "This loads the default locale and all external locales"
+ | defaultID |
+ defaultID := LocaleID current.
+ self cachedTranslations at: defaultID ifAbsent: [self localeID: defaultID].
+ self loadAvailableExternalLocales.!
Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Locale class>>resetKnownLocales (in category 'private') -----
+ resetKnownLocales
+ KnownLocales := nil
+ !
Item was changed:
----- Method: NaturalLanguageTranslator class>>startUp: (in category 'class initialization') -----
startUp: resuming
+ resuming ifTrue: [ self loadAvailableLocales ]!
- | defaultID |
- resuming
- ifFalse: [^ self].
- ""
- defaultID := LocaleID current.
- self cachedTranslations
- at: defaultID
- ifAbsent: [self localeID: defaultID].
- ""
- self loadAvailableExternalLocales!
Item was changed:
----- Method: NaturalLanguageTranslator class>>loadAvailableExternalLocales (in category 'private loading') -----
"private - register locales IDs based on the content of the <prefs>/locale/ directory"
| localeDir |
localeDir := self localeDirCreate: false.
localeDir ifNil: [^ #()].
localeDir directoryNames
do: [:langDirName |
| langDir |
langDir := localeDir directoryNamed: langDirName.
(langDir fileNamesMatching: '*.' , self translationSuffix)
ifNotEmpty: [self loadTranslatorForIsoLanguage: langDirName isoCountry: nil].
langDir directoryNames
do: [:countryDirName |
| countryDir |
+ countryDir := langDir directoryNamed: countryDirName.
- countryDir := langDirName directoryNamed: countryDirName.
(countryDir fileNamesMatching: '*.' , self translationSuffix)
ifNotEmpty: [self loadTranslatorForIsoLanguage: langDirName isoCountry: countryDirName]