The Trunk: System-ct.1133.mcz

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The Trunk: System-ct.1133.mcz

Nicolas Cellier uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-ct.1133
Author: ct
Time: 3 February 2020, 11:55:06.856675 pm
UUID: bd5c789a-39d3-574b-aa2a-0f900b3a8009
Ancestors: System-cmm.1131

Fix execution-around pattern to forward return value in some during methods

So that
        Utilities useAuthorName: 'Squeak' during: [Utilities authorName]
but not

=============== Diff against System-cmm.1131 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Preferences class>>setFlag:toValue:during: (in category 'get/set - flags') -----
  setFlag: prefSymbol toValue: aBoolean during: aBlock
  "Set the flag to the given value for the duration of aBlock"
  (self valueOfFlag: prefSymbol) in: [:previous |
  self setFlag: prefSymbol toValue: aBoolean.
+ ^ aBlock ensure: [self setFlag: prefSymbol toValue: previous]].!
- aBlock ensure: [self setFlag: prefSymbol toValue: previous]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Preferences class>>setPreference:toValue:during: (in category 'get/set') -----
  setPreference: prefSymbol toValue: anObject during: aBlock
  (self valueOfPreference: prefSymbol) in: [:previous |
  self setPreference: prefSymbol toValue: anObject.
+ ^ aBlock ensure: [self setPreference: prefSymbol toValue: previous]]!
- aBlock ensure: [self setPreference: prefSymbol toValue: previous]].!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>useAuthorInitials:during: (in category 'identification') -----
  useAuthorInitials: temporaryAuthorInitials during: aBlock
  | originalAuthorInitials |
  originalAuthorInitials := AuthorInitials.
+ [ AuthorInitials := temporaryAuthorInitials.
+ ^ aBlock value ]
- [
- AuthorInitials := temporaryAuthorInitials.
- aBlock value ]
  ensure: [ AuthorInitials := originalAuthorInitials ]

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Utilities class>>useAuthorName:during: (in category 'identification') -----
  useAuthorName: temporaryAuthorName during: aBlock
  | originalAuthorName |
  originalAuthorName := AuthorName.
+ [ AuthorName := temporaryAuthorName.
+ ^ aBlock value ]
- [
- AuthorName := temporaryAuthorName.
- aBlock value ]
  ensure: [ AuthorName := originalAuthorName ]