The Trunk: System-dtl.821.mcz

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The Trunk: System-dtl.821.mcz

David T. Lewis uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-dtl.821
Author: dtl
Time: 30 April 2016, 7:56:17.264854 pm
UUID: d67cc3f2-58db-4b26-8926-c28b9faf67ac
Ancestors: System-cmm.820

Let SmalltalkImage>>zapMVCprojects delegate to MVCProject.

Let SmalltalkImage>>zapAllOtherProjects delegate to Project current.

Add Project>>removeAllOtherProjects based on zapAllOtherProjects, and make it work for images containing various combinations of MVC and Morphic projects.

Change Project class>>deletingProject: to look for project views (child projects) that need to be closed in MVC projects. This method could do with some additional refactoring to remove the Smalltalk at:ifAbsent: tests.

=============== Diff against System-cmm.820 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Project class>>deletingProject: (in category 'utilities') -----
  deletingProject: outgoingProject
+ | pvmClass pvControllerClass |
- | pvmClass |
  pvmClass := Smalltalk at: #ProjectViewMorph ifAbsent: [nil].
+ pvControllerClass := Smalltalk at: #ProjectController ifAbsent: [nil].
  ImageSegment allSubInstancesDo: [:seg |
  seg ifOutPointer: outgoingProject thenAllObjectsDo: [:obj |
  (obj isKindOf: pvmClass) ifTrue: [obj deletingProject: outgoingProject.  obj abandon].
  (obj isKindOf: Project) ifTrue: [obj deletingProject: outgoingProject]]].
  self allProjects do: [:p | p deletingProject: outgoingProject]. "ones that are in"
  pvmClass ifNotNil: [
  pvmClass allSubInstancesDo: [:p |
  p deletingProject: outgoingProject.
  p project == outgoingProject ifTrue: [p abandon]]].
+ pvControllerClass ifNotNil: [
+ pvControllerClass allInstancesDo: [ :pvc |
+ ((pvc model parent isNil or: [pvc model parent == Project current]) and: [pvc model == outgoingProject])
+ ifTrue: [ pvc closeAndUnscheduleNoTerminate ]]].
  AllProjects := self allProjects copyWithout: outgoingProject.!

Item was added:
+ ----- Method: Project>>removeAllOtherProjects (in category 'shrinking') -----
+ removeAllOtherProjects
+ "Remove all other projects from the system, and set the current project as the root
+ project. This method was originally implemented as SmalltalkImage>>zapAllOtherProjects
+ in earlier versions of Squeak."
+ "Project current removeAllOtherProjects"
+ Project allSubInstancesDo: [:p | p setParent: nil].
+ Project current setParent: Project current.
+ ScheduledControllers == Project current world ifFalse: [ScheduledControllers := nil].
+ TheWorldMenu allInstancesDo: [:m | 1 to: m class instSize do: [:i | m instVarAt: i put: nil]].
+ ChangeSet classPool at: #AllChangeSets put: nil.
+ Project classPool at: #AllProjects put: nil.
+ ProjectHistory currentHistory initialize.
+ CommandHistory resetAllHistory.
+ ChangeSet initialize.
+ Project rebuildAllProjects.  "Does a GC"
+ Project allSubInstancesDo: [:p |
+ p == Project current ifFalse: [Project deletingProject: p]].
+ ^Project current.
+ !

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>zapAllOtherProjects (in category 'shrinking') -----
  "Smalltalk zapAllOtherProjects"
- "Note: as of this writing, the only reliable way to get rid of all but the current project is te execute the following, one line at a time...
- Smalltalk zapAllOtherProjects.
- ProjectHistory currentHistory initialize.
- Smalltalk garbageCollect.
- Project rebuildAllProjects.
- "
+ Project current removeAllOtherProjects
+ !
- Project allInstancesDo: [:p | p setParent: nil].
- Project current setParent: Project current.
- Project current isMorphic ifTrue: [ScheduledControllers := nil].
- TheWorldMenu allInstancesDo: [:m | 1 to: m class instSize do: [:i | m instVarAt: i put: nil]].
- ChangeSet classPool at: #AllChangeSets put: nil.
- Project classPool at: #AllProjects put: nil.
- ProjectHistory currentHistory initialize.
- CommandHistory resetAllHistory.
- ChangeSet initialize.
- Project rebuildAllProjects.  "Does a GC"
- Project allProjects size > 1 ifTrue: [Project allProjects inspect]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>zapMVCprojects (in category 'shrinking') -----
  "Smalltalk zapMVCprojects"
+ (Smalltalk classNamed: #MVCProject)
+ ifNotNilDo: [:mvc | mvc removeProjectsFromSystem]
+ !
- self flag: #bob. "zapping projects"
- Smalltalk garbageCollect.
- "So allInstances is precise"
- Project
- allSubInstancesDo: [:proj | | window | proj isTopProject
- ifTrue: [proj isMorphic
- ifFalse: ["Root project is MVC -- we must become the root"
- Project current setParent: Project current.]]
- ifFalse: [proj parent isMorphic
- ifFalse: [proj isMorphic
- ifTrue: ["Remove Morphic projects from MVC
- views "
- "... and add them back here."
- window := (SystemWindow labelled: proj name)
- model: proj.
- window
- addMorph: (ProjectViewMorph on: proj)
- frame: (0 @ 0 corner: 1.0 @ 1.0).
- window openInWorld.
- proj setParent: Project current]].
- proj isMorphic
- ifFalse: ["Remove MVC projects from Morphic views"
- Project deletingProject: proj]]]!

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Re: The Trunk: System-dtl.821.mcz

Hi Dave,

it seems rather difficult to know about all the strong references to the project you want to remove. Here, you assume that you have to care about ProjectViewMorph and ProjectController. We should move that to MVCProject >> #deletingProject: and MorphicProject >> #deletingProject:. I will try something.


P.S.: I will post the projects refactoring soon for everybody to try out. :-)
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Re: The Trunk: System-dtl.821.mcz

David T. Lewis
On Sun, May 01, 2016 at 02:40:32AM -0700, marcel.taeumel wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> it seems rather difficult to know about all the strong references to the
> project you want to remove. Here, you assume that you have to care about
> ProjectViewMorph and ProjectController. We should move that to MVCProject >>
> #deletingProject: and MorphicProject >> #deletingProject:. I will try
> something.

Yes I agree. I did not try to make that change, but it should be done.

The earlier version of Project class>>deletingProject had references
to ProjectViewMorph. I added the references to ProjectController, but
it would be better if these could be moved to MorphicProject and MVCProject.

The test case that I was using was to make a tree of projects that includes
both Morphic and MVC projects. It should be possible to enter any of these
projects, then do "Project current removeAllOtherProjects".

The problem that I saw was that when I did this from an MVC project
that had a child Morphic project, the project view for the child project
did not go away (and if the child project had been taken out of the
project hierarchy, this led to an emergency evaluator). The change
to Project class>>deletingProject fixed this.

> Best,
> Marcel
> P.S.: I will post the projects refactoring soon for everybody to try out.
> :-)

