Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/System-eem.381.mcz==================== Summary ====================
Name: System-eem.381
Author: eem
Time: 1 October 2010, 5:13:05.666 am
UUID: fe56800a-cea9-49b7-b807-5e48494053c4
Ancestors: System-ul.380
Answer methodClassName for class comment chnages so
that the change list includes class comments in "select
changes for this class" et al.
=============== Diff against System-ul.380 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: ChangeRecord>>methodClassName (in category 'access') -----
+ | tokens |
- | text tokens |
(class isNil
and: [type = #doIt
+ and: [(tokens := Scanner new scanTokens: self text) size >= 3
+ and: [(tokens includes: #'.') not "exclude multi-statement doits"
- and: [((text := self text) includes: $.) not "exclude multi-statement doits"
- and: [(tokens := Scanner new scanTokens: text) size >= 4
and: [tokens first isSymbol
and: [tokens first isKeyword not
and: [tokens first first canBeGlobalVarInitial
+ and: [(tokens includes: #instanceVariableNames:)
+ or: [tokens second == #comment:
+ or: [tokens third == #comment:]]]]]]]]]) ifTrue:
- and: [tokens includes: #instanceVariableNames:]]]]]]]) ifTrue:
["Could be a class definition.
Class definitions start with Superclass blahSubclass: #ClassName
Metaclass definitions start with ClassName class instanceVariableNames:"
(tokens second isSymbol
and: [tokens second isKeyword
and: [tokens third isSymbol
and: [tokens third isKeyword not
and: [(2 to: tokens size by: 2) allSatisfy: [:i| (tokens at: i) isKeyword]]]]]) ifTrue:
[^tokens third].
(tokens size = 4
and: [tokens second = #class
+ and: [(tokens third = #instanceVariableNames: or: [tokens third = #comment:])
- and: [tokens third = #instanceVariableNames:
and: [tokens last isString]]]) ifTrue:
+ [^tokens first].
+ (tokens size = 3
+ and: [tokens second = #comment:
+ and: [tokens last isString]]) ifTrue:
[^tokens first]].