Eliot Miranda uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:
http://source.squeak.org/trunk/System-eem.987.mcz ==================== Summary ==================== Name: System-eem.987 Author: eem Time: 15 December 2017, 2:19:51.532605 pm UUID: 5f61563a-54e7-4ec7-a2dc-8bd71ce75760 Ancestors: System-eem.986 Spur Image Segments. Fix mapping of out pointer oops in 32-bit segment loads. Fix typos & tweak comments. Nuke an inadvertent halt. =============== Diff against System-eem.986 =============== Item was changed: ----- Method: Spur32BitImageSegmentLoader>>mapPC:in: (in category 'private') ----- mapPC: pc in: compiledCode + "Assuming the word size of compiledCode is 8, and that the pc is one for a word size of 4, + map the pc from 4 to 8 byte literals. The filter is in updatePCDependentObjects." - "Assuming the word size of compiledCode is 8, and that the pc is one for a word size of 4, map the pc from 4 to 8. - The filter is in updatePCDependentObjects." ^pc + (compiledCode numLiterals + 1 * 4)! Item was changed: ----- Method: Spur32BitImageSegmentLoader>>readOop (in category 'reading') ----- readOop "Read an oop and map it to an object: - The oop may be immediate in which case its tag indicates its class and the remeaining bits its value. - the oop may have its top bit set in which case it is an index into the outPointers - otherwise the oop is a byte offset from the start of the first object in the segment and is in oopMap" | oop topBit | oop := self readUint32. topBit := oop bitShift: -31. ^(oop bitAnd: 3) caseOf: { [0] -> [topBit = 1 + ifTrue: [outPointers at: oop - 16r80000000 / 4 + 1] - ifTrue: [outPointers at: oop - 16r80000000 / 8 + 1] ifFalse: [oopMap at: oop]]. [1] -> [(oop bitShift: -1) - (topBit = 1 ifTrue: [16r80000000] ifFalse: [0])]. [3] -> [(oop bitShift: -1) - (topBit = 1 ifTrue: [16r80000000] ifFalse: [0])]. [2] -> [Character value: (oop bitShift: -2)]}! Item was changed: ----- Method: Spur64BitImageSegmentLoader>>mapPC:in: (in category 'private') ----- mapPC: pc in: compiledCode + "Assuming the word size of compiledCode is 4, and that the pc is one for a word size of 8, + map the pc from 8 to 4 byte literals. The filter is in updatePCDependentObjects." - "Assuming the word size of compiledCode is 4, and that the pc is one for a word size of 8, map the pc from 8 to 4. - The filter is in updatePCDependentObjects." ^pc - (compiledCode numLiterals + 1 * 4)! Item was changed: ----- Method: Spur64BitImageSegmentLoader>>readObject (in category 'reading') ----- readObject "Read the header and the class of the object, instantiate it, and store it in oopMap at its oop." | headerLo headerHi oop numSlots classIndex format rawNumSlots | "the oop is the address of the two byte header (which follows the overflow size word, if there is one)." oop := position - 8. "compensate for 64-bit version stamp" - oop = 1390072 ifTrue: [self halt]. headerLo := self readUint32. headerHi := self readUint32. rawNumSlots := headerHi bitShift: -24. rawNumSlots = 255 ifTrue: "128-bit header; overflow slots in least significant 32 bits of first 64-bit header word" [numSlots := headerLo. oop := position - 8. "compensate for 64-bit version stamp" headerLo := self readUint32. headerHi := self readUint32] ifFalse: "64-bit header" [numSlots := rawNumSlots]. "N.B. The format field is a 5 bit field, but immediately above it is the remembered bit which is used to mark classes is the segment." self checkValidFormat: (format := (headerLo bitShift: -24) bitAnd: 63). classIndex := headerLo bitAnd: 16r3FFFFF. ^[oopMap at: oop ifAbsentPut: [self allocateObject: format classIndex: classIndex slots: numSlots]] ensure: "Spur objects have at least one slot" [position := oop + 16 + ((numSlots max: 1) * 8)]! Item was changed: ----- Method: Spur64BitImageSegmentLoader>>readOop (in category 'reading') ----- readOop "Read an oop and map it to an object: - The oop may be immediate in which case its tag indicates its class and the remeaining bits its value. - the oop may have its top bit set in which case it is an index into the outPointers - otherwise the oop is a byte offset from the start of the first object in the segment and is in oopMap. The method is written to avoid large integer arithmetic as much as possible." | lo hi topBit oop | lo := self readUint32. hi := self readUint32. topBit := hi bitShift: -31. ^(lo bitAnd: 7) caseOf: { [0] -> [topBit = 1 ifTrue: [oop := (hi - 16r80000000 bitShift: 32) + lo. outPointers at: oop / 8 + 1] ifFalse: [oop := (hi bitShift: 32) + lo. oopMap at: oop]]. [1] -> [(lo bitShift: -3) bitOr: (hi - (topBit = 1 ifTrue: [16r100000000] ifFalse: [0]) bitShift: 29)]. [2] -> [Character value: ((lo bitShift: -3) bitOr: (hi bitShift: 29))]. [4] -> [(hi = 0 and: [lo <= 15]) "+ve & -ve zero" ifTrue: [lo <= 7 ifTrue: [0.0] ifFalse: [-0.0]] ifFalse: "convert lo: | tag | sign | mantissa low 28 bits | hi: | mantissa high 24 bits | exponent - 896 | to hi: | mantissa high 20 bits | exponent 11 bits | sign | lo: | mantissa low 32 bits |" + [(BoxedFloat64 basicNew: 2) - [^(BoxedFloat64 basicNew: 2) basicAt: 1 put: ((lo bitAnd: 8) bitShift: 28) + ((hi bitShift: -4) + (896 bitShift: 20)); basicAt: 2 put: (lo bitShift: -4) + ((hi bitAnd: 15) bitShift: 28); + * 1.0 "& reduce to SmallFloat64 if possible"]]} - * 1.0]]} otherwise: [self error: 'unrecognized tag pattern']! Item was changed: ----- Method: SpurImageSegmentLoader>>oopIndexForClassIndex: (in category 'private') ----- oopIndexForClassIndex: classIndex + "When a classIndex doesn't have the topBit set it maps to an oop in the segment thusly:" - "Whebn a classIndex doesn't have the topBit set it maps to an oop in the segment thusly:" ^classIndex - 16 "self firstClassIndexPun" * 8 "self allocationUnit"! |
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