The Trunk: System-fbs.653.mcz

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The Trunk: System-fbs.653.mcz

Frank Shearar uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-fbs.653
Author: fbs
Time: 31 December 2013, 2:20:45.557 pm
UUID: 72376b6d-4406-a643-a7ea-b399de3cc27e
Ancestors: System-fbs.652

* Cleanup after turning #cpuWatcherEnabled into a pragma preference.
* I didn't know how to put a preference into multiple categories, so changed the argument name in #preference:category:description:type: to indicate the selector accepts a String or an Array of: String for the category.
* Clean up the state from a bunch of old preferences: I don't know why the state lingered?

=============== Diff against System-fbs.652 ===============

Item was removed:
- ----- Method: Preferences class>>cpuWatcherEnabled (in category 'standard queries') -----
- cpuWatcherEnabled
- ^ self
- valueOfFlag: #cpuWatcherEnabled
- ifAbsent: [ false ]!

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Preferences class>>defaultValueTableForCurrentRelease (in category 'misc') -----
  "Answer a table defining default values for all the preferences in the release.  Returns a list of (pref-symbol, boolean-symbol) pairs"
  ^  #(
  (abbreviatedBrowserButtons false)
  (alternativeBrowseIt false)
  (annotationPanes false)
  (areaFillsAreTolerant false)
  (areaFillsAreVeryTolerant false)
  (automaticFlapLayout true)
  (automaticKeyGeneration false)
  (automaticPlatformSettings true)
  (automaticViewerPlacement true)
  (balloonHelpEnabled true)
  (balloonHelpInMessageLists false)
  (batchPenTrails false)
- (browseWithDragNDrop false)
- (browseWithPrettyPrint false)
- (browserShowsPackagePane false)
  (canRecordWhilePlaying false)
  (capitalizedReferences true)
  (caseSensitiveFinds false)
  (cautionBeforeClosing false)
  (changeSetVersionNumbers true)
  (checkForSlips true)
  (checkForUnsavedProjects true)
  (classicNavigatorEnabled false)
  (clickOnLabelToEdit false)
  (cmdDotEnabled true)
  (collapseWindowsInPlace false)
  (compactViewerFlaps false)
  (compressFlashImages false)
  (confirmFirstUseOfStyle true)
  (conversionMethodsAtFileOut false)
- (cpuWatcherEnabled false)
  (debugHaloHandle true)
  (debugPrintSpaceLog false)
  (debugShowDamage false)
  (decorateBrowserButtons true)
  (diffsInChangeList true)
  (diffsWithPrettyPrint false)
  (dismissAllOnOptionClose false)
  (dragNDropWithAnimation false)
  (eToyFriendly false)
  (eToyLoginEnabled false)
  (enableLocalSave true)
  (extractFlashInHighQuality true)
  (extractFlashInHighestQuality false)
  (fastDragWindowForMorphic true)
  (fenceEnabled true)
  (fullScreenLeavesDeskMargins true)
  (haloTransitions false)
  (hiddenScrollBars false)
  (higherPerformance false)
  (honorDesktopCmdKeys true)
  (ignoreStyleIfOnlyBold true)
  (includeSoundControlInNavigator false)
  (infiniteUndo false)
  (logDebuggerStackToFile true)
  (magicHalos false)
  (menuButtonInToolPane false)
  (menuColorFromWorld false)
  (menuKeyboardControl false)  
  (modalColorPickers true)
  (mouseOverForKeyboardFocus false)
  (mouseOverHalos false)
  (mvcProjectsAllowed true)
  (navigatorOnLeftEdge true)
  (noviceMode false)
  (okToReinitializeFlaps true)
  (optionalButtons true)
  (passwordsOnPublish false)
  (personalizedWorldMenu true)
  (postscriptStoredAsEPS false)
- (preserveTrash true)
  (projectViewsInWindows true)
  (projectZoom true)
  (projectsSentToDisk false)
  (propertySheetFromHalo false)
  (readDocumentAtStartup true)
  (restartAlsoProceeds false)
  (reverseWindowStagger true)
  (roundedMenuCorners true)
  (roundedWindowCorners true)
  (scrollBarsNarrow false)
  (scrollBarsOnRight true)
  (scrollBarsWithoutMenuButton false)
  (securityChecksEnabled false)
  (selectiveHalos false)
  (showBoundsInHalo false)
  (showDirectionForSketches false)
  (showDirectionHandles false)
  (showFlapsWhenPublishing false)
  (showProjectNavigator false)
  (showSecurityStatus true)
  (showSharedFlaps true)
  (signProjectFiles true)
  (simpleMenus false)
- (slideDismissalsToTrash true)
  (smartUpdating true)
  (soundQuickStart false)
  (stopSoundWhenDone false)
  (soundEnabled true)
  (startInUntrustedDirectory false)
  (systemWindowEmbedOK false)
  (thoroughSenders true)
  (tileTranslucentDrag true)
  (timeStampsInMenuTitles true)
  (turnOffPowerManager false)
  (twentyFourHourFileStamps true)
  (typeCheckingInTileScripting true)
  (uniTilesClassic true)
  (uniqueNamesInHalos false)
  (universalTiles false)
  (unlimitedPaintArea false)
  (useButtonProprtiesToFire false)
  (useUndo true)
  (viewersInFlaps true)
  (warnAboutInsecureContent true)
  (warnIfNoChangesFile true)
  (warnIfNoSourcesFile true))
  Preferences defaultValueTableForCurrentRelease do:
  [:pair | (Preferences preferenceAt: pair first ifAbsent: [nil]) ifNotNilDo:
  [:pref | pref defaultValue: (pair last == true)]].
  Preferences chooseInitialSettings.

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: Preferences class>>preference:category:description:type: (in category 'dynamic preferences') -----
+ preference: prefName category: aStringOrArrayOfStrings description: helpString type: typeSymbol
- preference: prefName category: aCategory description: helpString type: typeSymbol
  "Add a preference residing in aMethod"
  |  aPreference |
  aPreference := PragmaPreference new.
  name: prefName
  defaultValue: nil "always nil"
  helpString: helpString
  localToProject: false "governed by the method"
+ categoryList: (aStringOrArrayOfStrings isArray ifTrue:[aStringOrArrayOfStrings] ifFalse:[{aStringOrArrayOfStrings}])
- categoryList: (aCategory isArray ifTrue:[aCategory] ifFalse:[{aCategory}])
  changeInformee: nil
  changeSelector: nil
  type: typeSymbol.

Item was added:
+ (PackageInfo named: 'System') postscript: '"Preferences already removed by hand, but whose state still lingers:"
+ Preferences removePreference: #upgradeIsMerge.
+ Preferences removePreference: #colorWhenPrettyPrinting.
+ Preferences removePreference: #promptForUpdateServer.
+ Preferences removePreference: #updateSavesFile.
+ Preferences removePreference: #updateFromServerAtStartup.'!