The Trunk: System-laza.417.mcz

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The Trunk: System-laza.417.mcz

Alexander Lazarević uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk:

==================== Summary ====================

Name: System-laza.417
Author: laza
Time: 30 January 2011, 4:49:32.347 am
UUID: 1c6e575a-eaf6-d14b-a42e-8241ff9c7428
Ancestors: System-ul.416

update the comment of getSystemAttribute: to match current VMs

=============== Diff against System-ul.416 ===============

Item was changed:
  ----- Method: SmalltalkImage>>getSystemAttribute: (in category 'private') -----
  getSystemAttribute: attributeID
  "Optional. Answer the string for the system attribute with the given
  integer ID. Answer nil if the given attribute is not defined on this
  platform. On platforms that support invoking programs from command
  lines (e.g., Unix), this mechanism can be used to pass command line
  arguments to programs written in Squeak.
  By convention, the first command line argument that is not a VM
  configuration option is considered a 'document' to be filed in. Such a
  document can add methods and classes, can contain a serialized object,
  can include code to be executed, or any combination of these.
  Currently defined attributes include:
+ -1000 1000th command line argument that specify VM options
+ ...
+ -1 first command line argument that specify VM options
+ 0 the full path name for currently executing VM
+ (or, on some platforms, just the path name of the VM's directory)
+ 1 full path name of this image (better use primImageName instead)
+ 2 a Squeak document to open, if any
+ 3 first command line argument for Squeak programs
+ ...
+ 1000 1000th command line argument for Squeak programs
+ 1001 this platform's operating system 'Mac OS', 'Win32', 'unix', ...
+ 1002 operating system version
+ 1003 this platform's processor type
+ 1004 vm version
+ 1005 window system name
+ 1006 vm build id
+ 1201 always returns 255 (Mac OS only)
+ 1202 file last error (Mac OS only)
+ 10001 hardware details (Win32 only)
+ 10002 operating system details (Win32 only)
+ 10003 graphics hardware details (Win32 only)
+ "
- -1000...-1 - command line arguments that specify VM options
- 0 - the full path name for currently executing VM
- (or, on some platforms, just the path name of the VM's directory)
- 1 - full path name of this image
- 2 - a Squeak document to open, if any
- 3...1000 - command line arguments for Squeak programs
- 1001 - this platform's operating system
- 1002 - operating system version
- 1003 - this platform's processor type
- 1004 - vm version"
  <primitive: 149>
  ^ nil!