Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-mt.1019
Author: mt
Time: 16 April 2018, 10:47:59.119614 am
UUID: 74d6692d-079d-0f4a-b384-980c63d7e71f
Ancestors: System-mt.1018
Adds script for installing (or updating) Metacello to the "Do" menu.
(Add it yourself or run "Utilities cleanUp: true" to test.)
=============== Diff against System-mt.1018 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: Utilities class>>initializeCommonRequestStrings (in category 'common requests') -----
"Initialize the common request strings, a directly-editable list of expressions that can be evaluated from the 'do...' menu."
CommonRequestStrings := StringHolder new contents:
+ 'Installer ensureRecentMetacello.
+ -
+ Utilities emergencyCollapse.
- 'Utilities emergencyCollapse.
Utilities closeAllDebuggers.
Sensor keyboard.
ParagraphEditor abandonChangeText.
Cursor normal show.
CommandHistory resetAllHistory.
Project allInstancesDo: [:p | p displayDepth: 16].
ScriptingSystem inspectFormDictionary.
Form fromUser bitEdit.
Display border: (0@0 extent: 640@480) width: 2.
Undeclared inspect.
Undeclared removeUnreferencedKeys; inspect.
Transcript clear.
Utilities grabScreenAndSaveOnDisk.
FrameRateMorph new openInHand.
Utilities reconstructTextWindowsFromFileNamed: ''TW''.
Utilities storeTextWindowContentsToFileNamed: ''TW''.
ChangeSorter removeEmptyUnnamedChangeSets.
ChangeSorter reorderChangeSets.
ActiveWorld installVectorVocabulary.
ActiveWorld abandonVocabularyPreference.
Smalltalk saveAsNewVersion'
"Utilities initializeCommonRequestStrings"!