Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-mt.1072
Author: mt
Time: 22 July 2019, 11:01:13.380271 am
UUID: da465e06-a24c-4ef2-9ecd-3c78c14fcd87
Ancestors: System-mt.1071
Fixes regression in class-ref search to not yield methods that send only symbols of class names. For class symbols, use regular senders search with a symbol (i.e., #allCallsOn:).
=============== Diff against System-mt.1071 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: SystemNavigation>>allCallsOnClass: (in category 'query') -----
allCallsOnClass: aBehavior
"Answer a sorted collection of all the methods that refer to aBehavior."
| theClass result |
theClass := aBehavior theNonMetaClass.
result := self
+ allCallsOn: (theClass environment bindingOf: theClass name)
- allCallsOn: theClass name
fromBehaviors: self allBehaviors
sorted: false.
theClass environment allClassesDo: [ :class |
(class sharedPools includes: theClass) ifTrue: [
result add: (ClassReference class: class) ] ].
^result sort!