Marcel Taeumel uploaded a new version of System to project The Trunk: Summary ====================
Name: System-mt.1074
Author: mt
Time: 22 July 2019, 11:47:50.192271 am
UUID: 89214728-19f3-4883-8e1c-9a702ce0b968
Ancestors: System-mt.1073
Since class references can be compared against method references, make it that method references can be compared against class references, too.
=============== Diff against System-mt.1073 ===============
Item was changed:
----- Method: MethodReference>><= (in category 'comparing') -----
+ <= anotherMethodOrClassReference
- <= anotherMethodReference
+ classSymbol < anotherMethodOrClassReference classSymbol ifTrue: [^true].
+ classSymbol > anotherMethodOrClassReference classSymbol ifTrue: [^false].
+ classIsMeta = anotherMethodOrClassReference classIsMeta ifFalse: [^classIsMeta not].
+ ^ self species = anotherMethodOrClassReference species
+ and: [methodSymbol <= anotherMethodOrClassReference methodSymbol]
- classSymbol < anotherMethodReference classSymbol ifTrue: [^true].
- classSymbol > anotherMethodReference classSymbol ifTrue: [^false].
- classIsMeta = anotherMethodReference classIsMeta ifFalse: [^classIsMeta not].
- ^methodSymbol <= anotherMethodReference methodSymbol